Reference 3137

Change, mediocre life!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, some people say that his life is mediocre?

Even more ridiculous.

Shi Feng didn't even smile.

"Brother, don't you want to get a lot of treasures in the nine ghost palaces?"

At this time, the young man secretly rumored Shi Feng.

"There are a lot of treasures in the Nine Secluded Palaces!" Shi Feng muttered the words, then turned his head and looked at the towering, heaven-like palace.

It turned out that this palace has now been named the Nine Secret Palace.

However, it is true that he is now the Lord of the Abyss of Sin.

Just as Shi Feng turned his head to look at the Nine Nether Demon Palace, the young man thought that he had moved his words.

"In this case, his life should not be necessary." He murmured secretly in his heart.

Just now, he did intend to kill the person in front of him.

After all, when he spoke to him just now, he said such a bad word.

In fact, this young man has locked Shi Feng. At this moment, I am afraid he will not let him leave again.

I'm afraid I won't even die.

Then, he opened his mouth again and said to Shi Feng: "How's it? Your heart is moving? I didn't expect that I could meet you here.

As long as you are there, as long as we play a big show, aren't we within easy reach of the treasures in these nine ghost palaces? "

"Oh?" Shi Feng said quietly.

Then he said, "Among the Nine Youmo Palaces, although the Nine Youmo masters are not there, they are still sitting in the town.

Aren't you afraid that if you break it down, you will endure the anger of the Nine Evil Masters? "

"Jiuyou Demon is handsome?" If the young man shook his head with a smile, he said to Shi Feng again:

"Brother, said you may not believe it, our leader is a strong person who is not weaker than those nine handsome monsters!

Even if it is really dismantled, our leader will inevitably be dispatched. Even if the real forces behind us are in a battle with the army of the entire Nine Nether City, we are not afraid. "

This young man spoke to Shi Feng again.

When he heard this, even Shi Feng was startled.

Hearing this, is he saying that in this nine ghost city, there is a force that is not weaker than the nine ghost city?

There is such a thing!

Whether it is true or not, it seems that we have to go with him to see the people behind him.

"How confident are you?" Shi Feng whispered to him.

"Hehe!" Hearing Shi Feng asking, the young man laughed and said:

"Brother, if you really want to go, just come with us. At that time, let's discuss together from a long-term perspective. What do you think?"

"Well, okay." Shi Feng nodded to him and said.

At that moment, he suddenly heard Xiao Tian also send a message to him: "Shi Feng, there is a mysterious force locking me, I can't move."

When Xiao Tian also said this, Yun Yimeng also heard: "Master, my body cannot move."

"Huh?" Shi Feng frowned as he heard them.

Previously, he and Yun Yimeng walked together, and Xiao Tian also walked together. When he stopped, the two of them stopped and looked at the young man together.

So this young man should know that the two of them are following their own way.

However, what surprised Shi Feng's heart was that he didn't notice it at all, and someone even started to attack the two of them, making them unable to move.

"On the feet!" Immediately after, Shi Feng found out.

Under the feet of Xiao Tian and Yun Yimeng, there were two fist-sized shadows.

It was the two shadows that bound his two bodies.

That black shadow, for Shi Feng, ran away at will, but for Xiao Tian and Yun Yimeng ...

"Don't bother you to see what they do." Shi Feng said to the two apprentices.


"Yes, Master!"

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the two responded in unison.

"Three, then let's go now." The young man said again.

"Go." Shi Feng answered.

Xiao Tian also nodded with Yun Yimeng.

Then, the young man came forward with a smile, walked to Shi Feng, and then turned around, standing side by side with Shi Feng.

Then he stretched out his hand and held Shi Feng's arm. The two immediately seemed to have an iron relationship, and said, "Come with me."

Then, she led Shi Feng toward.

And Shi Feng ’s mental strength has never left Yun Yimeng and Xiao Tianyi. He immediately saw that the shadow of the feet of the two men began to expand, and both of them were enveloped in them.

Then, he pushed them forward.

In this regard, Shi Feng ignored the situation for the time being, also told him to rest assured.

"Brother, haven't you been to Jiuyou Demon City before?" At that moment, the young man asked him.

After Xi Mu rebuilt this new city, not only the palace was named Jiuyou Demon Palace, but even this city has been named Jiuyou Demon City.

After hearing this, Shi Feng said, "I have been to the Sin City of Sin, this is the first time I have come to this city."

"Oh, that's it!" The young man nodded secretly when he heard Shi Feng's words.

Then asked again, "I don't know where my brother is from?

One of your two guards, although the martial arts level is low, the other one has entered the demigod. Your identity should not be simple, right? "

What he said was a low level of martial arts, naturally Xiao Tianyi.

He practiced the way of the soul all his life, and martial arts practice was naturally low.

His martial arts are now only for the emperor's realm.

And the way of his soul, in this world, it is not difficult to see through the realm of martial arts, but it is difficult to see through the cultivation of one's soul.

Unless the power of the soul far exceeds the opponent.

The power of the soul of Xiao Tianyi is the state of the demigod. Throughout the reckless continent, the power of the soul has stepped into the demigod, only a few people.

And Yun Yimeng, after entering the imprisoned world, his martial arts situation has long entered the demigod.

In fact, this young man didn't think about this. Since this young man has a demigod guard, why is the other guard so low?

"Mofei, are they other practitioners?" Then he thought.

There are so many ways in the world, not just martial arts.

Some singularities, Dacheng cultivation is also extremely powerful.

"This person is extraordinary in popularity. His real combat power should be more than just a military emperor. In fact, this person should take extra precautions!"

The heart of the youth.

Shi Feng said, "I came from a family of Abyss City. I was born to be born, but my qualifications are mediocre. Today, I am still in the state of Wu Zun. In fact, my status at home is very low. Over the years, I have been suffering from others Scornful and ironic.

Even the minions and slaves in the family made fun of them in the back and looked down on me.

My parents also hurt me. Hua Chongbao hired these two teachers for me ... "

(End of this chapter)

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