Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3147: Tianming ghost ancestor

Chapter 3147 Tianming Ghost Ancestor

Lou Shuo and the old man squinted and watched, the most mysterious method of the leader was useless in front of that person.

From beginning to end, the great and mysterious leader in their hearts did not even have a little resistance in front of that person.

"Jiuyou Lord, indeed, Jiuyou Lord!" Not far away, even the undercover Xixuan sent by Xi Mu, looked at the side with a stunned expression.

No wonder, then, the terrible evil three demon masters were killed by him.

The flames of blood burned, the woman screamed again and again, but then, the screams came to an abrupt end.

The middle-aged beautiful woman, the leader, was directly burned to death by the **** flames.

When Shi Feng was in a state of mind, the raging flames rushed to his body. At the same time, he saw that he reached out and grabbed something, and immediately caught something in his hand.

This object is a rusty ancient mirror, which is actually an eight-star demigod-level mystery.

From this ancient mirror, Shi Feng sensed a wave of space power.

This is a mystery that contains space.

The next moment, Shi Feng grasped the ancient mirror's right hand slightly, and the mark left by the leader on the ancient mirror was instantly broken by him.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng thought of it and was already in this ancient mirror.








Between a vast world, the sound of yelling and shouting kept echoing.

The body of Shi Feng's soul stands proudly in the sky of heaven and earth, looking down at the earth below.

There were dense figures, and at a glance, there were hundreds of thousands of people.

At this moment, these hundreds of thousands of people are extremely neat in their actions, as if they fit into one person and are training on the earth.

They shouted loudly and shouted from their mouths, shaking the world, so that the whole space was shaking.

A voluminous war of intent, straight into the sky.

This is definitely a well-trained elite!

"About 300,000!" Shi Feng said quietly, still quietly looking down.

He had previously heard that they were hiding hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers secretly.

"After seeing Xi Mu, I handed over the 300,000 elite to Xi Mu. With his ability, it should be able to make good use of it." Shi Feng murmured again and again.

The abyss of evil is very likely to be the front line of the Protoss invasion in the future. The stronger the strength, the better.

Soon, the soul body of Shi Feng proudly standing above the sky slowly retreated, and his soul thought quickly retreated from the space of mystery.

With his right hand, he put the rusty ancient mirror into his storage ring.

After doing this, Shi Feng turned slightly again, looking at the other two people in the hall, Lou Shuo and the old man.

These two people are still in this underground palace. It is not that they do not want to escape, but an invisible and supreme coercion covering them. They have no power to escape at all.

"Little ... Lord of the Nine Evil Demon!" Lou Shuo's body suddenly trembled when he saw that, and shouted at him.

"Jiuyou Lord." The other old man shouted, and also shouted respectfully.

Immediately after that, I only heard that Lou Shuo and then said again: "Nine You Demon Lord, we walked along all the way, and we were very happy. Can you spare my life!"

"Are you happy to talk?" Shi Feng sneered at hearing these words.

Along the way, he was talking to himself, how to fight his own idea of ​​the treasures in the nine ghost palace.

He talked a lot, he talked more and more, and even excited.

Seeing the smile on Shi Feng's face, this building soon realized that this was a bit wrong, and quickly re-opened, shouting:

"The Lord of Nine You demons for his life! In the future, I will be loyal to you!"

"Your master has just died, and the woman who is ambiguous with you has also been killed by the demon. In order to survive, you have been swearing allegiance to the demon so soon. What kind of main purpose is the devil like you? Shi Feng Road.

"You, let's die with peace of mind." When Shi Feng said this, the supreme coercion shrouded by Lou Shuo was suddenly mad.

"Ah!" Lou Shuo could clearly sense that death was coming, his face had changed fiercely, his eyes widened.

But just then, "Boom! Boom!"

"Boom boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

The roar of roar burst out again in this empty underground palace.

The roar at this moment is more fierce than before, and the entire underground palace trembles with it, as if this small space is about to collapse at this moment.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Shi Feng's brow moved suddenly, then turned.

"Ah!" I felt that I was about to destroy Lou Shuo under the supreme coercion, and suddenly felt that coercion under the pressure suddenly disappeared.

After Shi Feng turned around, his eyes were already fixed on the tall, dark goblin statue.

He had sensed that all the shocks and fluctuations at this moment came from the evil statue.

"What's going on? What statue is this statue famous for?" Shi Feng's voice echoed in Lou Shuo's ear.

That's why he didn't kill the person just now, leaving him dead.

Lou Shuo's face slowly turned to the tall, dark statue, only to see his eyes opened wide at this moment, and then he widened, and said:

"It's Tianming Guizu! The leader was killed, Tianming Guizu sensed it, it should be ... it should be, the goddess of Tianming Guizu came!"

"Tianming ghost ancestor?" Shi Feng said.

As the master of billion ghosts, he didn't like this title very much.

Lou Shuo said, "Tianming ghost ancestor is the world's ghost master. Our leader has always believed in this heavenly ghost ancestor!

It is said that the leader's miracle is passed down from the gods of the gods.

The leader is a faithful believer in the **** ancestors of Tianming. Once, I have seen many times that the goddess of heaven consciousness came because of the leader.

Now, it must be that the ancestor of Tianming Gui sensed the death of the leader, and his divine thoughts once again came from endless hell! "

"The ghost master in the world?" Shi Feng even disliked the words.

"Boom boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

And the ghost image was swinging violently at this moment. Then, just listening to the gloomy and ancient sound of anger that was extremely cold, from the ghost image:

"Who, kill the devout believers I have chosen in this world! Who is it! Who is it? I will throw you into my boundless hell, so you will never be born! Ah!"

Just that voice, at this moment, has made Lou Shuo, Yan, and Xi Mu, who are not far away, involuntarily trembling.

It is already felt that the whole body will not belong to itself.

It is really hard for them to imagine what a terrible existence it is!

(End of this chapter)

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