Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3152: What does the Lord do?

Chapter 3152: What Does The Lord Do?

Shi Feng grinned suddenly at Xi Mu, who was proud and dry at this moment.

At this moment, Xi Mu seemed to realize something suddenly, and the smile on her face suddenly condensed, and her face became serious and mighty again.

As if at this moment, suddenly changed again.

The left hand is covered by the right hand holding the Thunder God Halberd. Xi Mu once again fists in respect of Shi Feng and respectfully yells:

"Thank you Lord for giving the halberd!"

"Don't do this, I said, a broken halberd is nothing compared to the Thunder God of War formula you taught me!" Shi Feng told him.

Then he said to him: "After you become stronger in the future, you will understand how mysterious the Thunder God of War is."

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Xi Mu nodded solemnly.

Shi Feng said to him, "Okay, it's getting late, you can take a rest first!

Tomorrow morning, outside the Nine Secret Palace! "

"Yes, my subordinates retreat!" Xi Mu Shen Sheng should drink.

Following this, he also retreated from the Nine Nether Demon Hall.

In fact, at this moment, he originally wanted to leave here and study the magical halberds in his hands. He wanted to try how powerful this magical halberd can be in his own hands.

Xi Mu left, and then, Shi Feng's figure fluttered, and her body flew backwards.

Soon after, he flew back to the throne of the black bone, and sat cross-legged on the throne.

Soon, Shi Feng entered the practice.

That night, Shi Feng spent all of his cultivation.

In the early morning of the next day, a guard entered the temple and reported: "Devil Lord, the right guardian slightly asked for advice!"

Hearing that word, Shi Feng slowly opened her eyes and said, "Xuan!"


After the guard responded, he withdrew from the magic hall. Then, the right guardian appeared slightly, entered the magic hall, came forward, kneeled on one knee, and reported:

"My lord, as you have commanded, the boulder has been placed outside the palace."

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded to him and said, "Go!"

With this word, he has got up.

"Yes!" Wei Xian said, then got up, and slightly bowed to the side.

After the demon came over, he followed behind him and went out.


Outside the Nine Wraith Palace, a huge rock like a hill stands.

Many people have gathered here in the early morning.

And at this moment, those who gathered here are all prominent in the Nine Youmo City, and respected by the Lord of Nine Youmo.

In addition to Zuo Hufa far away, even under one person, the nine you demons handsome Ximu are here, ranking the forefront of everyone.

"Magic handsome, you have a wide range of knowledge, you can see that the monster is the megalith, what exactly do you want to do?" Wu Yuan said, asking Xi Mudao.

In the magic hall yesterday, Jiuyou Demon asked Right Guardian to prepare a boulder. At that time, they all speculated what Jiuyou Demon wanted the boulder to do.

"The demon majors in knowledge and insight. It has long surpassed my cognition, and this devil can't guess." Xi Mudao said.

Yesterday, the one who talked to himself about the divine realm, and the **** king above the divine realm, was that he was out of reach.

What's more, he even took out a **** king triple heavenly order vase and gave it to himself at will.

Xi Mu naturally felt that since he could get an artifact of the triple king heavenly grade, and even sent it so casually, then his martial arts practice may have reached such a level, and it is very likely that it is far away. Beyond.

In particular, his own weapon must have been above the purple thunder halberd!

"He told me last night that he was about to pass on his martial arts in this abyss of evil, and all the souls of the reckless continent can come to enlighten ..."


Soon after, the crowd only heard a sound of whistling and drinking: "The Lord of the Nine Spectres is here!"

When they heard the shout, the people immediately shook their bodies, then bowed towards the demon palace, and said in a deep voice, "See Jiuyou Lord, Long Live Long Live!"

"See Jiuyou Lord, Long Live Long Live Long Live Long Live!"


The voice reverberates around the world, just like the mountains and tsunami.

Immediately afterwards, people saw the majestic figure who stepped out of the Nine Secret Palace slowly, behind them, followed by the honorable right protection method slightly!

Not who else is the Nine Wraith Lord!

At this moment, Shi Feng also looked up at the huge stone outside the Nine Phantom Palace, opened his mouth slightly, and asked him:

"Master, is this stone feasible?"

"OK," Shi Feng replied.

When these two words came out, he saw his body suddenly flew up, and flew towards the boulder.

"The demon took the initiative."

"You can see what the main stone is doing."


People talked.

At the speed of Shi Feng, he quickly flew in front of the huge stone, and at this moment, Shi Feng spread his right palm and faced the huge stone with his palm.

Immediately afterwards, a scarlet flame was seen pouring out of his palm and burning towards the boulder.

"Is this what the Lord wants to refine?"

"But it's just a big rock. What can it extract?"

"But the Lord of Lords naturally does this, naturally it has his intentions. I think that although burning such a seemingly large stone, this matter is definitely not easy!"

"But this stone is just a stone that the Lord asked the right protector to arbitrarily find!"

"The demon's intention is that we can really get through. We should just watch it quietly, and don't guess at it."



The flames of blood, burning more and more fierce, the entire boulder, at this moment has been swallowed by blood flames, looking like a burning mountain of flames.

Under the flame of the holy flame of the holy flame, this heaven and earth has become a cold place, and those who had previously approached the boulder involuntarily backed away and watched from a distance.

Not only was the torch extremely cold and cold, they were a bit unbearable, but the supreme coercion made them feel extremely palpitated.

Many people know that as long as the blood flame contaminates their body, they may be able to wipe themselves out.

This is worthy of the flame of the Nine Wraith Master. The Nine Wraith Master is truly terrifying.

Gradually, gradually, people saw the mountain of flames as if a London gradually appeared.

"Looking like a monument?" Someone said, saying.

Hearing that, someone nodded secretly: "Well, the shape is a monument."


Shi Feng looked at the blazing blood and murmured, "It's almost fine."

As soon as he said this, the turbulent billowing hurricane immediately returned to him, surging very fast.

Soon, a tall and mighty stele appeared in the eyes of all.

And on the stone monument, there are three words printed like flames, which are words on the barren continent.

Someone slowly read: "Budai monument!"

"Budo monument? What does this mean?"

"I haven't sensed anything special about the stele burned by the Lord, what is he going to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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