Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3163: Mother and sister

Chapter 3163 Mother and Sister

Poisonous girl with white hair, maiming the common people.

But there are mysterious people sheltering and helping others.

Shi Feng also heard such remarks on her way to Cangyue City.

However, above his face, there was still peace, as if indifferent to it.

That girl is not only a disciple of Qin Rufan, but also a friendship with herself.

How could I let others hurt her.


Eastern Region, Yunlai Empire Cangyue City.

This was originally an extremely ordinary city in the Eastern Region, but today, this city has been called the "Emperor City".

The legendary Jiuyou Emperor fell, and after rebirth, he rose from this emperor city.

Nowadays, various legends of Emperor Jiuyou are circulating in the imperial city.

"At that time, the Emperor Jiuyou was in this city, beheaded Bailong, telling the world that he has been born again!

It is said that the Emperor Jiuyou at that time was only three years old! "

"The emperor cut Bailong at the age of three? Is there such a thing? Even if the emperor is born again, he should also re-cultivate, right?"

"Re-training? Oh, little girl, you are really too young.

Who is that? That is the Emperor Jiuyou. He was once the world's first strongman. As long as he awakens his memory, he has returned to the practice of pride in the world, so no need to cultivate! "


"Tianfengzong, now listening to an extremely strange gate, but that year, it was the first gate of our Yunlai Empire, but it was extremely powerful.

Because the disciples in their gates didn't have long eyes, they offended that one in our Cangyue city. As a result, the entire ancestral gate was brutally destroyed. All the female disciples in the gate, huh, you know. "


"At that time, who could have thought that the little boy walking in Cangyue City was the rebirth of the peerless emperor.

Ha ha, Cangyue City, there were four big overlords, everything was empty, almost nostrils, no one was in the eyes.

As a result, what are the four big families, the four big overlords, such as landslide dogs! "


"I heard that in the Cangyue city, the Emperor's Yuwei still remains today. In recent years, many martial artists have rushed to Cangyuecheng. Fortunately, the Emperor's Yuwei was sensed. The successful breakthrough of martial arts is really amazing. ! "


Shi Feng, now walking alone in Cangyue City.

This small town that is familiar and now feels strange.

In just a few years, the city has really changed a lot.

At this moment, there are countless foreigners in this city.

Almost everyone will talk about the Peerless Emperor, the Nine You Emperor.

Some even spit and talked hotly, but did not know that the one in his mouth actually passed by him, but he didn't even look at him.

"Cangyue City, back again." Shi Feng murmured secretly.

He now only hopes that his mother and sister really returned to this land.

She and two, but never again.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng, who was walking, slammed and broke.

However, in the city of Cangyue, on the avenue, the crowd was still extremely crowded. At the speed of that empty air, these people in the city could not capture his trace at all.

Shi Feng flew without causing any slight waves.


Xiuling Village, once a desolate village, is now a place of interest and has been protected.

When Shi Feng arrived in the sky above Xiuling Village, she saw the village below, which had been kept conservative by layers.

No one is allowed to enter the village today.

The power of his soul immediately shrouded below, gathering towards the deepest part of the village, a run-down cottage.

That hut was the hut he had lived with his mother and sister for many years.

Here, full of their memories.

Soon, everything inside the house appeared in his mind.

At this moment, the house was very neat and clean.

Two figures were sitting quietly in the room.

"It's really here! They, it's really here!" Shi Feng shouted immediately when they saw the two figures.

The stone in my heart finally let go now.

As long as the mother and sister are fine, that's the best.

Unexpectedly, they really returned here.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng violently moved and rushed down.


In the broken but neat and bright room, Bai Yue'e was sitting on it, holding cloth and needlework in her hand, and was working as a female worker.

Shi Ling was quietly suspended in a corner of the house, her legs crossed, her eyes closed slightly, and she was in a state of cultivation.

And the breath she exuded at this moment seemed to be a little different from the days before.

It seems that this little girl, this little pervert, has become stronger again.

"Wow!" Immediately, Shi Ling suddenly made a frivolous sound. With a more and more beautiful face, his slightly closed eyes slowly opened.

Shi Ling's voice was not soft. Bai Yue'e, who was sitting on the bed with a busy female worker, heard it, looked up, looked at her little spirit, and asked:

"What's wrong, Linger."

Linger also turned her head to look at her, and suddenly a beautiful and playful smile appeared on her pretty face, and said, "Mother, who are you?"

"Who's here?" Bai Yue'e murmured, followed immediately, and her complexion followed, her face showing joy, saying, "Fenger! Fenger is here?"

"Hee hee, mother so smart." Shi Ling said with a smile.

"Mother!" At this moment, only a man's voice was heard, and it suddenly sounded in the room. Then, a black figure appeared quietly before Bai Yue'e's bed.

"Fenger!" Looking at the son who suddenly appeared, Bai Yue'e immediately called out, and the female worker in her hand quickly put it on the bed.

"Brother!" Linger made a clear cry when he appeared.

Followed by, she said, "I know, needless to say, brother knows we are here."

"You girl." Upon hearing her, Shi Feng turned her head and said to her:

"When you come here, don't ask anyone to say a word. You know how worried I was when I went to Long Chen and said that I hadn't seen you."

At that time, he was really taken aback by his peerless emperor.

"Ah!" Shi Ling heard a shock from Shi Feng's words.

Little girl didn't think so much, she didn't expect it to be like this.

She said: "I thought that my brother couldn't find us and would know that I and my mother went home, Linger, I didn't think so much."

"Fenger, this time is the idea of ​​the mother. It is the mother who does not want Chener to know. The mother and Linger are here.

In the palace life, the mother is really not used to it. At this time Bai Yue'e began to speak to Shi Feng.

Hearing Bai Yue'e's words, Shi Feng said nothing for a while.

I just sighed in my heart, "Oh!"

At that time, I had a lot of things to do, I didn't think so much at all, I didn't think about these feelings of my mother.

(End of this chapter)

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