Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3165: Familiar picture

Chapter 3165: Familiar Picture

Shi Ling looked at his brother Shi Feng in confusion, Bai Yue'e looked at him, and then Xingyue also looked at him.

They all want to hear his explanation, and even Xingyue wants to hear how he explained.

However, he followed closely, but he heard him say, "This matter is more complicated, and I will make it clear in a while. I will tell you slowly later."

"Linger wants to know now." However, Shi Ling said so.

"Fenger, are you forcing someone else to do something unwilling!" And Bai Yue'e, at this moment, seemed to see something, and said to Shi Feng.

It can be clearly heard that Bai Yue'e's voice was a little cold at this time.

This is indeed very strange.

The child, Le Er, has never mentioned it to himself before, but now he is so old.

And this girl, who appears here, has never acknowledged her relationship with him.

"Did you brother ..." Linger, after all, has grown up now, already eleven or two. After hearing the words of his mother, he immediately understood what it was like, his eyes widened and he looked at his brother.

But brother, it should not be that kind of person.

Looking at the mother and sister looking at themselves with such eyes, Shi Feng smiled bitterly and said, "There were some accidents that year, and I was compelled to do so.

Indeed I am sorry Xingyue. "

"Girl, is that so?" Bai Yue'e asked Xing Yue.

"That year, we really couldn't blame him completely. He, too, was forced to do so," Xingyue said.

Hearing Xing Yue said this, Bai Yue'e's complexion, this only eased a lot.

But think about it, Fenger is really not that kind of person.

And this girl, since she is willing to bring her children with him, may have forgiven him.

"This child, is willing to come here. She should have Fenger in her heart, too. These two people, the child is already so old, what are they still thinking about?"

Bai Yue'e said in his heart.

The girl in front of her is indeed so beautiful. Bai Yue'e looks more and more like it.

"Le'er, come here and let grandma hug." Bai Yue'e smiled at Le'er.

Hearing Grandma Bai Yue'e's words, Le Er did not approach her, but raised her head and looked at her mother-in-law.

Xing Yue nodded slightly to her, and said softly, "Be obedient, let's go and let grandma hug."

"Well, my dear." Le Er nodded cleverly, his small face turned to Bai Yue'e again, and his grandma shouted, "Grandma ~~~"

Then, slowly walked towards Bai Yue'e.

When Yueer came over, Bai Yue'e stretched out his hands, hugged him, hugged him, and smiled cheerfully: "Le'er good! Good, my good."

"Hee hee!" At this time, Le Er also laughed happily.

"Let grandma take a good look at my Leer. My Leer is so handsome and looks exactly like your father when he was a kid."

At this moment, almost all of Bai Yue'e's attention was focused on the grandson.

At this moment, she seemed extremely happy and satisfied.

Looking at her mother like this, Shi Feng smiled lightly, which is also counted as the mother's long-cherished wish.

Although this process is somewhat different than imagined.

After a while, Bai Yue'e looked at Shi Feng again and said:

"Our family is reunited today, Fenger, you can buy some vegetables in the city, and your mother will make some delicious food for you."

"Mother, I want to go too." At this moment, Linger said immediately to his mother.

"Okay, that Linger goes with your brother." Bai Yue'e said to Linger.

When Xingyue was about to say something, Bai Yue'e immediately said to her:

"Girl Xingyue, the two of them are gone, so you can stay with your aunt and talk more."

"Okay, Auntie." Xing Yue answered softly.

Bai Yue'e nodded with a smile.

Bai Yue'e not only looked at his grandson more and more, but also the girl.

Knowledgeable, beautiful and pretty, almost the same as his imaginary daughter-in-law.

Shi Feng looked at Xingyue and her mother, and then said to her mother, "So mother, the baby is gone."

"Let's go." Bai Yue'e still looked at Xingyue, without looking at Shi Feng and Shi Ling.

"Mother didn't even look at us, she seemed to be partial." But Shi Ling said something.

Hearing her, Bai Yue'e turned her head to her and said to her:

"Stupid girl, what are you talking about? You are all the same in your mother's heart, they are all good children of your mother, and the mother will never be partial to one."

"Hee hee." Hearing his mother's consolation, Linger smiled, then turned to Shi Feng and said, "Brother, let's go."


Shi Feng nodded, and then turned around, and then went outside with her sister.

While they were walking, Bai Yue'e's eyes kept looking at the two of them. After seeing him open the door and walk outside, and then slowly closed the door back, Bai Yue'e smiled at Xing Yue again and said:

"By the girl Xingyue, you don't have to stand all the time. You don't have to be too restrained. When you come, it's like going to your own home. Come and sit, sit next to your aunt."

"Okay, Auntie." Xing Yue replied softly again, came to the bed, came to Bai Yue'e, turned slowly, and sat down.

Then slowly stretched out her right hand, stroking the little head in Bai Yue'e's arms softly.

Just now, Le'er was still playing with Bai Yue'e, and before he knew it, this little guy had already fallen asleep.

As soon as I woke up today, I started to play, and it seemed to be tired.

Bai Yue'e smiled and smiled at Xingyue, "Yueer, how did you meet Fenger?"


"Brother, I heard that you like the exquisite sister-in-law of the Tianlan Empire. How come there is an Xingyue girl?"

Shi Feng and Shi Ling are not empty at this moment, and they are walking on this familiar country road together.

At this time, Shi Ling spoke and asked Shi Feng.

Shi Feng said: "My lord, you little child, what do you know?"

"Cut!" When Shi Feng said that, Shi Ling dismissed and said:

"People are no longer children. Linger knows all of your things."

"You little girl, don't learn well!" Shi Feng learned.

Brother and sister walked here, all of a sudden, as if to find the sweet feeling of the year, the taste of the year.

Road, this road, people, or these two people.

This picture is so warm.

Playful, stir up.

However, once on this road, silhouettes can be seen everywhere.

But now, it has been deserted, and he is the only one.

"Brother, I heard that the people in the village were all dead overnight." At this moment, Linger suddenly spoke to Shi Feng.

Hearing her words, Shi Feng frowned. He didn't know it.

Shi Ling also said: "I heard that the village was haunted. Overnight, all the people in the village ... were dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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