Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3167: Evil spirit

Chapter 3167: Evil Qi

The full sugar candied fruit was offered, and the little spirit next to him had been put out with his eyes.

However, she naturally understood that she could not charge for nothing.

These mortal people have a low status and their lives are not easy.

However, Linger really likes these rock candy gourds, and really wants to stay all and eat them.

"Brother!" Shi Ling showed a pitiful appearance, blinking his eyes and looking at Shi Feng.

Seeing the little girl like this, Shi Feng naturally saw her careful thought at a glance.

At that time, there was only a small amount of money on her body, and this little girl was like this, but she felt softened and bought her a sugar candy gourd.

When he turned his right hand, a yuan stone appeared in his hand. Then, he handed the old man to his right hand, and took the left hand to pick the wooden stick filled with sugar candies.

When the old man saw Shi Feng handed over Yuan Shi, his eyes suddenly opened again and again, "This ... this is ... Yuan Shi! From the mark of Yuan Shi, this is the lower grade Yuan Shi!

Nothing ... Great ... Nothing ... ”

Immediately afterwards, the old man realized the identity of the previous year again, and swayed at him with his left hand.

Although it is said that the yuan stone is the stone required by the martial arts, it is useless to mortals who do not understand cultivation.

However, Yuanshi has already become the universal currency of Tianheng, and its scarcity value is far higher than gold and silver!

Such a piece of inferior stone is enough for the old man to enjoy a year of luxury.

If you are frugal, you can live for years.

Far beyond all these sugar candies.

"The Emperor let you hold it, and you hold it, don't you want to resist?" Shi Feng said again, and said to the old man.

"Ah!" Upon hearing what he said, the old man was startled again.

He knew that resistance, it was a death penalty!

Then, his empty left hand stretched forward, just stretched out, and then retracted back.

He wanted to take the piece of inferior stone, but was afraid to take it.

When Shi Ling saw this, he took the yuan stone from his brother, and then shoved it into the old man's hand.

He said, "My grandfather, my brother asked you to hold it, so you can hold it with ease, don't be afraid."

With these remarks, her two little hands took over the wooden stick filled with sugar gourd in the old man's hand.

Little Linger, already "hungry and thirsty"!

"Thank you, Emperor, and God of War. Thank you, God of War!" The old man thanked Shi Feng again and again, knees bent, and then kneeled towards Shi Feng again.

"Let's go." Shi Feng said to Shi Ling.

The rock candy gourd was in hand, and Xiao Shiling had taken it off and put it in his mouth and ate it.

The little mouth has been raised, and when he heard what his brother said, he said, "Well, okay, brother."

The mouth full of rock sugar gourd, the sound of vomiting is already ambiguous.

However, just as Shi Feng and Shi Ling were about to turn around and leave, the voice of the old man still kneeling on the ground sounded again:

"I beg you, please help me, please help me, the emperor."

The voice was full of petitions.

Upon hearing his words, Shi Feng and Shi Ling's feet ate at the same time, and Xiao Linger turned his back on half of his body.

"Brother, he looks as if something is happening, it seems to be very clever." Shi Ling said to Shi Feng with an unbearable expression.

However, Shi Feng was still calm, as if indifferent to it.

At this time, Shi Ling spoke again, and said to the old man, "Grandpa, get up and talk first. What did you encounter?"

"I ... I ..." the old man replied: "I encountered ... a ghost!"

When the old man said the last word, the whole man was trembling with his own words.

"Ghost?" Shi Ling said.

"Ghost?" Shi Feng murmured.

"Yes, the emperor, the little old man did not lie to you. The little old man, really hit the unclean thing. It is true." The old man said sincerely.

"From the beginning to the present, I haven't felt the slightest evil spirit in you, and you are still alive, even in good looks. Even if you really meet a ghost, the ghost you meet is not an evil one, and you will not You are dead. "

Shi Feng told him.

After speaking, he said to Shi Ling, "Let's go, Linger."

"Oh." Linger answered, but his eyes gathered on the old man who looked a little helpless at the moment.

"Imperial, you ... wait a minute! Emperor, emperor!" The old man shouted again in tears when he was about to leave.

However, at this moment, a dark mist filled with evil spirits suddenly appeared on his face.

"Huh?" Shi Feng's footsteps just walked suddenly again, frowning suddenly, turned back, and looked at the old man again.

But at this moment, the evil and black mist on his face had disappeared, and everything was back to normal.

"What's going on? Just now?" Shi Feng frowned deeper and deeper.

"Brother, what's wrong?" Shi Ling asked Shi Feng when he saw this.

"Some famous people have hidden my feelings," Shi Feng said to her.

His soul induction, what a pervert it is, but what happened to this mortal, without his induction, seems not simple.

"Oh?" The girl nodded her head when she heard Shi Feng's words.

Shi Feng walked back and walked back to the old man.

Seeing him return, the old man shouted again excitedly: "Great Emperor!"

"Talk about your situation," Shi Feng said.

"Yes, yes, yes, the emperor!" The old man answered again and again:

"About twenty days ago, a distant cousin of the little old man came home with a wooden box, saying that he had found an antique, and now he was in urgent need of silver, and he wanted to make that antique cheaper for me.

When he opened the wooden box, there was indeed an antiquities in it, there were indeed some years, and the little old man also likes to collect antiquities, and when he looked at it quite heartily, he bought it from him.

But who knows, the first night I bought the antiquities, I felt the cold wind blowing across the room, and the whole body was uncomfortable.

At that time, the little old man immediately remembered my treasure from my distant cousin.

Because of the love of antiques, I also know some taboos. Little old children have heard people say that some antiques of unknown origin, if they are abnormal, are likely to come from the graves of others, or from places contaminated with evil spirits.

Because of fear, the little old man immediately took out the thing and rushed to my cousin's residence overnight. Who knows, my cousin has already moved away.

So, the little old man hired a carriage again and rushed to his hometown. As a result, when the little old man rushed to his hometown, he saw that no one was in his house, and the house was like a long time. No one lived.

Ask the neighbors, but they told the little old man that three years ago, the family was ransacked by a thief, and the old man died in the disaster.

Especially my cousin, many people saw it with their own eyes, they were terribly dead, their hands and feet were cut off, their heads were separated ... "

(End of this chapter)

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