Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3170: Official battle!

Chapter 3170: Official Fight!

When the old man answered Shi Feng's words, he looked sincerely.

The reason why Shi Feng believes that there is something here, one is that such a thing that can compete with itself is attracted to it, and the other is that this wooden house has not yet been collapsed.

The force swept away by my own collision with the black hands just now, let alone a small wooden house, even a huge mountain, I am afraid it can collapse.

And the reason why the old man is still alive is that he has always been guarded by the power of a good little stone spirit.

Shi Feng already thinks that in addition to them, there are other things not simple in this room.

However, under the shroud of his soul's power, he hadn't noticed yet.

Suddenly, Shi Feng thought, and two **** lights shone beside him.

After the blood fell, two figures appeared.

"the host!"

"the host!"

The person who appeared was the black and empty evil summoned by Shi Feng from the blood stone tablet. When he saw Shi Feng, he shouted respectfully to him.

"There should be strange things here, you two look into the ground." Shi Feng said, and ordered the two corpses.


Heisha and Kongsha responded in unison.

Subsequently, the two corpses slowly sank and sank into the ground.


This time, a more ferocious howl sounded than just now.

Shi Feng saw that the black thing rising from the blood flame was violently shaken. Suddenly, Shi Feng's face changed suddenly and fiercely, and he saw the denseness in the wooden house where he was located. , Countless black hands.

Black hands are already mad.

Just now, just two black hands shook Shi Feng back, but at this moment ... there are so many.

"Linger, be happy!" Shi Feng yelled at her sister behind her.

Looking at his eyes, Shi Ling naturally understood the seriousness of the matter, and his mind was immediately relieved to that person.

Shi Feng immediately moved his mind, his blood flashed, and he had put his sister into the space of the blood stone stele.

And the old man behind him, although not happy, but so ordinary, if Shi Feng wanted him to be a blood stone, he could forcibly inhale it.

However, Shi Feng did not do so.

If you want the old man's life, you can easily take that black evil.

But according to the old man, that thing has followed him for more than twenty days, but for more than twenty days, the old man has not died.

Even when the old man is not at home, this thing will follow him.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng immediately thought of something again, and said secretly in his heart, "What old man is this man?"

However, at this moment, it was not his turn to think about anything. I saw a black hand suspended in the cabin, violently violently, and violently arrested him.

Above Shi Feng's forehead, the third demon eye suddenly opened wide, and the demon ears, devil fingers, and demon hand immediately appeared together, rolling in the magic mist, raging in anger, and evil night armor, showing him.

Immediately afterwards, holding the peerless thunderbolt, and the hands controlling the power of the peerless thunderfire, rioted at this moment.

"Oh! Oh! Ah! Ah!"

Just listening to the screams of pain, it kept ringing.

Shi Feng's power is constantly destroying a black hand that only grabbed at him.

And the power of his soul has never left the old man's body.

Sure enough, as he expected, the thing has never attacked the old man.

He just stood still in a daze, his old face covered with incomparable horror, and he stared blankly.

The scarlet flames raged, and the dark devil thundered. Shi Feng not only continued to destroy those black hands, but his body was rushing forward and rushed to the black evil.

And that evil thing naturally knew Shi Feng's intention. When Shi Feng rushed in, it was flying back.

The dense black hands gathered in front of Shi Feng, as if forming a thick hand wall to resist Shi Feng's way.

"Huh!" A rumble hummed from Shi Feng's mouth.

At this time, I also saw a black object appeared in the hand of Shi Feng.

The size of the baby's fist and the heart-shaped shape are exactly the source of darkness that he got a while ago.

"All, get me!" Shi Feng yelled coldly, throwing the dark source in his hand forward, and suddenly violently shot forward.

"Ah! Huh! Ah! Ah!"

The dark source that flew out was rapidly growing, and wherever it passed, a black hand was instantly destroyed to nothingness.

Ascend to the peak, everything is destroyed!

Shi Feng was mad again in front of him, immediately following the source of darkness, followed by the source of darkness, blasting forward.

"Oh! Ah!"

Shi Feng heard a sound of incomparable panic from the front.

It was that black evil thing that sent out!

He flew very fast, and in this haste, it stands to reason that he should have flown out of this small wooden house.

Not only it, but also the rapidly growing source of darkness, it stands to reason that it has already exploded.

However, the space of this cabin is endless.

The black evil, and the source of darkness, Shi Feng, are still here.

This little wooden house has a lot in it!

I don't know if this is the case, or because of this black evil.

"Boom!" There was a violent blast, and it rang.

Although the black evil flying speed is fast, the dark source soil is faster. At this moment, it has become a huge source soil and slammed on the evil object suddenly.

The monster trembled, and the painful groaning sounded again and again, but at this time, Shi Feng had also arrived, moving his hands together, the force of thunder and fire, constantly violently blasting towards this black monster.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Ah! Ahh! Ahh! Huh!"


Bursts and bursts of painful calls continued.

Shi Feng grinned at the corner of his mouth, a sneer appeared on his face, and said, "Evil things, get out of this emperor! Otherwise, this emperor will tell you to fly away!"

"Oh! Ah! Ah!"

However, no evil thing came out of the black object, and the black object still made strange noises.

"Since you are stubborn, then you will be destroyed!" Shi Feng's voice became extremely cold instantly.

The source of darkness shrank. Shi Feng grabbed it with his right hand, and immediately grasped it again.

Followed closely, smashing down toward the black strange object.

"Wait ... ah ... no ... don't ..."

In Shi Feng's mind, he immediately received such a signal.

This signal naturally came from this black object.

Seeing the source of darkness, he was about to smash on this thing, and the signals continued to reveal Shi Feng's mind.

"Stop ... Stop ... Please ... Ah ..."


A chuckle erupted from Shi Feng's mouth, and his hand slammed down. At this moment, he paused suddenly, seeing the source of darkness, only a delicate centimeter away from the black thing.

"Finally afraid? Nie obstacle!" Shi Feng said with a sneer.

"Hmm ..."

Shi Feng felt it, when that thing heard his words, it seemed very angry ...

(End of this chapter)

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