Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3174: The main city of nightfall

Chapter 3174

After Shi Feng and Shi Ling flew away from the wooden house, their bodies soared into the void together.

Soon after, the night had come. The brother and sister flew in the vast night sky. Soon, they saw the familiar and now unfamiliar Cangyue City again.

Although it is night, the city of Cangyue is brightly lit, as if daylight, it is still crowded with people.

This small city is more prosperous than it was then.

"Brother, we have to hurry up, it's already so late, my mother must be anxious at home. And the baby at home must be hungry."

Xiao Shiling said to Shi Feng.

"City in the city ..." Shi Feng's soul has covered the whole city of Cangyue, murmuring in his mouth.

Soon, he pointed down with both hands and drank in a deep voice: "City Lord, there! Let's go down!"

"it is good!"

Xiao Shiling answered, then the two siblings headed towards the center of Cangyue City, a mansion that looked extremely luxurious and fell away.

The whole mansion, each area is inlaid with orbs, exuding a soft warm and bright light, it looks no different from the day.

"Slap! Slap!" Two blaring sounds, Shi Feng and Shi Ling landed on a highest roof.

The tiles used on this roof are all gold tiles. It looks as if they are all made of gold. It is really luxurious.

"Cangyue City came to see me." Shi Feng said calmly.

However, his voice immediately echoed throughout the city's main mansion.


"Who is so bold?"

"Ah! Someone came to our city's main house to make trouble?"


"Who dared to run into the city's main mansion, dare to scatter it!"

"Ah! Someone!"


Dao Li Li echoed immediately in the Fuzhong.

However, there were also slaves in the house who shouted in a panic.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng and Shi Ling sensed that in all directions, all kinds of forces rushed towards him.

Sword gas, sword gas, sword light sword shadow, gun wave, flame, strong wind, huge wave, thunder ...

Countless forces gathered to his brother and sister.

When Shi Feng made a sound just now, she had deliberately exposed her location to them so that the city lord could rush over to see herself.

However, they did not expect that these martial arts warriors took the lead in launching attacks on their brother and sister.

If the average person even cultivates as a low-profile person, I am afraid that he will drink hate under such multiple attacks.

"Huh! Presumptuous! I don't know how to live or die!" A cold voice suddenly made in Shi Feng's mouth.

And at the moment when this voice sounded, I saw all the power coming from all directions into nothingness.

"what happened?"

"Our attack?"

"Who is the one who breaks into the city's main government?"

"So strong!"

"Such a strong man broke into our city's main house. Tonight, I am afraid it will be a hard battle!"

"I'm afraid no one except the Lord of the City can compete with this strong one!"

"Where is the Lord Lord? Has the Lord Lord returned to his house? If Lord Lord is not here, we ... I'm afraid!"

"Master City Lord, it seems that he really is not in the City Lord's house tonight ..."



In an instant, all of their attacks were wiped out, and the city's main house had already uttered a shout of extreme shock.

Someone has even realized that it is not good.

"Who, dare to come to my city's main government to spread the wild!" And at this moment, many people in the city's main government heard a strong male voice coming from a distance.

"City Lord, Lord City Lord's voice!"

"The Lord of the City is back!"

"Master City Lord!"


When Shi Feng heard the voice, she turned to look at it.

I saw a middle-aged man in a green shirt with hands behind his back, his face full of arrogance, and his movements running. He leapt constantly on the roofs of houses in the city, flashing, and quickly.

"Brother, he is the master of Cangyue City." Shi Ling also looked at the side at this time and said to Shi Feng.

A few days ago, her identity with her mother was revealed, and the Cangyue City Lord personally visited the door to meet them.

"Oh." Shi Feng only responded lightly.

Soon, the figure had approached the two of them, and the pride on that face remained unchanged.

"Master City Lord!"

"Master City Lord!"

"Welcome to Lord Lord!"


The moment he returned, the Fuchu shouted an extremely respectful shout.

The previously anxious face immediately disappeared with the return of this one.

In their opinion, as long as the Lord of the City is present, even if the sky falls, it will be nothing.

"Who's coming to my city's main house to scatter the wild." Then, the city master spoke again, though his voice was calm and quiet, but it had echoed in the night.

From this calm and indifferent tone, you can hear that the Lord Lord of the High City is not in the eyes of the future.

Looking at the person, Shi Feng sneered and said, "Good Lord of Cangyue City."

"You ..." The owner of Cangyue City spit out a "you" to Shi Feng, but soon, in the darkness, he noticed the little figure beside Shi Feng.

At this moment, I saw the proud look changed suddenly, and sent out an extremely surprised, extremely incredible shout: "Princess!"




The voice of the Cangyue City Lord was very loud. After hearing the words, many people in the government changed their faces at this moment.

The Cangyue City Lord, at the moment he recognized Shi Ling, had already realized that something was bad.

He had no idea that it would be this man who came to break into his city's main mansion.

If it is the ordinary princess of the Yunlai Empire, it may be better.

But this ... this is the princess!

Since this is the princess, the person next to him said to himself just now ... the man who is a high-minded Cangyue City Lord is ...

"Ah!" Thinking of this, the entire heart of the Cangyue City trembled violently, and immediately focused all his energy on the person and the face.

The next moment, I saw two eyes on that face, watching as they were about to pop out of their eyes.

The burly body shivered involuntarily.

"It's him! It's him! It really is him!"


The main body of the Cangyue City immediately moved, and his knees bent quickly, and he slammed down and bowed in the direction of that side, exclaiming:

"Ah! The sinner is damned. He has no eyes. I do n’t know if you are there. I hope the emperor will forgive him!

"Ah! The Great?"

"Princess? The Great?"

"Princess? I see! It is said that the princess has now returned to her hometown! Now she lives in that village.

Couldn't it be that the one who broke into our city's main house tonight was ... that princess ... and that great emperor ... that great emperor ... ''

"Oh ... hmm ..."

(End of this chapter)

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