Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3187: Ling Yunzi's ex-wife!

Chapter 3187 Ling Yunzi's ex-wife!

"You're too slow, hurry up to my aunt!"

At this moment, the middle-aged woman who had previously urged her voice to speak again.

At this moment, she said these words and pushed forward with one palm.

Immediately, I saw a large palm print like a swirl forming in front of him, violently blasting towards the Shi Feng people.



"This power!"


As soon as they felt the oppressive power behind them, Ling Yefeng, Xiao Tianyi, Yun Yimeng, and Ning Cheng suddenly changed dramatically.

That middle-aged woman, Xiuwei Wudao is the existence of the triple king of the King of Gods.

How terrible her power was for the four of them.

I am afraid that as long as they approach, they can be wiped out!

"That woman!" Shi Feng, who was still struggling with Youmian in front of her, suddenly gloomed.

Everyone is opening the road, and they are watching the show all the way, but at this moment they are still attacking this side.

"Dammit!" Shi Feng spit out coldly.

At that moment, the woman had been put on his list of kills.

The scarlet raging flames in his left hand were ready to be burned back to meet the large palm prints from the woman's bombardment.

How could he watch his apprentice and grandson die?

"Huh?" But at this moment, Shi Feng's face suddenly moved again.

Seeing that the eddy palm print is about to explode in Zhong Ling Yefeng, Xiao Tianyi, Yun Yimeng, and Ning Cheng, the four of them are getting more and more ugly.

Seeing as if full of terror and helplessness.

However, at this moment, the woman suddenly gave a clenched grip, and instantly, the large swirl of the swirling palm print disappeared without a trace.

Only in this moment of time, the pressure in Ling Yefeng's hearts suddenly reduced, but at this moment, as if experiencing life and death, the four of them were breathing heavily in their mouths.

"I ... I depend! That woman, she's playing with us." Ning Cheng said.

Although the words were spoken in his mouth, he still felt a bit reluctant to think of the horrible power just now.

"Poor ... gap ..." Yun Yimeng said:

"The gap between us and the warriors in this world is really too big. In their eyes, we are no different from ants. They can be pinched to death and played with!"

Yun Yimeng said these words, his face was unwilling, his fists clenched and his body was trembling because of the emotions in his heart.

This feeling of being regarded as weak by others is really very uncomfortable.

Not only Yun Yimeng, Ling Yefeng, Xiao Tianyi, and Ning Cheng are all extremely unhappy.

In their hearts, they are really eager for greater strength.


"This gang of waste, my sister, you just killed these wastes. These wastes are useless at all."

Among the thirty-three people in the rear, someone opened his face disdainfully, and said to the middle-aged woman who had just launched the large swirl print.

However, after hearing the words of the man, the woman named Auntie was even more disdainful in saying:

"What's the use of killing these wastes? Wouldn't it be better to leave them dead and continue exploring?"

"Mother-in-law? Could it be this person, that's the woman." When hearing the man's shout, Shi Feng suddenly heard the quiet thoughts beside him.

"Have you heard of this woman?" Shi Feng asked him.

"Lin Yunzi, the five guardian of the Heavenly Sacred Land, heard that his former wife, Yu Yanniang, was also a martial artist who entered the kingdom of God.

It seemed as though something had happened, and then they were justified. "Yannian said.

After speaking this sentence, after a while, he nodded slowly and said, "The cultivation of the power of Xuankong, the cultivation of the Three Kings of God, should be right!

The six elders of the sacred space, Yu Yuniang! "

"Xuankong Holy Land!" Shi Feng secretly memorized this power.

Since this woman is a person in the black space holy land, it means that one of these four forces is the black space holy land.

One of the most powerful men who climbed the peak is the peak power of this Lord of the Black Space Holy Land!

"Ling Yunzi." He murmured again in his mouth. Immediately in his mind was the Kendo strong man seen in Tianhuang Holy Land, and the middle-aged figure in white.

"Since Yu Yanniang is here, then one of the four powerful men who reached the peak and created the extreme realm should be the Lord of the Xuankong Holy Land, Mystery!" Quietly said again.


"I have been paying attention to these seven people just now. I first suspected that the person whose soul approached the Divine Realm might be the one who caused Xu Zun to feel uneasy.

Look now, this person doesn't look like! "

"Well ... I started and doubted these four people.

Xiu is so low, but dares to come to this terrible place ... "

"The other three ... can the person who caused Xu Zun to feel uneasy is this little bald donkey in Yinling Temple?"


At this time, some of the thirty-three people began to talk quietly.

As for Xu Zun's speculation, none of them would doubt it.

As for these discussions, they naturally proceeded in secret, preventing everyone from Shi Feng.


As for Shi Feng and You Nian, they are still marching on the dark plant while they are marching.

To this day, the horrible and evil Tianyin God Eater is still densely packed, everywhere.

As if endless, there is no end to killing.

With the constant battle with this dense God-level monster, Shi Feng and Nianyou's Nine Nether's dying power was consumed extremely fast.

Fortunately for Shi Feng, there is still the death force and blood support left by the soldiers who killed the warriors in the blood stone stele.

Nowadays, there are fierce wolves before and tigers. They can only be forced to do so.

Even keep the means.


"These people seem to have prepared a lot of gods in order to enter this extremely fierce place." At this moment, someone in the rear looked at the front with a look of drama.

"Yeah. It's not easy to support till now. Haha." Someone laughed.

"Let's continue to watch the show and see how long these two guys can support." Another person said.

"But did you notice that the little bald donkey at the Yinling Temple really seems to have hidden strength and means? From the perspective of the god, it is the little bald donkey that disturbs Xu Zun.

He is very likely to hide some means of Yinling Temple, everyone, it is better to pay attention to it. "



At this moment, most of Shi Feng thought that Xu Zun had speculated that the uneasiness was the difference.

Among them, thirty-three old men with white eyebrows and white robes slowly opened their eyes at this moment and looked at the figure of the incarnation golden man, secretly whispering:

"Will it be him?"

(End of this chapter)

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