Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3189: Divine Fire Fighting Tianjue?

Chapter 3189: Divine Fire Fighting Celestial Formula?

Xu Zun said nothing, after a while, the middle-aged man with no surname spoke again, saying:

"My brother, who was humiliated by Leng Aoyue that year, can't beat the pervert, and that period of humiliation can only keep in his heart for years.

Now, some people say that it is the Heavenly Son, and he couldn't hold it anymore. He couldn't beat Leng Aoyue, so look for it from the Heavenly Son! "

However, after saying this, everyone could only hear him suddenly drink: "Everyone, speed up and catch up with them."



When the surnameless man's voice just fell, the speed of the thirty-two people's flight quickly accelerated.

Suddenly, these thirty-two people launched a more violent attack together than before, and blasted towards them like the yin and goddess flowers that came from the waves, but they turned into nothingness, even screaming. Too late to send.

From now on, with these thirty-two people as the center, there is no other energy except violent energy within a hundred meters.

The Tianyin Goddess Flower, which is constantly drilling out of the desert, has not dared to approach this 100-meter circle, and has been completely shaken.

With the thirty-two figures moving quickly through the air, the Tianyin Goddess Flower continued to perish. At this moment, the fierce Tianyin Goddess Flower was madly retreating.

Like the ebb of the Black Sea.

Thirty-two **** kings, are truly invincible, sweeping everything!


At the forefront, the seven Shi Fengs are still crazy killing monsters, flying wildly.

And everything behind is naturally in their induction.

"It's strong! It's really strong!"

At this moment, even Shi Feng sent this burst of emotion.

"Little lunatic, there is a fish that leaks the net!" At this time, Zi Yi suddenly said to Shi Feng.

"I know, keep an eye on him," Shi Feng said.

The fish that they said was naturally out of the crowd, a sun that rushed towards them, and that one, Wudao Xiu was a peerless powerhouse in the triple world of God King.

"The prince of God is fourfold, and it looks like he is as if we have eaten it! For such ants, my purification butcher can easily kill this!"

A disdain appeared on Zi Yi's face, and then said to Shi Feng.

"Now don't worry so much," Shi Feng told him.

He didn't think much of this **** king Sizhongtian. He mainly focused on the thirty-two people behind him.

The **** Wang Sizhong was approaching seven of them hurriedly, but after the thirty-two speed suddenly increased, he began to follow closely behind him.

If this guy is killed at this time, it will be more difficult for them to get out of terror.

"They are flying faster and faster, following us closely, it seems that they have already seen our intentions, and it may be difficult to get away."

You Nian said.

"Yes." Shi Feng nodded.

But there is no other way but to try and do it.

Otherwise, we can only continue to listen to people and continue to be in the danger of being killed at any time.

"Master, it's foggy there! Purple and black fog!" And just then, Xiao Tian suddenly said to Shi Feng.

The mountain they were away from now, at this moment, was filled with billowing fog, and the color of the fog was actually a black and purple, which made people look very disturbing.

"Huh?" With the purple and black mist, Shi Feng naturally gathered the power of the soul towards him. However, under the purple and black mist, the purple and black mist contained a strange power, and immediately took him The power of your soul is bounced off.

"The power of my soul is bombarded, that is to say, under this purple and black fog, all induction will be useless! If they successfully enter it, then they will be extremely difficult to find us." Shi Feng said.

"Master, you can still remember the ancient mirror I gave you!" At this moment, Xiao Tian also reminded Shi Feng suddenly.

"Gu Jing! You mean that!" Upon hearing Xiao Tianyi's words, Shi Feng suddenly realized!

Linger was struck by the domineering family tyrant Xun that day, but Shi Feng felt faintly when she was in the war continent. After that, she tried her best to rush back to Tianheng.

Finally, seeing Linger was all right, finally reassuring.

And at that time, Xiao Tian also took out an ancient mirror that could hide his body, even Shi Feng, who had a powerful soul, could not sense his existence.

Later, according to him, the ancient mirror was obtained from a secret place in Nether Purgatory. The only flaw was that he could not launch an attack after hiding his body. Once launched, he would reveal the original form!

"Yes! Master, at these critical moments, you will be able to use it just now." Xiao Tian also said.

"Huh! Right!" Shi Feng said.

The thoughts flashed in his mind, and soon he knew what to do.

"Dead!" They suddenly drank, and rang from Shi Feng's mouth again.

Move your palms together and slap to the left and right.

The tianyin goddess flowers that came from the left and right sides were destroyed under his power.

At the same time, Shi Feng immediately voiced to the other six people: "You, all of you are happy!"


"this is?"

"Hmm! Okay, Master!"

"Yes, Shizu!"


At this moment, with the exception of Ziyi and Ningcheng, the others immediately had no suspicion and immediately let go of their minds.

But soon, Ziyi and Ningcheng also let go of their minds.

As soon as Shi Feng thought, the six of them immediately shone with blood, and they were all sucked into the space of the blood stele by Shi Feng.

"Ying ants, surrender the Heavenly Son!" But at this moment, Shi Feng heard the man behind him and made him a commanding voice.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng felt that an incomparable coercion appeared above her head, violently pressing down towards herself.

It was like a giant mountain coming down.

This sacred king has four strengths, and the sacred king will be crushed by this coercion into powder.

This man, at this moment, is going to kill him directly with this coercion!

At the same time, Shi Feng can clearly sense that there are countless breaths covering himself behind the man.

Those people, seeing that they had six of them in the mysterious space, saw that they and others would rush into the mountain to get rid of them, and they would also attack themselves at any time.

"Huh!" A cold hum hummed suddenly from Shi Feng's mouth.

"Boom!" Immediately, just listening to the sound of an extremely violent mad thunder, suddenly exploded on Shi Feng's body.

He is a master of thrilling skills and a thunderous war.

I saw the momentum on him, and suddenly began to rise suddenly.

"He, the momentum is changing!"

"He, it feels like I changed someone!"

"This man ... this combat technique he performed ... it seems like the stunt of our divine fire palace ..."

"Sure fire, battle tactics!"

(End of this chapter)

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