Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3196: Related to that kid?

Chapter 3196 related to that kid again?

In the dark purple misty mountains, Dao Dao's figure began to mad, began to retreat here, and continued to explore this extremely fierce land.


As if the extinct thunder exploded at this moment, in the sky, in the huge black vortex, the thunders gathered and burst down.

This Levi is to destroy this world.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

In the ground, the giant monster in the shape of a spider seemed to sense something at this moment, sending out a manic roar.

At the same time, the other hand kept making noises like anxiety.

Dancing with the riots in the ground, all of a sudden it looked extremely chaotic.

Later, Shi Feng felt that the monster was retreating backwards, and his dense head and hands were also retreating.

These things seem to be afraid!

"Oh, dog thing, now I know I'm scared!" Seeing those ghosts retreating, Shi Feng's rotten flesh and hazy face appeared a cold and cruel smile.

Scarlet blood shone beside him, and Hesha was called out again.

"Boom!" And at this moment, an extremely violent thunder blew suddenly on him.

Thunder God of War once again worked, and then, Shi Feng drank suddenly, yelled at Heisha: "Follow me!"

"Observe, my lord!"

Heisha once again operated the earth supernatural power, and the two figures quickly moved through the underground world again.

"Boom boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"


The earth raged violently, "Oh! O!"

That beast sensed the movement from above, sensed Shi Feng and Heisha chased, and then roared.

"The magic that urged you to help me, at this moment!" And at this moment, Shi Feng's idea had already been transmitted to the blood stone stele.

A boundless void, Ziyi, Ling Yefeng, Xiao Tianyi, Yun Yimeng, Ning Cheng, You Nian, and Zi Ya gathered together.

However, in their distance, a bright red shadow floated.

It's the ghost woman, Jian Tong!

Not long ago, Shi Feng was attacked by the horrible creature. Shi Feng notified Jian Tong like Ziya. If the situation was wrong, let her follow Ziyi to retreat in time.

However, Jian Tong did not agree. She told Shi Feng that if she left, she would go together. If he didn't leave, she would stay to help him.

Even if Shi Feng teleported him to this area, she didn't go through with her, but she quietly appeared in the distance, and then sensed the movement of Shi Feng outside the blood stone monument.


"The magic power that urged you to help me, at this moment!" At this moment, Jian Tong immediately heard the voice of Shi Feng entering the blood stone stele.

Echo immediately: "Received!"

Imprints of both hands and hands immediately throbbed.

In the underground world, the giant monster looked farther and farther away from Shi Feng, and the huge body hurriedly shuttled, watching that one had been far away.

"Oh!" Growled slowly from his mouth.

This roar was different from the previous one. At this moment, avoiding such a long distance, it seemed to sigh in relief.

But just then: "Oh ..." For a moment, a light laughter suddenly passed into its ears.

When he heard this chuckle, the huge black creature's black face suddenly changed dramatically.

Even the densely-followed follower trembled at this moment.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The snarling roared in front of him.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" The strange hands and heads also roared violently.

They wanted to retreat again, but it was too late, a peerless dark thunder came violently, and in a moment, they swallowed up this space and everything in this space.

"Boom! Boom Boom Boom! Boom!" Mo Lei, still destroying insanely.


In the distance of the dark purple shrouded mountain peaks, all the figures were suspended and looked at the violent side quietly.

After leaving the mountain peak, they could clearly see the dark vortex and the violent thunder that fell from the vortex.

"Why is this heaven and earth such a vision now? This thunder is really horrible." Someone said in surprise.

"It's a terrible place, everything is unexpected. It is said that even if you climb the peak to create a strong person, you may fall here without notice!

If you have reached the peak and suffered the bombardment of the magic thunder just now, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist. "Another warrior said.

When this person said something, many people turned their heads subconsciously, looking at the four strongest members of their crowd.

They are at their peak.

It was found that at this moment the four violent black mines who looked down from the sky were also looking very dignified.

Peerless Thunder, not even the four of them dare to underestimate.

At this time, the old man with white eyebrows must speak slowly and respectfully, and said to the brother beside him, "No brother, I have never seen a brother Yang."

"Since we entered that mountain, I haven't seen my brother," said the man with no surname.

Followed by, he said, "But this brother of mine, blessed is great, and nothing will happen."

"Brother Yiyang, there is only one chance. If this extremely fierce place can really go out alive, perhaps, it is very hopeful to step into the peak and reach the top." Xu Zun added.

When the old man said these words, his face turned slightly, and he looked at the brother beside him.

The corner of his mouth grinned, and there was a faint smile on his old face.

At this moment, he wanted to see the brother next to him, and what expression would appear when he heard this sentence.

Although they are brothers, they ...

However, the brotherless eyes were still staring at the violent peerless magic thunder in the distance, and there was still a dignified color on his face, only a slight answer:


After that, there is no following.

Seeing that he didn't say anything anymore, the old white-browed man smiled again, then turned his head to look at the other side. Suddenly, his brow slowly wrinkled and said quietly:

"This thunder, how do I feel a little familiar, like I've seen it somewhere."

"This thunder?"

"This thunder!"

Xu Zun's voice was not low, and everyone around him looked moved when he heard him.

Actually, it wasn't just Xu Zun, there were many people just now, who thought that Black Ray was very familiar.

"That kid! Just now I wanted to say that this thunder was very similar to the thunder that the kid had previously urged, except that the breath was very close.

It's just that this thunder is too terrifying. "Someone said in surprise.

"That kid!"

"The black thunder the kid used!"

"Can it be said that this terrifying thunder is not related to that kid?"

"This ... isn't it? Maybe it's just similar.

He introduced God King, although he had fought against Yiyang's predecessors ... but this thunder ... "

(End of this chapter)

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