Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3205: Strange tree

Chapter 3205 Strange Tree

Phantom fingerprints pinched, and a forest of white runes slowly rose from him.

Soon after, Fu Yan ignited the flames of Senbai, and immediately turned into ashes.

That rune is naturally a mourning of the ordering note previously mentioned.

Youn can communicate to Leng Aoyue through this symbol.

"Everyone be careful." Shi Feng said to the other three.

This gloomy land brought by the Devil Crow of the Dead Realm is by no means a good land.

And they haven't got the ghost-yin sunflower seeds, so they can only find them in this fierce land.

Although, even now, the shadow of the ghost ghost sunflower seed has not been seen, the legendary thing is nothing.

"Hmm!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, Younian, Ziyi, Jiantong nodded.

Shi Feng turned his head and looked at Ziyi and asked him, "In those years, the people in the Hidden Ling Temple got ghost ghost sunflower seeds. Do you know where he got it in this extremely fierce place?"

"I don't know." Ziyi shook his head and said, "The old guy is said to have left a shadow in this extremely fierce place, and he doesn't want to mention it again.

With the stubborn temper of the old guy, no one except him knows it. "

"Okay." Shi Feng said.

Now being brought here by the group of dead crows, they are unable to determine where they are in the most fierce place.

Shi Feng's soul power swept through. In this weird jungle, his soul power was not suppressed.

A large jungle was shrouded in strong soul power, however, Shi Feng did not sense a living creature.

This jungle, a dead silence, is like endlessness, the power of a powerful soul cannot sense its end.

At this time, Yunnian passed the Solomon's lamp in his hand to Ziyi and said to him, "This thing belongs to the original owner!"

"You put it first." Ziyi said to him, and then said:

"I urged two artifacts. It was too laborious and I could not exert the power of the two artifacts. It was a waste in this dangerous place.

You are a little madman and grandson, everyone is your own, so the magic lamp of Solo will be in your charge for the time being. "

"That's it, okay." Tingzi Yi said so, Nocturne nodded.

At this time, Shi Feng said again, and said to them, "We flew into the void to look at the local environment."

After saying this, his figure flew up first.

Immediately afterwards, Ziyi, Younian, and Jian Tong also flew into the void and looked at the Quartet with Shi Feng.

However, as far as their eyes are concerned, everything is reflected in the power of Shi Feng's soul.

It's a big, weird and weird tree.

"Which direction should we go in the jungle?" Jian Tong said.

"Now it's difficult to determine where we are in the most ferocious place, and where exactly the ghost-yin sunflower seeds are, and this place is weird.

Next, we just choose a direction and try our luck.

Everything, let it be! "

Ziyi said.

"Well, everything is up to you!" Shi Feng nodded and said.

The next moment, he saw that his body had moved and rushed forward.

Seeing him move, the three also immediately followed.

"Since the Return of the Dead Raven is here, it is very likely that this is the nest of the Dead Raven!

Since it is the site of the Devil Crow of the Dead Realm, it is normal for the inanimate to dare to approach this place. "Yuan Nian stared at the front, and analyzed the Shi Feng people.

The Devil Crow of the Dead Realm is fierce, and there is a Devil Crow King who surpasses the peak.

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded.

"Oh!" Suddenly, Shi Feng made a surprise sound.

"what happened?"

Upon hearing Shi Feng's voice, the other three turned their heads and asked Zi Yi.

"Follow me!" Shi Feng said to them.

As he said this, his body turned to the right, and then he flew away in this direction.

"It seems that the ancestor found something." Shi Feng suddenly made that voice and said that again, Younian said.

"Can this guy find the nest of the Devil Crow? That guy has evolved to such a powerful level that he must have lived endless years. If it was that guy's nest, I am afraid ... there are many good things!"

Zi Yi also said.

As he said these things, Ziyisheng accelerated his flying figure.

Soon after, they saw a dark, unusually tall tree in the distance ahead, a tree that looked like a giant mountain, straight into the sky, and knew it at a glance.

At the next moment, the four figures of Shi Feng flew up obliquely, and flew directly to the top of the tree.

The power of Shi Feng's soul has all gathered on this giant tree at this moment, without letting it go.





Suddenly, the four of Shi Feng heard the sound of gurgling sounds from the giant tree.

They saw that the trunk, branches and leaves of the tree suddenly moved.

Shi Feng's keen soul power immediately sensed that this tree suddenly produced a breath of life at this moment.

"This tree is alive!" Looking at the tree, Whimpered a whisper.

Immediately afterwards, she saw a blaze of momentum rising from above the giant tree.

"Fighting!" Ziyi sang immediately.

Such a tree demon is absolutely no small matter!

With the sound of Zi Yi drinking, the sacred golden light flashed immediately in front of him, and the purification floating slaughter immediately appeared.

Subsequently, the purple flames rolled, and the magic lamp of Solo was summoned by the Son of Heaven.

The source of darkness immediately appeared the hand of Shi Feng.

Later, Shi Feng said to Jian Tong beside him, "You're behind me."

"Okay." Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Jian Tong immediately smiled and nodded at Shi Feng.

At this moment, the three men looked dignified, and only she could laugh.

The red shadow fluttered, and immediately behind Shi Feng, Jiao's body leaned close to him, seeing that it was about to be attached together.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The sound of bursts of noise continued to come from the giant strange tree.

"Woo! Hoo! Hoo!" Immediately after, they even heard strange noises from the giant tree.

"Get started first!" Shi Feng said to Ziyi and his apprehension.

As he drank the words, the source of darkness in his hands was first thrown out by him.

"Solo's flame!" You Nian drank, and immediately urged the magic lamp of Solo, and immediately saw the raging purple flame burning, and burned away to the giant tree.

"Purification!" On the purification floating slaughter, the sacred golden light spread violently and shrouded toward the giant tree.

The three powers at this moment, at this moment, can be equivalent to three peak-making and extreme-strength powers to shoot at the same time.

"Eh! Heh!" However, as if a strange laugh, suddenly echoed in this world.

The next moment, Shi Feng and the four saw a dark light curtain descending from the sky, immediately blocking the giant tree.

Blocked the fierce attack launched by the three of Shi Feng ...

(End of this chapter)

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