Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3209: One shot and one resistance!

Chapter 3209: Boom and One Resistance!

Facing the real strong enemy, the magic eyes, ears, hands, and fingers once again manifested.


Thunder God of War tactics also urged, right palm thunder, left palm fire, thunder fire frantic, toward that muster respect.

"Just this power? Want to compete with me?" However, looking at Shi Feng's attack, Xu Zun said disdainfully.

The right paw still struck forward.

Under his claws containing the supreme power of climbing to the peak, the power of thunder fire launched by Shi Feng continued to collapse.

Even if he tried his best, he couldn't stop the breath-taking of the ascendant.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Zun's claw turned into an afterimage, flashed to Shi Feng's face gate, and immediately grabbed Leng Jun's face.

"Oh, before true absolute power, everything is just futile.

I am compassionate and give you another chance to honestly surrender all your secrets and let you go decently. Xu Zun said.

However, after hearing his words, Shi Feng sneered again on his face, and said coldly to Xu Zun:

"Old thing! Come on! The pain you will suffer on me, I will definitely pay you back ten times! Haha! Hahaha!"

Shi Feng was talking and suddenly laughed.

"Stupid, mortal man, you have no chance at all." Xu Zun said with disdain.

As soon as the words fell, he saw that the claws holding Shi Feng's face trembled.

"Ah!" Suddenly, a terrible scream came from Shi Feng's mouth.

He only felt a violent violent shock to his face, and saw his face, like a porcelain bottle that was shocked, and cracks appeared.

It was dense, like a blood-colored spider web, and red blood flowed continuously.

Leng Jun's face was instantly disfigured.

"Huh?" However, listening to the scream, looking at the broken face of Shi Feng, the old man with white brows frowned.

Xu Zun believes that his own blow just now should be enough to destroy the entire face.

It was unexpected that only these cracks appeared.

However, following him, he was shocked to see that the rift that was shocked by his own strength was now healing at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

"I didn't expect that your physical training was so strong! You have an extraordinary method of recovery.

The secrets of your kid are really the same and then the same. Today, I slowly dug up. "

Xu Zun said again.

When he said this to Shi Feng, his old face appeared full of disdain.

The body is tough, and the repair method is good. He must respect it and not put it in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he grabbed the hand on Shi Feng's face, and suddenly burst out with an incomparable strength. The emptiness around him was all shaken by his strength.

Heaven and earth, as if about to collapse.

Later, Xu Zun blasted this powerful force into Shi Feng's face fiercely.

"Ah!" A scream that was more painful and screaming than before, roared out of Shi Feng's mouth.

From this roar, you can hear how painful he is suffering.

Behind Xu Zun, the two **** kings, the triple heavenly strongman, stood there watching quietly.

The man was as silent as ever, with a calm face, looking solemn.

The man turned his head to look at him and asked, "Xu Yan, what are you thinking?"

"Nothing to think about," Xu Yan answered.

"Oh." After hearing Su Yan's words, the woman suddenly laughed and said, "Why do I look at you like I have a mind."

This way, you always do this, and you rarely care about me. "

"Xu Die ..." Xu Yan wanted to say something, but immediately swallowed what he would say later.

"Whatever you want to say, just say it, I listen." Xu Die said with a smile.

"That night, if it weren't for you ... I used that thing, I wouldn't do that to you.

But ... I am a family member, and what happened that night, we should all forget it. "Xu Yan said.

"Forget? Oh." After hearing Xu Yan's words, Xu Die seemed to have heard the world's most funny jokes, saying:

"Xu Yan, you went to me, do you want to forget it like this?

I told you all, I don't mind the yellow-faced woman in your family, as long as you are willing to follow me, that's enough. "

Having said this, Xu Die smiled even more at the mature and cheeky face of Xu Yan, and then said softly:

"Hiko, isn't it beautiful?"

"You ..." Spit out the word, Xu Yan looked a little angry, and then he simply stopped paying attention to Xu Die, turned his face again, and looked towards Xu Zun and Shi Feng.

Seeing Xu Yanwang head back there, Xu Die also turned his head, and immediately he was surprised:

"Well! This little guy ... was bombarded by the multiple forces of the head, and it was fine."

"This person's physical defense, and this armor on him, are extremely difficult!" Xu Yan said.


Blood stele, an endless void.




Hearing the screams from the outside, I saw the outside scene through the blood stone tablet, Ling Yefeng, Xiao Tianyi, Yun Yimeng, full of anger on the face.

The most respected person in their hearts was so humiliated by the old man.

These three people really have the urge to rush out and work hard with him.

"Second Master, can you come over in time!" Ling Yefeng said to Younian.

"It's hard to say!" Younian said.

Then explained to the people around:

"That Xu Zun blocked the heaven and earth with his power. Here, it's a weird and terrible place. I have a hard time telling whether my order was transmitted."

"Although the master is physically strong, he once resisted the Protoss to reach the peak and make the strongest for seven days.

But if the three brothers never come, the master will kill the old guy sooner or later! Xiao Tian also expressed concern.

At this moment, they entrusted almost all their hopes to Leng Aoyue.

If Leng Aoyue does not come, not only will Shi Feng be killed sooner or later, I'm afraid they will escape the old guy's poisonous hand after Shi Feng is killed.







In the dark world, the painful screams continued to echo.

Na Xuzun grasped Shi Feng, and the force continued to slam him violently.

Shi Feng's face was once again beyond recognition, bloody, like an evil spirit.

However, with the constant bombardment of Shi Feng, Xu Zun's old face frowned.

He realized more and more that the body of this guy, the metamorphosis of this dark armor.

Although this guy's cry sounded miserable, in fact, most of his attacks were resolved by the dark armor on him and his abnormal body.

Did not hurt him at all!

(End of this chapter)

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