Chapter 3214 Xu Yan's Means

"Everyone thinks that he must be born with mysterious magical powers.

However, they did not know that feeling was felt only when he was in a state of calm.

Hey! "

When he heard the two figures rushing down, Xu Yan sighed secretly and said secretly.

He hadn't stood upright yet and didn't rush down.

On the nature of mind, if it is normal, no one can reach it.

However, now that the situation is out of control, he has lost his calm, and he usually seems to have changed a person.

In fact, Xu Yan only saw this for the second time.

For the first time, fifty years ago, he saw the owner's emotions out of control.

At that time, Xu Yan tried to persuade him to calm him down.

However, everything is useless.

At that time, the head of the club almost killed him in one hand.

Now, the situation has lost his control again, and he ...

But this time, Xu Yan didn't say anything after seeing him like this.


"Get out of Ben Shao!" Seeing those two people, Shi Feng was still very calm.

With his hands still behind him, he said lightly to the two.

Speaking of these words, I saw the Sumiyama below him, and then there was a sudden shock.

A force that could suppress all the forces in the world suddenly rushed forward, rushing towards Xu Zun and Xu Die.


Feeling the power burst out, Xu Zun screamed, slammed down with one palm, and countered that power.

"Ah!" But Xu Die, her pretty face suddenly became very special, her face was extremely jealous, and she exclaimed.

That's not the strength she can compete with.

"Ah, head, save me! Save me!" Although Xu Zun countered a part of the power, there was still a mad force to hit her.

As she shouted, her figure crept back.

However, Xu Zun seemed to be indifferent to her shouting, and her old face still showed a fierce look, and her eyes stared at the bottom.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Bursts of shouts even more anxious.

"Sudahiko! Save me! Save me! Sudahiko!"

Seeing that Xu Zun did not take any action at all, Xu Die had already called for help to Xu Yan over the sky.

However, Xu Yan not only did not shoot at her and rushed down, her body began to rush up continuously, avoiding the peerless power of the mountain.

"Xu Yan! You! You treat me so!" Xu Die drank loudly.

But immediately followed, "Ah!" That peerless force had hit her, and even devoured her body completely.

After a scream was sent out, a triple king of the gods, the flesh had become nothing, and was completely annihilated in this world.

"Waste!" Xu Zun, who was still competing with the peerless force, spit out the voice coldly.

But just as the voice had just fallen, "Uh!" A moan sounded from his mouth.

It seems that although he is a peerless powerhouse who has reached the peak and created extreme conditions, at the moment, he is still struggling to resist the power of that mountain.

As soon as the body trembled, the smashing violent shock struck him, and he saw that he was immediately shaken up to fly up.

"This mountain is indeed very strong, not bad!" Shi Feng said, looking at Xu Zun, who was flying up, and then looked down at the giant mountain below him.

Then, under the giant mountain, he immediately lifted the ground, followed closely, and Shi Feng's feet stepped on Xumi Mountain.

Xu Mishan took him and continued to rush up and chase the two men away.

"Head!" At this moment, Xu Yan rushed in, held up Xu Zun who rushed up, and shouted at him.

Su Yan then said, "He is in charge. The situation is extremely bad. Let's withdraw before we talk!"

With these remarks, Xu Yan continued to rush forward with Xu Zun's body shape.

"Withdraw?" Xu Zun murmured the word, but Xu Yan had found that after suffering a loss just now, his mood seemed to be much calmer.

"Ah!" Xu Zun gave a deep sigh, and on the old face, he showed extreme unwillingness.

"I didn't expect it! I really didn't expect it! Actually, it would end like this!"

"That kid, I was so close, I was struck by the shock! Everything on him, and Sumitsuyama, we will soon get our hands, but the results ..."

Xu Zun really said more and less reconciled.

There is a feeling that the whole body strength is gathered, but the fist can only hit the air.

"Head, let's talk first!" Looking at the mountain below, watching the dark shadow getting closer and closer to himself, Xu Yan said again.

"Ah! That's all it can be."

Although extremely unwilling, Xu Zun chose rationality in the end.

"Old thing, where to run!" Shi Feng shouted coldly towards the top.

He saw at this moment that the two figures were moving faster and faster.

Immediately afterwards, a wave of peerless power rushed out of Sumiyama and rushed towards Nasu and Suhiko.

They want to die on their own, to get everything on them, then they must be prepared to pay everything.

Xu Zun and Su Yan flew very fast, however, Xu Mishan and the force of the storm were faster.

Xu Zun and Xu Yan, their faces changed again.

"Boy, don't bully people too much! If the old man explodes himself, he will let you die!"

Xu Zun spoke fiercely again.

Immediately afterwards, he pointed down with another finger.

What was used was the stunt of their Sumiyama, which was the finger of Sumi.

"Try it!" However, Shi Feng said so disdainfully to the threat of Xu Zun.

Immediately afterwards, the power of Sumiyama collided with that white god's finger.

"Boom!" Another peerless blast.

When the power of Sumiyama was blocked without a few breaths, the Sumi finger was broken.

Sumiyama force rushed towards Suzun and Suziko again.

"Head, you go first! I'll stop him." Xu Yan shouted at Xu Zun immediately.

"You?" Xu Zun frowned again when Xu Yan said these words.

Even if he resisted an extremely strenuous force, he needed to be killed.

"I can! Believe me!" Xu Yan said.

When he finished this sentence, Fei Chong's figure rushed down. He Xu Yan, the priest of the three gods, cultivated himself and greeted Shi Feng and Xu Mishan.

"Stupid!" Xu Zun shouted, looking at the rushing figure.

"Stupid, how dare you hit the stone with eggs!" Shi Feng sneered, looking at Xu Yan who was getting closer and closer to himself.

Killing him is no different than killing a cricket.

"Dead!" Shi Feng said lightly.

Xu Mishan shook again, and another force rushed up.

"Huh!" A cold hum hummed from Xu Yan's mouth.

When I saw his hands, he immediately moved madly, and the white shadows kept appearing in this void.

In just a blink of an eye, it seems that there are thousands of afterimages, densely packed, and confused eyes ...

(End of this chapter)

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