3216-White Dragon

Shi Feng knows that purifying the floating slaughter is extremely important to Ziyi and cannot be lost.

However, even with this Xumi Mountain, he still was not sure to contend with the tree demon.

Following this, Shi Feng reiterated: "Purification of the floating slaughterhouse, the lamp of Solomon, and my source of darkness, we must get it back!

But wait again, as soon as Aoyue arrives, I will enter this mountain with Aoyue and get our things back! "

"Little lunatic, everything is still about safety." Hearing Shi Feng's words, Zi Yi told him.

At the moment when the purification puppet slaughter was captured, he only thought that he could not explain to the Yinling Temple, and some lost his mind.

Today, reason returns.

"I understand." Shi Feng said, and smiled suddenly.

Followed him and said, "If we really can't get back the purification floating slaughter, then I will give you this Sumiyama and you can bring it back, just to have an explanation."

"Haha." After hearing Shi Feng's words, Ziyi suddenly laughed and said, "It's really good if that's the case."

"Master, there is a situation with Brother!" Suddenly, Yun Yimeng said.

"Huh?" Shi Feng turned his head and stared at Ling Yefeng.

Then he saw a ray of black mist rising from Ling Yefeng's body.

Each of these black mists is filled with a strong breath of death.

"This is it?" Shi Feng frowned suddenly when she saw the strange shape.

Then he said, "He is about to enter the realm of true God. Is he going to go through the calamity?"

"Master Uncle is indeed going to be robbed!" Younian said.

"Jie? What is it?" Shi Feng asked him.

"Grandson is also unclear. This is also the first time Grandma has encountered this situation." Younian replied.

"Huh! Huh!" Suddenly, only listening to the strange sounds from Ling Yefeng's body.

Along with these strange sounds, there were more and more black mists appearing from him.

Soon after, Ling Yefeng was engulfed in the dark mist of death.

"Is that? Skull?" Then Yun Yimeng whispered again.

They saw a white skull looming in the dark mist of Ling Yefeng's death, and the breath of death became stronger and stronger.

And the dark mist of death is still spreading in all directions, surging towards the side where the Shi Feng people are.

"Ye Feng's robbery is coming towards us. It is not our own robbery. We don't need to touch it. We go!"

Shi said.

Subsequently, his body fell towards the mountain below, and the others followed.

At this moment, Shi Feng's thoughts moved again, and a Senbai hand appeared immediately beside Ning Cheng.

As soon as he grabbed his claws, he caught him.

Ning Cheng is on the verge of breakthrough. At this moment, it has reached a critical moment and must not be disturbed.

If caught in the dark mist of Ling Yefeng's death, it is absolutely extremely dangerous.

Soon, all the people of Shi Feng fell together in the Xumi Mountain, among the surging fairy mist.

At this moment, one by one looked up.

At this moment, there was black mist rolling, and more and more white skulls they had seen before, there seemed to be a sensational hell.

The breath of death was heavy.

"These strange weirds do not know if Ye Feng is a blessing or a curse." Shi Feng murmured.

"Ning Cheng seems to have a situation." Later, only listening to Xiao Tian also uttered his voice.

"Another situation?" Upon hearing Xiao Tianyi's words, Shi Feng frowned suddenly, retracting his gaze into the sky, turning his head to look aside.

After bringing Ning Cheng into this mountain just now, Shi Feng arranged him on a boulder and let him stay there to continue his breakthrough.

However, at this time, I saw ghosts of Dao Dao appearing next to him, more and more.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hum! Hum! Hum!" At the same time, there were screams of screaming ghosts, and bursts of crying ghosts.

Soaring grievances followed.

"This robbery is a horrible horror!" And at this moment, the thoughts seemed to see something, and said to Shi Feng.

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded.

He's heard of it.

The warrior practiced against the sky and went against the sky.

This ghost is not the true ghost, but the force of destruction that the heavens descended upon.

Tianheng continent, although there are hundreds of thousands of robbers.

But from ancient times to the present, under the endless years, there have also been various calamities.

The most common is thunder.


"Hmm! Hmm! Ah!"

Just listening to the screams and screams, more and more ghosts appearing Ning Cheng's whole body, one by one, extremely fierce, as if Ning Cheng had a deep hatred with them, as if revenge!

All ghosts are robbed, and it is said that eventually all ghosts will appear.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a savage ghost, who swooped towards Ningcheng continuously, as if to torture his body into pieces.

Soon after, Ning Cheng's entire person was drowned in the ghosts of Dao Dao.

"Unexpectedly, the two masters and apprentices would break through together and go through the calamity together." Shi Feng said.

Afterwards, the Shi Feng people watched silently, and they could only rely on themselves.

Go through, soar into the sky!

I can't get over it, the smoke is gone!

And Shi Feng's thoughts began to travel through this Sumi mountain.

"Well, it really does!" Then he exclaimed.

Then they said to them, "Follow me."

After saying this, he saw his figure fly up.

"What does the master seem to find?" Xiao Tian also said, saying.

Subsequently, they were also in shape, flying after Shi Feng.

After a while, Shi Feng fell in front of a cave house at the foot of the mountain.

This cave house has a seemingly ordinary stone gate, which is now tightly closed.

Then, Yunnian, Xiao Tianyi, Yun Yimeng, and Ziyi all fell behind him.

Shi Feng said to them, "Before my mountain, without this cave house, it should have been developed by those in Xumi Mountain."

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Zi Zi looked differently and said, "Since you called us over, there must be a treasure house left by that old guy in Xu Zun!"

Shi Feng smiled: "Yes!"

"Lift!" Followed, he murmured.

"Boom! Boom boom, boom boom!" The sound of the roar immediately sounded.

The Shimen riots slowly rose upward.

Soon after, a dark space slowly appeared in their sight.

When Shimen rose to the height of an adult, Shi Feng's figure flickered, and she took the lead in it.

Immediately afterwards, others also flashed in.

"This breath!" When Xiao Tianyi just entered, his face changed.

As a sorcerer, he is very keen on some mysterious, elixir, and heavenly treasures.

Before the power of the soul swept out, he sensed many extraordinary things that excited him.

But Shi Feng was just another move in his mind, immediately there were items flying in all directions, and then, constantly flying towards him, as if the tide was flowing, dense, like a locust crossing.

The cave house left by the head of the Sumiyama generation is really rich!

(End of this chapter)

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