Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3225: New space mystery!

Chapter 3225 New Space Mystery!

In Xumi Mountain, Shi Feng felt that Ning Cheng was in a state of injury, but his condition was stable, and his thoughts retreated from the mountain.

Looking at Ling Yefeng again, Shi Feng said, "Let's leave here for the time being."



Hearing this, Xiao Tian nodded at the same time as Younian.

Shi Feng turned his head and looked towards Ziyi.

At this moment, Ziyi's gaze was still gazing deep into the jungle, and in the direction he was looking for, it should still be the tree demon who had seized three transcendental treasures, such as purification and floating slaughter.

Shi Feng fluttered to his side and said to him: "Leave for the time being, and after we are absolutely sure, come to this monster and get our things back."

"Um." Zi nodded his little bald head, then turned his head and smiled at Shi Feng.

Shi Feng's mind moved again, and the quietly floating Ji Yan's stump, the top of the broken skull immediately spewed a bleeding column, and spewed towards him.

The physical body of the Son of Heaven in a sacred place quickly dried up quickly, and the once flamboyant son has become an extremely ugly corpse.

Wearing a white storage ring above the dry corpse, it immediately turned into a white horse and shot into the hand of Shi Feng. After that, the dry corpse seemed to have lost all its value. For example, the same beach waste was abandoned by Shi Feng and fell to the earth below in.

Mind swept at the white storage ring, and after a while, Shi Feng opened her mouth to a few people next to her:

"Let's go."

After saying this, his body fluttered, and he flew towards the Sumei Mountain in the floating void.

At the same time, a soft force entangled Ling Yefeng and flew to the side with him.

Ziyi, Xiao Tianyi, and Younian followed behind him.

Over the sky next to Mount Xumi, Wandao Sword Shadow is still frantic.

At this moment, Yun Yimeng did not run Wan Jian Qi Ji Ji Yan soul, but one sword and one sword kept passing quickly.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Suffering directly with his soul, the screams of screaming and screaming are still echoing in this world.

As if the evil spirits roared.

As Shi Feng approached Sumi Mountain, he said, "Yimeng, enter the mountain!"

"Yes, Master!" Yun Yimeng replied.

With a change of body shape, he flew towards Xumi Mountain.

However, while he was flying, Fei Jian did not stop the assassination of Ji Yan.

Wan Dao Jianying and Ji Yan also flew down towards Xumi Mountain at the same time.

Later, the approaching Ling Yefeng also fell into the Sumi Mountains under the control of Shi Feng.

However, Shi Feng, Xiao Tian Yi, You Nian, and Zi Yi did not enter the Xushan Mountains, and stood next to Xumi Mountain with Shi Feng.

Shi Feng looked at the immortal mountain in front of him, nodded secretly, then lowered his head, and stared with his hands on the **** inscription on the back of his left hand, saying:

"Blood stele, after so many years, it's time to get rid of it!"

This blood stele, although it seems that the rank is low, it is only a demi-grade rank.

However, when I got this blood stone, I brought myself a lot of convenience.

There are even times when it is in an irreversible danger, fortunately, the blood stone monument is urged to kill the powerful enemy.

This is the first space mystery obtained by Shi Feng. Speaking of which, she also has some feelings.

"Now!" Shi Feng drank in a deep voice, and the **** tombstone above his left hand immediately shone a bright blood.

The stele flew out of the back of the hand, and turned into a **** stone stele, in front of the suspended stone maple.

"Go." Shi Feng murmured again, and the small stele immediately flew up and flew towards Xumi Mountain.

However, during the flight, I saw that the palm-sized stele just now was growing rapidly, but for a moment, it became a giant monument, slumping towards the top of Mount Sumeru.

"Boom!" An extremely violent blast sounded in the Sumi Mountains.

The blood stone stands in the Xumi Mountain.

Then, with Shi Fengdao's thoughts, the blood stone stele shone with blood.

The beautiful woman of the Snake race, Ziya, a six-headed snake, Jiantong, and a corpse headed by Heixa and Kongsha, constantly appeared in Xumi Mountain.

In the future, Shi Feng intends to use Xumi Mountain as his future spacecraft.

In the mind manipulation room, Xu Mishan began to illusion, and it was shrinking rapidly, but in a moment, this giant mountain became almost the size of a fist.

Shi Feng put his palm in his left hand and took a sip toward the front. The mountain Xu Mishan turned into a radiant white light and shot towards the sky.

As he approached, with a backhand shot, Xu Mishan turned into a mountain pattern, which was printed on the back of Shi Feng's hand like a blood stone monument.

After doing this, Shi Feng said to Ziyi, Xiao Tianyi, and Younian, "Let's go."

The next moment, the four were moving together, rushing forward, as if four meteors crossed the void.

Far away behind them, the giant tree still stands there, standing still, as if it had remained unchanged forever.


"Xiaoya, you continue to practice in this mountain."

"Girl, you want to figure out the outside world, then come over."


When Shi Feng and Zi Yi trio flew in the fierce land, they were still making arrangements for everything in Xumi Mountain.

She arranged Ziya and six big snakes on top of the mountain.

Jian Tong didn't want to stay here anymore, Shi Feng thought of it, released her, and came to this terrible place again, appearing beside him.

The fierce army of the corpses is incompatible with this wonderland, but Shi Feng had long thought of a place for them.

Xumi Mountain, in addition to the previously treasured cave house, in addition to the place where Yun Yimeng found the dark golem, Shi Feng also found a place to adapt to the life of the army of the corpses.

It was a hidden place at the bottom of Mount Sumeru, covered by a stele.

Moving the stone stele away is a deep and wide cave. Shi Feng divides a body of soul into it, and the cave is extremely gloomy and filled with the breath of death.

And Shi Feng's thought of soul drifted inwardly for exploration.

But from now until now, it has not reached the end.

Except for a dead silence and gloom, I have never seen anything else.

This seems to be an endless dark world!

However, Shi Feng does not intend to give up, nor does this soul idea intend to let it return. It has been letting it fly like this ...

Later, Shi Feng gave an order to his army of corpses, a corpse with a corpse flying into this deadly cave.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"


Soon, in the silent cave, there roared like a beast.

Today's army of corpses, although they have turned on their wisdom, can speak out.

However, we still cannot change our nature.

"In the future, you will live here, and here is also suitable for your cultivation. At the deepest part of the hole, I don't know what the world is. If you don't want to die, it is best not to go too deep."

Shi Feng's voice echoed in the dark cave immediately.

At the same time, a black wooden coffin flew into the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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