
Shi Feng, Jian Tong, and Yunnian, only three of them are left, flying wildly in this place of poisonous light.

Behind them, a big green fly is still chasing them.

"Xu Mingxuan!" Shi Feng drank coldly.

Xumishan manifested immediately and flew behind them.

Driven by Shi Feng, a wave of force swept across the Sumi Mountains.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Under the force of Xu Mi, a large green fly exploded again and again.

However, with their rapidness, and as they continued to deepen in this place of green poisonous light, where they are now, the poison is stronger.

"How are you?" Shi Feng asked Jian Tong and Younian.

"My grandson is fine." Younian said.

Looking at his face, it did not really change much.

Shi Feng's eyes gathered in Jiantong.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Jian Tong also replied.

"That's good." Shi Feng nodded.

Behind them, Shi Feng sacrificed Xumi Mountain just now. Under the shock of the power of Xumi Mountain, all the dense big flies had disappeared and one was missing.

Shi Feng felt the other side, and as soon as she felt her heart, Xu Mishan flew back towards him.

Finally turned into a mountain pattern on the back of his left hand.

"Besides those things that just looked disgusting, the power is not very strong." Shi Feng said.

Then he was moved again.

Zi Yi, who was previously sucked into the blood stone tablet, appeared again.

As soon as Ziyi appeared, his eyes were scanned around him. After seeing that there were no big green flies, he showed satisfaction, nodded, and said secretly:

"This terrible place is really dangerous! It almost made me a waste!"

"Are you all right?" Shi Feng asked him.

"It's all right now," Ziyi replied.

Followed him and said, "When you go back, when you meet that place again, you will put me into your mysterious space."

"Okay, I see." Shi Feng responded casually.

His eyes have been scanning this world.

"Huh?" And at this moment, Shi Feng felt something suddenly, and flew into the body suddenly.

Seeing Shi Feng like this, Younian asked him, "Master, what's wrong? What did you find?"

Seeing Shi Feng's figure stopped, the other three's flying figures also all looked at him.

Shi Feng said in a deep voice, saying:

"Just be careful, I feel something and have been staring at us secretly."

After hearing his words, Younian quickly asked him, "Master, what level is it?"

When they saw this man looked so dignified, it seemed that things were not easy.

"I don't know what it is yet," Shi Feng said, following him again, "that thing is not simple, you should be careful."

"Well, I see." Umbra nodded, and her face became extremely serious.

Ziyi also said, "I hope I can grow a bit normal, don't be too crazy."

"Go ahead and talk!" Shi Feng told them again.

Then, the figure of the four of them was flying again.

This time, they were flying all the way.

But this time, apart from sensing that the green poisonous light has become more and more intense, they have not encountered any dangerous or other creatures for a long time.

However, they dare not take it lightly.

Shi Feng's heart, the feeling that the mysterious thing has been staring from the dark, has not subsided.

That face was still so dignified.

"From the boiling water just now, there is always a feeling of depression in my heart." Just then, Ziyi suddenly said.

"Might you be poisoned?" Youn asked him.

Turned his head and looked at him carefully.

But from this appearance, he didn't look like he was poisoned.

"Not poisoning," Zi said, and then he said:

"Isn't the little madman aware of any creature staring at us secretly? It seems that there is indeed unknown danger waiting for us next."

Talking, Zi Yi's face has also looked very serious.

"Look ahead, what's that?" Just then, Jian Tong, who hadn't spoke for a long time, said again.

When they heard Jian Tong's words, they stared forward, but they didn't see anything.

"What?" Shi Feng frowned and asked her.

"Suddenly disappeared again," Jian Tong said.

Later, he said very seriously:

"Just now, there was a huge green thing there, but that moment, the green thing suddenly disappeared."

Seeing that Shi Feng didn't say anything, she added, "I'm sure I didn't say anything wrong, and I didn't lie."

"Well! I believe you." Shi Feng nodded.

Then said to the other three, "Let's go and see!"

After saying this, Shi Feng's flying figure was swiftly and quickly, and he rushed to the front.

He has an undead monster, and even if it is really dangerous, the chances of survival are extremely great.

If there is any unknown danger, let's rush over to see it for yourself.

Soon, Shi Feng's body was already close to the place pointed by Jian Tong.


Suddenly, Shi Feng heard a strange sound, and it suddenly sounded in the void.

With the sound of this voice, the whole world suddenly darkened suddenly.

Shi Feng suddenly looked up, his eyes glared at once.

"This! Is this?"

"This thing!"

Younian, Ziyi, and Jiantong all looked up, and their complexions changed instantly.

"Just ... it's this thing! The big green thing I saw just now is this thing!" Jian Tong shouted at the void.

At this moment, in the sky, there was a huge thing suspended like a green mountain.

And its shape looks like ... it should be ... a big green toad!

"Woo! Hey!" And at this moment, the big green toad made a strange noise again. The huge green body suddenly slammed down and pressed down toward Shi Feng.

"Little lunatic!"

"Master, retreat!"

Seeing that the big green toad rioted, Ziyi and Youyi yelled forward.

Jian Tong's two white hands immediately concluded into a mysterious fingerprint.

Shi Feng had also sensed the horror of the behemoth, and her body immediately retreated.

Even if she was pregnant with an undead, she couldn't stand the pressure of that terrible monster.

However, as soon as Shi Feng retreated, she disappeared instantly.

When he appeared again, he was already beside Jian Tong.

"Run! Avoid this." Shi Feng yelled at the three of them.

Immediately, their bodies rushed to the right.


The big cyan toad has crashed to the ground at this moment.

With the green body like a giant mountain, the earth began to violently quake, and the dust was flying.


At this moment, the big cyan toad turned slowly, and turned to the direction in which the four stone maples fled.

After another weird scream, two hind legs slammed in the ground ...

(End of this chapter)

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