Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3237: Divine Chaos!

Chapter 3237 Divine Chaos!

"Master ... Master ..." You Nian spit out two words like mosquitoes.

Immediately afterwards, he collapsed and fell to the ground.

Just in the blink of an eye, Leng Aoyue's thoughts immediately moved, and a ray of white light shone from the thoughts and was absorbed into the space of the mystery.


Suddenly, everyone heard another metal roar echoed.

"Ah!" It was followed by a scream of extreme screaming.

This scream of pain and screaming came out from the mouth of the fire palace.

Just a moment ago, Leng Aoyue's hand holding her fist suddenly squeezed, and she even directly exploded her fist, and the red blood splattered wildly.

Looks extremely bloody.

One hand was abolished, and the figure after the fire immediately flew back fiercely, and quickly distanced itself from the metamorphosis of the legend of the war god.

And under the fierce roar of the roaring sound, the raging flames that trapped Shi Feng finally collapsed at this moment.

Shi Feng finally appeared again, looking down with her head down, and exclaimed, "Awesome moon!"

Leng Aoyue looked up and whispered, "Master!"

The next moment, everyone in this heaven and earth saw that the mighty power was extremely powerful, as if the figure of the **** of heaven suddenly moved.

He, this peerless existence, even kneeled down on Dangkong's knees, exclaiming:

"Aoyue meets the master! Aoyue is here late, so you have suffered!"

"Master ... Master?"

"This one, actually kneeled directly at the man and called him a master?"

"This ... this is the master of the heavenly Lord?"

"This this……"


Leng Aoyue's move and this discourse really shocked those people.

Not only them, but even the mystery of the extreme existence of the peak, and the fire that flew back and forth violently, were shocked.

Earlier, they did seem to have heard the Heavenly Son call the ancestor ...

"Oh!" It was also at this moment, after the fire that was flying backwards, there was a metal roar on the back.

Her figure was immediately blocked by an invisible force.

She knew that the cold and proud moon had used his strength to block the heaven and earth with the legendary sky and wasteland.

"Aoyue, get up. In any case, kill these guys before talking." Shi Feng said to Leng Aoyue.

At this moment, he felt a movement, and Su Mishan, who was suspended above the cold and proud moon, immediately flew towards him.

"Give me, die!" And at this moment, I heard an extremely cold voice sounded.

I saw that the mysterious master of the empty mysterious **** had appeared on the stone maple. The empty mysterious **** cup still turned upside down and the mouth of the cup was facing the stone maple.

A mysterious ancient power shrouded Shi Feng.





Shi Feng immediately felt that the ancient force was going to melt him.

As soon as Leng Aoyue got up, she heard Shi Feng's scream. On top of her mighty face, she seemed to be extremely angry, like an angry male lion, and yelled:

"Mystery, you **** it!"

Immediately after, Leng Aoyue went up a storm.

Emperor Xuanxuan of the Emperor Xuanxuan, at this moment, there was an extremely ruthless expression on his face. He ignored Leng Aoyue, and all his attention focused on Shi Feng.

He should naturally feel that the Xu Mishan was now under the control of this "boy". If Su Mishan was completely under his control, he would join forces with Leng Aoyue.

At that time, it is absolutely extremely dangerous!

Now, the best thing is to kill Xumi while Xumi is not completely under his control.

Then join forces with the post-fire and fight Leng Aoyue.

"There is still a chance! Now there is a chance! As long as this kid is killed, this seat can also control the situation."

Mysteriously said fiercely.

The Xuan Xuan Shen Cup was suspended in front of him, and he turned his hands into claws, trying to manipulate the Xuan Xuan Shen Cup.

Both hands were shaking violently at this moment.


The painful scream was still echoing.

"Why not die, why not die!"

However, as the painful cry did not stop, Mystery became more and more panicked.

How horrible his power urged the empty mysterious cup!

But it was not thought that, but the boy of the true God Nine Heaven Realm, even today.

Xuanji bowed his head and looked down.

That person is full of rotten meat on his face. Under the power of the empty mysterious cup, it looks extremely painful and uncomfortable, but ... it is not dead!

Although his armor is extraordinary, he has not been destroyed under his strongest power.

But this armor was completely unable to protect his body, and his own strength was sternly bombarded on his physical body.

Immediately after, Xuanji saw the "boy" and suddenly raised his head and looked upward.

He looked at himself, and the rotten face suddenly moved, like ...

"He is laughing?"

"He still laughs?"

"He ... he ... why isn't he dead?"

"How could it not die?"


At this moment, Mystery was shocked again.

Leng Aoyue, who flew up, had already flew to Shi Feng, followed, and blasted upward with a bang.


The sound of peerless roar again.

Tianhuangding appears from the palm of Leng Aoyue, and then grows instantly, heading towards that mystery.

"Damn! Damn it!" Xuanji yelled and yelled. He didn't kill the kid and didn't win Xu Mishan. He really felt extremely unwilling.

The next moment, his body flew up, and the empty mysterious cup in front of him floated up with him.

Faced with the heavenly crest of the cold and proud moon sacrifice, this peerless Lord chose to escape!

At this time, Leng Aoyue did not pursue, but looked at Shi Feng beside him, saying:

"Master, are you okay?"

Hearing Leng Aoyue's words, Shi Feng grinned, but ... the rotten smile appeared more infiltrating.

He said: "It's okay, I can't die for the teacher, just take a break."

"Huh!" Leng Aoyue nodded.

Then, he looked up again, and then, he and Tianhuang Ding soared up and chased away the mysterious machine.

As soon as Leng Aoyue left, Shi Feng grabbed his right hand and grabbed the huge mountain that had come over.

Sumiyama finally returned to his hand!

However, he has not attacked others, secretly operated his recovery methods, and began to recover from injuries.

"He was seriously injured. We will kill him first and take Xumi Mountain to help the Lord to deal with Leng Aoyue!"

Above the ground, someone looked up at Shi Feng and said.

"Huh!" Someone nodded at his words.

Then he said, "He has Sumiyama, and we can come closer to the temptation.

If there is an accident, after the fire, we can block the power of Sumiyama. "

At this moment they had seen that after the fire that had retreated earlier, the fiery red figure flew towards this side again at this moment.

Above the hands, the flames that burned the heavens and the earth once again burned!

Then, everyone no longer hesitated, and shot again!

"God burns chaos!" A loud voice yelled, and then cried again.

(End of this chapter)

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