Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3243: Two guardians are coming!

Chapter 3243: Two Protectors Come!


An extremely painful scream had roared from the mouth of Huo Qilin.

Leng Aoyue's peerless power imprisoned his soul and body, preventing him from committing suicide.

Began tortured his body.

This person, who dared to sneak up on his Leng Aoyue's teacher, will inevitably kill him.

"Pull out his soul and give it to me." Shi Feng started to say to Leng Aoyue.

"Disciple obey!" Leng Aoyue immediately drank.

The next moment, I saw the fire unicorn shouting suddenly.

Immediately, the painful roar and body were motionless.

No breath!

A strong man in the realm of the quadruple heaven of God, Leng Aoyue wanted to destroy it, just for the thought.

Really answered that sentence, all the ants are under the peak!

Unless, like Shi Feng, get an extraordinary artifact.

As soon as Shi Feng thought, the power of death caused by the fire unicorn's death was immediately swallowed by him, and the bright red blood spewed out from his blood.





Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng suddenly heard the screams of stern screams from the corpse that had dried up quickly.

An unhappy resentment rose from the corpse.

Later, Shi Feng, Leng Aoyue, or the **** kings in the far distance saw the corpse lying on the ground, slowly moving.

He was approaching the corpse after the fire slowly and slowly.

Soon, the corpse of Fire Kirin also turned into an extremely dry corpse.

The cadaver was still moving slowly until his cadaver's head was tightly attached to the cadaver's head after the fire.

"That's it ... Excited?" Shi Feng suddenly looked at the trembling body.

He then spoke:

"Well, that's it. I plan on this seat and refuse to surrender this bitch's method of urging. Next, there are more painful pains waiting for you."

Shi Feng said these words, his right hand slowly turned into claws, and above the center of claws, there was a strange cold chilling force, and then, aimed at the bottom.

Immediately above the dead body, a white shadow flew out, which was the soul of the fire unicorn.

Immediately after the soul left the body, "Ah! Ah!" He screamed and danced, as if struggling fiercely.

Like a beast, he wants to pounce down, and his target dancing with his hands is still a fire neon.

"Sacred Fire Palace has been rumored for a long time. Brother Kirin almost went after the fire.

It seems Brother Qilin really loves fire! "

In the distance, a middle-aged man in the triple heavens of God of Fire Palace looked at the side secretly and sighed.

"Brother Qilin, can be regarded as a celestial wizard, however, he still can't take that step!" Another Shenhuogu man said.

"As soon as the fire died, Brother Kirin also died, and we are doomed to death."

"Ah! This terrible place, we did not die in the hands of this fierce place, but in the hands of their heavenly holy land!"

"This terrible place, our people should be united!

But his heavenly wasteland is so! "There was a middle-aged woman from Shenhuo Palace, she said fiercely.

She said these words, as if she had ignored the four forces they had once, and let them fly in front of the heavenly holy land to make cannon fodder.

As if forgotten, it is their divine fire palace and empty mysterious sacred place that surrounded the Son of Heaven, and wanted his nine meditation skills!






Fire Qilin's soul has fallen into the hands of Shi Feng. Shi Feng did not **** him, but burned a scarlet flame on his own, burning him.

This guy, let him taste the pain of direct soul burning.

At this time, the people who lived in the Palace of God Fire and the Hollow Sacred Land saw that the vision of the heavenly Lord Lord had been swept towards them.

"Sacred Lord of Heaven!" And when Leng Aoyue looked, the Yu Xuan Niang, who was an empty and mysterious holy place, immediately spoke respectfully and exclaimed.

Then, she said again, "Holy Lord, do you still remember my maid? That year I married Yunzi ..."

But just when Yu Yanniang talked about this, Leng Aoyue said immediately, shouting, "Yu Yanniang!"

"Lord, remember!"






Leng Aoyue's voice had not yet fallen, and in the distance, there were screams.

I saw that the bodies of the gods of the Emperor Xuanxian and the God of Fire Palace had exploded, and the red blood splattered, and the scene looked extremely bloody.

An incomparable **** smell gradually permeated.

These people, leaving them useless, Leng Aoyue directly killed them.

And the blood spewing from these people rushed towards Shi Feng, who burned the scarlet flames in his right hand.

Not only their blood, but also the power and soul of death they gathered.

But for a moment, on the land, only the beautiful middle-aged woman Yu Yanniang, who was in the Xuanxuan Holy Land, was still standing there.

However, listening to the screams, watching each of them tragically dies in front of them, watching the flying limbs with broken arms, Ren Yu's nirvana martial arts is in the triple king of God, and his heart is far beyond ordinary people, can't help shaking.

"Heaven ... heaven ... Holy Lord ..." She trembled again, and shouted respectfully to that one.

Afterwards, she said, "Thank you ... Lord ... remember the old feelings, don't kill ... my mother ... this grace ... my mother must ... remember ... in my heart!"

"Thank you Lord ... for grace ..."

Leng Ao heard Yu Yanniang's expression and grinned chillyly, saying:

"Yu Niang, you think too much! You lost him then, and he will decide your life and death!"

"He!" At the beginning of time, Yu Yanniang's complexion changed again and her eyes widened.

Leng Aoyue said, "Okay, now that you are here, let's show up!"

"Yes!" When Leng Ao's voice dropped, a man's response sounded immediately.

I saw Leng Aoyue and Shi Feng's sky. Two white figures slowly appeared.

A person like a boy in white clothes, Bai Fan shaking gently, is the three guardian fate.

There is also a long sword on his back, as if the white-sworded sword immortal Lin Fan, is the five protector Ling Yunzi, is also the former husband of Yu Yanniang!

Two figures appeared, falling down, and soon fell in front of Shi Feng and Leng Aoyue.

The two immediately drank aloud, bowed on one knee to Shi Feng and Leng Aoyue, exclaiming:

"Meet the Lord! Meet the Nine You Ancestors!"

"You don't have to be polite, you two get up quickly," Shi Feng said to them immediately.

"Thank you Jiuyou Shengzu!" The two shouted in unison, and slowly got up.

Leng Aoyue: "Yunzi ..."

(End of this chapter)

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