Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3260: A world of death

Chapter 3260: A World Of Death

The purple flame that burned in the void disappeared, Ziyi turned his head again, and said to the falsehood:

"Uncle Shi, my friend is willing to follow us into the Hidden Ling Temple, and now it has entered my mysterious space.

Let's go back to the temple. "

"Well." Nodded arrogantly, "So good."

He said those words, suspended the purification purifying slaughter, and flew back towards him slowly.

As soon as he flew in front of him, he saw the wave of his sleeve robe, and put away the purification floating slaughter.

Ziyi, however, did not put away his solo magic lamp, and remained in front of him quietly, in case the despicable Yan Dongbai attacked him suddenly.

That despicable man can't really carelessly.

Yan glanced at Solomon's magic lamp, looked at Zion again, and asked him:

"Listening to what you just said, what kind of holiday do you have with Yan Dongbai?

What happened between you and him? "

However, after hearing the words, the expression on the different faces of the child immediately became a bit unnatural, saying:

"You ... the old bald donkey, listen to you ... it feels weird ... what did I do with him ..."

"Uh ... Uncle Grandpa means ..."

"Okay, uncle, I know what you mean.

Half a year ago, I was in a secret place on the westward desert, but I didn't think about it, I don't know when, I was stared at by this mean man.

Had it not been for the Purification Floating Slaughter, I might have died in the hands of that villain. "Ziyi said.

"So it is." Hearing Zi Yi's words, he nodded slowly.

Followed him and said, "This Yan Dongbai is indeed difficult to entangle. He has no aptitude, has been cultivated to transcendence, is colorless and no phase.

Since you are at war with him, you must be careful in the future. "

At the end of the day, even the expression of absurdity suddenly became dignified.

Yan Dongbai, a strange existence on the west desert.

Cultivation of martial arts, which has been lost for a long time before ancient times, is a powerful stepping stone.

The reason why he is a strange existence is that this guy does not belong to any force. No one knows where he comes from and how long he has lived.

And these years, this guy has been wandering in the westbound desert. No one has seen this person outside the westbound desert.

There is such a word circulating in the large desert to the west.

Offend anyone, and don't offend Yan Dongbai.

This person must report his flaws. As long as he offends him, he is very likely to die, and he does not know.


"Rest assured, I have an extraordinary artifact to protect me, and this guy can't treat me like that." Zi Yi replied arrogantly.

The delusional nodded slowly and said, "Okay, let's go!

Go back to the temple. "


Later, the sons and daughters, and two disciples of Buddhism all moved together.


In a dark space, a "lone soul" wandered alone.

Flutter, flutter ...

This dark space seemed to have no end at all, but he kept flying.

This lone soul is exactly the thought of Shi Feng.

In the fierce land, he found a gloomy cave in Xumi Mountain, where his army of corpses was arranged here, and his thoughts drifted into it.

Since then, it has not stopped.

As his thoughts drifted inward, Shi Feng wondered more and more about what was there in the deepest part.

"Although it's not over yet, it must be over."

"I've been flying in, and the anger here is getting heavier!

With such yin, it is very likely that there will be extremely overcast in the deepest place! "


The manifestation of this "solitary soul" looked abnormally determined, as if he could not stop without seeing the end.

Time goes on and on.

Shi Feng didn't know how long he had been flying in this darkness.

"Huh? There seems to be movement?"

And just then, the look of the lone soul suddenly changed.

From entering here, this dark world is silent, and the silence is depressing.

But at this moment he heard, there was a sound, coming from a distance.

"Really famous!" Shi Feng secretly said.

As he said this, he seemed to be speeding up.



Keep flying ...


Suddenly, Shi Feng heard a roar.

Although far away, he did hear a roar.

"Is there a murder?"

"Must be the deepest, suppressing the murder?" Shi Feng said again.

As he flew in again, the roar became clearer, even more dense and violent.

And at this moment in the space he was in, the anger continued to increase.

Now the yin can be compared with the graveyard where the heavenly ghost, the terrible land, is located.

"Roar!" There was another roar, and with this roar, the space where Shi Feng was in was shocked.

"It's almost approaching!"

"What the **** is it!"

"It's not easy if it's really the repressed creature!"



Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng opened his eyes suddenly, his front was finally no longer dark, and a faint green light came through, filled with even colder breath.

The next moment, Shi Feng was under the green light, and then the fluttering figure followed.

He floated at the entrance of the cave, and at his feet, it was a deep abyss, bottomless.

In front of him, there is an extremely vast and eerie world.



"Roar roar!"

Raging roars kept coming.

When Shi Feng saw it, he was not far ahead of him, flying a black monster with a pair of black wings and looking abnormally cruel.

The shape of a person, all over the body, is dark, but he is lying on his body like a beast, with a vicious face.

This is a strange race.

The body of each creature exudes an extremely cold, fierce atmosphere.

"This is, a death race! A death race that I have never seen before."

Shi Feng looked at the creatures in front of him and murmured secretly.

Unexpectedly, the end of this Sumiyama cave is such a sight.

At this time, many dead creatures have also discovered his weak existence.

At this moment, Shi Feng is just a lone soul and a thought. For those fierce creatures, it is really only very lowly.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Immediately afterwards, many deaths and fierce creatures roared violently at him, and even several heads came flying wildly.

Shi Feng was too late to count, the space shook again, and his face changed again and again, and then he kept flying.

Under those roars, he just felt like he was going to be shattered.



The roar continued to echo.

The stone maple returned to the cave felt that those fierce things had not been pursued, and the fluttering figure again.

"Surely there is a world of death? Um? The movements outside this place, those deaths, seem to be fighting ..."

(End of this chapter)

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