Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3266: Move together!


Dark fist!

Golden Buddha characters!

Two extremely powerful forces collided together.


The violent roar rang the world.

The small dark fist turned the golden Buddha word into a crush with just one punch.

However, the Buddha's power did not disappear, and the scattered Buddha's power immediately raged towards the shadow demon.

Suddenly, I saw the shadow demon being swallowed up by this violent force.

At the same time, we saw the descending magic pestle, purifying the floating slaughter, the ancient Buddha beads, and the Buddha's magical instruments.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

And just then, the grotesque laughed loudly.

"Weak! Weak! Too weak!"

"Where are all the old bald donkeys dead, why stay here and wait for these little bald donkeys here!

Give it to me, broken! "

With this burst of shouting.

Seeing the raging Buddha power disappeared instantly.

The Buddha's magical instruments flying under Dao Dao were also constantly being shaken.

In an instant, all that was left was to drop the magic pestle, purify the floating slaughter, and the ancient Buddha beads remained.

Of course, the three monks who urged the three treasures of the Buddhist monasteries to reveal the extremely difficult features on their faces.

In the face of the shadow demon, the three ascended the peak and used three extraordinary artifacts, all of them.

At this moment, the master of delusion glanced at the corner of the stone maple, and shouted in a pleading tone:

"Master Nether, ask for help!"

"It's time we shot." Upon hearing that shout, Shi Feng said to Leng Aoyue in Xumi Mountain.

"Oh." Leng Aoyue smiled when she heard Shi Feng's words, and said, "The master said, let it go."

For the sake of speaking, he had a battle with this hidden temple.

But now I did not expect to help this Yinling Temple to demote.

"Even if we have a grudge against this Yinling Temple, it is a personal grudge.

However, if this demon is not removed, the world will not know how many lives will die in his hands.

And we are already here. If the bald donkeys at Yinling Temple are slaughtered by him, I am afraid that it is time to slaughter us. "

Shi Feng said to Leng Aoyue again.

In addition to these, there are also his good brothers and disciples, who are among the Buddhists, and are now competing with the disciples of Yinling Temple.

There are also three space channels sealed by the Solomon's lamp, and he also asked for this hidden temple.

The next moment, a white light appeared in front of Shi Feng. When the white light fell, a mighty white figure appeared.

White hair fluttering, white cloak fluttering, majestic!

Lord of Heaven, Leng Aoyue!

"Leng Aoyue, you finally showed up." However, the moment when Leng Aoyue appeared, an unusually hoarse old voice came from above.

Hearing that voice, Leng Aoyue looked up and smiled coldly, "Leng knows that he could escape everyone, but he can't escape the eyes of your old bald donkey.

The person Leng Aoyue spoke to was the old Buddhism man with a very thin face and a strong soul.

"Leng Aoyue? Lord Liao Aoyue!"

"Sacred Lord!"

"Where is the Lord in Heaven!"

"Sacred Lord!"


When he heard the conversation between Leng Aoyue and the elder Buddha, an individual in Yinling Temple changed his face again.

Everyone at Yinling Temple knows about the grievances between Tianhuang Holy Land and Yinling Temple.

But it was not expected that now that the powerful hidden demon was born, there was the arrival of the Lord of Heavenly Desolation in the world of Megatron.

"Did I hide the temple, is it really difficult to escape today?"

A disciple shouted in sorrow.

"Huh? Another ant?"

At this time, the Shadow Demon also sensed the presence of Leng Aoyue, waving his hands to compete with the three treasures of the Buddha, and bowed his head, making a sound.

"When!" At this moment, a roaring sound rang.

Ding Tianding has been sacrificed by Leng Aoyue, and she drank with a deep voice: "Town!"

Then he saw the sky crested, and blasted away towards the shadow demon.

After calling out Leng Aoyue, Xu Mishan followed directly on Shi Feng's left hand to manifest.

"Go!" With a low drink, Xu Mishan also flew out of his hand, and immediately after the Tianhuangding, also flew towards the shadow demon.

At the same time as flying, this fairy mountain is growing rapidly.

Devil's Pestle, Purified Floating Butchery, Ancient Buddha Beads, Tianhuangding, Xumi Mountain!

At this moment, it is actually five extraordinary artifacts moving together to kill the Shadow Demon.

The motivators are also people with extraordinary powers.

Induced by the death of Tianhuangding and Xu Mishan, the hands of the shadow demon's dancing became fiercer.

Hand-to-hand shadows, constantly showing the void.


"Boom boom!"


The sound of fierce roar echoed continuously.

"Destroy the magic!" At this moment, among the Buddhist monks, there were another Buddhist monk drinking again.

Words of Buddhism have been urged again.

The golden Buddha light shone wildly.

Dao Dao Bu Ying also appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the Buddha's power was like the Buddha's palm print, the Buddha's light, and the Buddha's magical instruments, and then he blasted towards the shadow demon.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"

The heavens and earth became extremely chaotic in an instant.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

However, the shadow demon who was subjected to many powerful gatherings was still making funny laughter.

In the face of so many powerful forces, this shadow demon ... seems to not pay attention to it yet.

"Thunder God of War!"

"God of Fire and Heaven!"

"Let's move together!"

At this moment, Shi Feng drank again.

"Boom!" A thunderous and thunderous sound suddenly struck him.

At the same time, a mysterious scent of fire rose from his body.

It didn't take long for him to obtain the tactics of the God of Fire battle. It stands to reason that this war tactic needs some time to understand.

However, he who once practiced the Thunder God of War tactics, motivated by the mysterious power of Guiyin Sunflower Seeds, found that this God of Heaven God of War and the Thunder God of God tactics are already connected.

After that, he naturally took control of this magical fire battle.

Shuangjue urged together, a mysterious breath, rose from Shi Feng's body.

The momentum of his entire body seemed to have changed dramatically.

"This feeling!" Feeling Shi Feng's momentum at the moment, even Leng Aoyue's complexion changed with him.

Shuangjue urges, the power of thunder and fire, in his body like the yin and yang fish in the Taiji picture, rotates and blends extremely!

Shi Feng felt that under the impetus of Shuangjue, her whole body strength was three times stronger than that of directly stimulating Thunder God of War!

"Ah!" He shouted, and immediately sang from Shi Feng's mouth.

On top of Mount Sume that he was manipulating, a stronger power was suddenly produced, which shook the shadow demon.

"Go! Ants!"

Just then, the shadow demon made another sound.

Feeling the sudden rise of the power of Mount Xu Mishan, he saw a punch violently blasting towards this fairy mountain.

"Boom!" Another violent boom!

(End of this chapter)

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