Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3277: Killing in the death world

Chapter 3277 The Assassination of the Death World

"War? Who knows, the two ultimate forces, why fight?"

"It is said that the cause of this battle was that the Sacred Lord of Heaven was in the most fierce land and raped ~ After killing the fire of the divine fire palace, the fire is neon!

"Trap ... Trap? Wouldn't it? Lord of Heaven, this is too ... fierce!"

"It is said to be so!

Not only did the Heavenly Lord kill the fire, he also wore a great green hat to the emperor!

Fire Emperor, how can you sit still! "

"After the fire, the fire is clamoring, and that is also one of the beauties in the world.

"I was fortunate to have seen the fire of Shenhuo Palace from afar, the beauty, the figure, and asked the world, several men can stand up to it!

Even Leng Aoyue, the Lord of Heaven, is no exception! "


God battles the continent for a while, and a big war is about to erupt.

However, in a gloomy and dark world, an extremely fierce battle was erupting at this moment.






Vicious roars kept violent.

Yin Sha held a spur of white bone and stabbed a huge black ghost-faced skull away.

Thousands of corpses, flying wildly between the heavens and the earth, a dense ghost-faced skeleton, also flying wildly.

The vicious roaring sounds were from the corpses and the black ghost-faced skeletons.

"Dare to break into my Yin Skull and die!" Seeing the stabbing of Yin Sha's violent stab, the huge ghost-faced skull snarled.

The five-clawed violently gripped, and then blasted away towards the bone spur.

"Boom!" A sound of rage sounded.

"Uh!" Then a moan sounded.

The living beings saw that the flowing white figure had been blasted fiercely under the skull fist.

"Huh, such a strength, even dare to come to my death to death! Let this seat, tear you piece by piece."

The huge black ghost-faced skull came out again.

The next moment, he saw his body move, chasing away towards Yin Sha.

"How, can we fight?" At this moment, the pitch-black stone maple, the size of a bowl, stood proudly on the forehead of the evil spirit, and asked him.

"Okay! The disciples should be able to support it for a while." Yin Sha replied.

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded slowly when he heard that.

Since he has said so, he will not say more.

"Ah! Fight!" Immediately afterwards, he listened to Yin Yin's deep voice and immediately stopped his violent flying corpse.

At this time, he saw that the black ghost-faced skull had flew in front of him, and the clenched black skull fist violently blasted at him again.

At the same time, I saw a black giant image rising above it. This black ghost-faced skull exuded a stronger and stronger force than before.


However, Yin Sha still had a firm face, and then he sank with a loud voice.

The bone spur in his hand stabbed fiercely towards the blasting force.


There was another loud noise, which was more violent than before.

Immediately afterwards, "Ka-K-K-K-K-K ..." only heard the crunching sound of broken bones.

I saw the bone spur held in the hands of Yinsha, and now it burst open.

"Tiangu!" Seeing this, Yin Sha shouted a deep voice.

"Huh!" And the ghost-faced skeleton issued a sneer, and a sneer appeared on the ghost-face, which looked unusually infiltrating.

"Facing me, you're too weak! Mi ants!" The words of the black skull fist suddenly shocked before the words fell.

The broken bone spurs were shaken into nothingness by him, and his fist blasted forward again, and his eyes were about to explode in the heart of Yinsha.

Such a fierce and powerful force, if this fist is exploded, must be extremely uncomfortable.

"Okay, that's all for now!" However, at this moment, I heard only the voice of Lengjun Men, and it suddenly sounded.

A similarly small black fist protruded from Yin Sha and greeted the skull fist.

"Oh!" Another fierce collision occurred, and the space shook with it.

"Roar! Ah!"

"Click! Click! Click!"

A painful roar, and a crackling and crackling sound of the bones again.

And this time, the black ghost-faced skull yelled in pain.

The sound of broken bones came from his fists.

The huge black skull fist turned out to have cracks, and it was constantly breaking.

"Who are you? Who are you?"

At this time, the black ghost face skeleton suddenly saw, in front of himself, there was an extremely huge fuzzy shadow, covering the sky.

And this black shadow was issued by a black villain the size of a bowl.

It was the black villain who punched his fist to pieces.

"I am, Lord of Death!" Shi Feng yelled coldly, responding to the black ghost-faced skeleton.

While making this cold drink, his tiny black fist moved again.

At the same time, the ghost-faced skeleton saw with horror that the huge black fuzzy giant shadow seemed to have fisted.

The unbeatable punch is blasting himself.

He felt that, under the boundless force of terror, he had no resistance at all.

"Do not!"

"Do not!"

"Do not!"


The former powerful and arrogant horror ghost face skull showed the color of extreme fear on the ghost face, kept shaking his head, and flew back fiercely.

But it was too late, the vague giant fist really blasted down, and raged on his black skeleton.

"Ah!" Screamed, echoing the world.

I saw that huge black skeleton body had completely fallen apart under that punch!

"Skull ancestor!"

"Skull ancestor!"

"Skull ancestor!"


Seeing countless ghost faces and skeletons, they shouted in surprise.

The powerful skeleton ancestors who once led them, even ...

"Keep on, kill!" Just then, Shi Feng's cold voice echoed in this gloomy world.






A corpse, followed by a cold drink.

"Master Xie shot!" Yin said, looking at the little black maple floating in front of himself.

Shi Feng grinned, and said, "Thank you for talking."

"Yes!" Yin Sha answered.

Immediately afterwards, he moved again, flew down fiercely, continued to join the battlefield, and continued to kill the ghost-faced skeletons.

Looking at the figure he flew to, Shi Feng smiled again.

Immediately after, he shouted again: "Kill!"

As he shouted and shouted, the dark and fuzzy figure covering the sky moved again.

A horrific force descended on the ghost-faced skeletons.


"no, do not want!"

"Uh! Ah!"



The sound of screams has been constantly in this world!

(End of this chapter)

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