Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3289: Tianyin City

3289-Red Star

The beautiful glow of Xumi Mountain, the world, is emitted from the six big snakes.

And Ziya cultivation, as before, absorbs the mysterious power revealed by the six snakes.

But this mysterious power can only be absorbed by her. Although Jian Tong is here, she can't capture the power of that weird snake at all.

Ziya looked up for a while, then slowly turned her head down, her eyes were slowly closed again, and she entered the practice again.


In the scorching desert, Shi Feng, who was flying fast, naturally received a reply from Jian Tong.

Silently, "I really owe her too much these years."


Later, Shi Feng was still flying wildly in the desert on the west, still guided by Ziyi in the Sumi Mountains.

To say that this vast area of ​​the Divine War Continent, in fact, Shi Feng once obtained a World Stone. As long as it is urged, the Divine War Continent map can be displayed in his mind.

However, the map of the world stone has West India Wanzhou, but it does not have this westbound desert.

It's as if this area was erased from that map.


Shi Feng flew all the way, constantly replacing day and night.

After winning that Yan Dongbai in that war, Shi Feng has not encountered any obstacles.

The desert lion, it seems that he was completely shocked by him, has never appeared again, and did not come to trouble him again.

Ten days later, Shi Feng finally flew out of this vast desert and reached the Tianyin City that Ziyi said!

When Shi Feng fell at the gate of Tianyin City, she released the sons of Xumi Mountain.

However, the differences at this time are completely different from the previous ones.

The puppet on him had been replaced by a moon-white robe.

Above the original bare head, he had been urged by a long black hair, flowing slowly with the wind.

Good boy in white.

At this moment, it was almost dusk, but at the gate of Tianyin City, the crowd still came and went, which was extremely lively.

In Tianyin City, the lights have been shining, and the light of the Tao is shining.

Shi Feng was different, and followed the flow of people to Tianyin City.

As he walked, Shi Feng's right hand had already grasped the world stone, and under the secret urging, the map of the continent of God's war was unfolded in his mind.

Looking at the map in his mind, Shi Feng murmured secretly: "From this day, the Indian city, taking the space in each city to cross the domain to send a large array, need to go through 33 cities before leaving this West Indian Wanzhou!"

"After entering the endless sea, this is really a long journey!"

With these words in his mouth, Shi Feng shook his head secretly.

At that time, when you thought about Liao Aoyue's communication, but at the speed of Leng Aoyue, you could only reach that terrible place three months later.

Younian said the journey at that time was from Zhong Ao Shenzhou to the fierce land.

Tianyin City is near the west desert. People walking here have darker skin and rougher bodies.

Most of the warriors here cultivate the power of Yang.

After Shi Feng and Ziyi entered the city, they still led the way and went all the way to the city center of Tianyin City.

The teleportation altar in this city is there!

"Have you heard of it? Someone has seen for themselves that the Palace of God Fire has gathered forces and appeared on the endless sea!

Is rushing to Zhongao Shenzhou at full speed! "

"Listen to people, as long as it takes almost two months, all forces can enter the Zhongao Divine State, and when that happens, the world war will erupt!"

"That battle was really hard to imagine, it would be so crazy!"

"Yeah! I am afraid that there will be a corpse of blood in Zhongao Shenzhou. It is very likely that the entire Zhongao Shenzhou will be destroyed in this war!"

"If you can, I really want to take a look at that battlefield! If you can really see it, our martial arts will definitely break through!"

"In this battle, a lot of people who really died were rushed to Zhongao Shenzhou, but they didn't know that at that time, some of the desperate ones could come out of Zhongao Shenzhou alive."

"People who can really come out alive will inevitably reborn and undergo metamorphosis?"


Walking in Tianyin City, even in this remote and remote desert town, most of what is being talked about at this moment is the battle between the Great Sacred Land and the forces of Shenhuo Palace.

"Two months." Shi Feng murmured these three words.

It should be about this time.

And I have delayed so many days at the Yinling Temple. After arriving at Zhong Ao Shenzhou, I am afraid it will take two and a half months!

This is the speed that he can achieve after he has reached this level of repair, and secretly with the help of Sumiyama.

This is already the limit!

"The war broke out two months later, and this war is bound to continue for a long time!

When we arrive, it should be the most intense time of this war. "

At this moment Ziyi said to Shi Feng.

When he said these words, he seemed quite excited and looked forward to it.

"Um." Shi Feng nodded slightly.

This battle is related to himself, to the cold and arrogant moon of Shi'er, Shi Feng's complexion looks quite dignified at this moment.

It is not clear to him how many forces were gathered in the Divine Fire Palace.

On the other side of the heavenly wasteland, how many strong people have been convened.

"Do you know how many forces have been assisted this time?"

However, while Shi Feng was thinking of this, he suddenly heard a word that interested him, walking in a footstep, and suddenly a meal.

Turning his head and looking over, it was a woman who asked this.

She was asking the other three women in front of her.

"No one can tell how much power there is!" A mature woman replied.

Then, a woman beside her nodded and said, "It is said that there are still a few forces still hidden in the dark.

I also heard that **** was also about to move, and wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to launch an assassination of the heavenly holy land. "

"Hell!" Upon hearing the word hell, Shi Feng's face moved again.

"I heard that there are not many forces that help the Tianhuang Holy Land. In this battle, the Tianhuang Holy Land may fall behind."

Hearing this, Shi Feng's brow slowly frowned.

He remembered his apprentice Leng Aoyue's calm, confident look when he left.

At that time, he seemed very confident to deal with this battle ...

I heard that the women were discussing, and several others beside me heard and participated in the discussion:

"Well! I have heard of it. I heard that there were many forces that had made good contact with Tianhuang Sacred Land. On the surface, they have promised, but now they have not moved at all!"

"If that's the case, the heavenly sacred land, I'm afraid it will be difficult to survive this time."

"No, the Lord of the Heavenly Sacred Land, after all, is the cold and proud moon!

He used to leave all kinds of legends on our continent, with unbeatable myths.

I believe that the heavenly sacred land can certainly counteract these forces!

Only he is cold! proud! month! "

(End of this chapter)

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