Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3291: King Kong Dragon is gone!

Chapter 3291 King Kong Dragon Destroyed!

"King Kongtian's body rose up with this momentum, he already declared war on the two people on the teleportation temple!"

"It seems that King Kong Tianshen no matter what the origin and identity of the two people!"

"The two people, that way, really despise Vajrayana.

This is, King Kong God! "

"The more so, the more I find these two identities not simple."

"But even if it's not simple, Qianglong doesn't crush the snake!

King Kong Tenjin, that's Tianlong! "

"These two men, provoking King Kong, are tantamount to challenging the entire Tianyin City and the authority of the Lord of Tianyin City!"


"Two, deaf!" At this moment, I saw King Kong's **** Shen sing.

The mighty golden figure suddenly moved suddenly towards the night sky.

During the flight, he grabbed his right hand into the void, and a golden spear was caught by him.

Just listened to his deep voice and said, "King Konglong is extinct!"

One shot straight into the sky, "Oh!" Immediately, only listening to the sound of Long Yin echoing the sky.

People immediately saw a golden dragon flying above the golden spear, clawing its teeth and roaring, and roared towards the two people above the teleportation temple.

"King Konglong God is gone! I did not expect that King Kong Tianshen directly launched this trick!"

"King Konglong God is extinct, destroying everything in the world! This is the famous stunt of King Kong Tianshen.

It is said that Vajrayana has never been defeated with this combat technique!

Also using this technique, I do not know how many warriors were killed. "

"So I said that the origin and strength of these two people are not simple. King Kong Tianshen directly used this powerful move in the face of their provocation!"

"Ah! He ... they ... actually ..."

In the distance, the middle-aged warrior Shi Feng and Ziyi had previously met, stared up at the side with their eyes widened.

Looking at the golden dragon that was about to devour the two.

His body was shaking uncontrollably.

"Broken!" However, facing the golden dragon, Shi Feng spit out the word coldly.

The cold voice seemed to freeze the whole night sky, and the golden dragon flying towards them was motionless in this instant.

Then, "Oh!"

With a crisp sound, the Golden Dragon shattered and turned into thousands of golden broken lights. As if the golden fireworks suddenly bloomed at this moment, it was extremely beautiful.

"Did the Diamond Emperor of the King Kong Tenjin be destroyed like this?"

"With a cold drink, you broke the strongest stunt of Vajrayana?"

"I'll say it! I'll say it! The history of these two people is not easy!"


Suddenly, a sound of surprise was heard.

Even those who previously thought that Shi Feng and Zi Yi's identity were not simple, were full of shock.

It's unexpected that one word broke the world!

"Huh!" But just then, the Vajrayana smirked.

He seemed as if he wasn't surprised at all by the man breaking his own attack.

Then, the King Kong Tianshen slowly said, "It's really good to break the King Kong Dragon King with one drink. It's better than the ordinary King King!"

"Everyone in the world knows that the strongest stunt of the gods of the day is the death of King Kong.

Where do they know that the King Kong dragon is extinct, but it's just my most common trick. "

"What! The death of King Kong Dragon is just the most common move of King Kong Tian God?"

"The King Kong dragon is extinct, such a powerful move, even ..."

"If it is said that King Kong's death is just the most common move of King Kong's God, then what is his strongest attack?

What strength can he achieve with the strongest attack? "

"King Kong Tenjin!"


King Kong God said: "It used to be that God did not give the opportunity to let the world see the true power of God.

It is those who are not in control, they are too weak, and they are not worthy of God's full strength!

And I have seen the true power of this god, all died under the gun of this god. "

"Tonight, this day God gave the world a chance to see them, this day God, the real horror!"

When Vajrayana made these remarks, he saw the golden spear in his hand, shaking slightly.

As the gun moved, I saw the night sky moving slowly.

It seems that he has resonated with this night sky, and it seems that the golden spear in his hand has merged with the heaven and earth.

Heaven and earth are the guns in his hands, and the guns are the heaven and earth!

"What did I see? How do I feel, King Kong, God is in control of this world at this moment."

"I feel it, too, as if this world was held in the hands of King Kong."

"So strong! Is this the true power of Vajrayana?"

"This feeling……"

"King Kong God, worthy of being a god! I ... I, as a whole, will not be able to control it. I will worship this god."


At this moment, countless people were trembling with their knees. They wanted to stand still, but they were totally involuntary.

"Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!"

The sound of rumbling sounded in the square, and every figure knelt down towards the supreme mighty figure.

The King Kong Tian God proudly standing in the air, the smile on his face is even worse. At this moment, he seems to have control of everything in this world, and said to Shi Feng:

"How? Feeling scared?"

As for Ziyi, Wudao Xiu could not be the **** king, and he had completely ignored it at this moment.

For Vajrayana, another person is not qualified to talk to him.

"The strength is not good, but there is a lot of nonsense." Shi Feng, however, spoke this sentence with disdain for him.

"Huh, how bad is the strength?" Hearing Shi Feng's words, this Vajrayana **** seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world.

Followed him and said, "God has to see this day, when can you talk hard!

kill! "

As he drank the word "kill", he suddenly saw that the night sky that was moving slowly suddenly became violently shaken.

At this time, countless people saw the whole night sky, turned into a golden spear, full of violent Ling Ran killing intention, the breath of endless destruction.

Then, the heaven and earth spear suddenly rioted.

"Boom!" It sounded like a thunder.

As if the sky collapses.

The golden light flashed and devoured the stars.

There, the moment became extremely chaotic.

"Fight, is it over?"

"They have been destroyed by the power of Vajrayana?"


People were stunned again, but at this moment, they could not see the pictures in the night sky, golden light guns, and the proud **** of the world, and they were the only one in this world.

There is nothing else in the night sky.

Those two people seemed to have completely disappeared in this world, and vanished into nothingness.

"King Kong Tenjin, worthy of King Kong Tenjin!"

"King Kong Tianshen said just now that one of them's martial arts practice is in the King of Gods!

The King Kong Tian God is also a powerful King of God. "

"But what about that? Are there fewer God Kings who have died under King Kong ’s God Gun these years?"

(End of this chapter)

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