Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3296: Gathering the endless sea


"It is said that the Emperor of the Fire Palace declared that the world, no matter who it is, in response to this battle, as long as Leng Aoyue is won, he will share Jiuyou Gong with the kings!"


"Take it seriously! There is nothing wrong with my message!

Rumors, as soon as this word came out, countless warriors in the world started to move!

Jiuyou Gong Gong, devouring the death of the soul, what mysterious, world martial arts, who do not want to get! "

"Everyone in the world says that Leng Aoyue, the Lord of Heavenly Desolation, can reach such a pinnacle level today. Nine quiet meditation is absolutely indispensable!"


"Calculate the time, the Shenhuo Palace and the forces will enter Zhongao Shenzhou after about one month, right?

I do n’t know what is happening now, what is happening now? "

"It is said that there was still nothing moving about the forces that had made good contact with the heavenly sacred place.

If there is no movement at this time, it seems that the heavenly sacred land will really face a catastrophe. "

"Well, if that's the case, then the God of Heaven could never do so much power and so many strong men!"

"But these years, rumors in the world say that the Lord of the Heavenly Frost, Liao Aoyue, can completely control the artifact that is against the sky.

Tianhuangding, but it is rumored that when Jiuzishan Tianguazi saw it, he looked to the sky with emotion: This tripod should not exist in this world.

Tian Gua Zi, that is one of the strongest people in our destiny to fight the fate of the mainland! "

"I've heard about Tianhuangding again.

It is rumored that once this tripod is sacrificed, it will be a powerful Lord of the Heavenly Famine, and all will suffer a strong back-bite. A bad one may be killed by the power of the back-bite!

However, in recent years, some powerful people have seen with their own eyes that the Lord of the Heavenly Wastes has offered the Heavenly Wild Tribes many times and can operate freely.

However, some powerful people found that although the Lord of Heaven was in control, he was unable to launch the truly terrible anti-sky force of Heaven and Earth! "

"Well, it is true in the rumors!

However, some people say that Tianhuang Ding is an extraordinary artifact and nothing should be left in this world, but it is deliberately exaggerated by the Lord of Heaven and the Hexagram. "

"Hearing what you say, it seems that even if the Lord of Heaven is in control of Heaven and Earth, the battle cannot be changed!"



Flying above the endless sea, swept by the power of the soul, the words of this period of time are constantly being received by Shi Feng into his mind.

Now even on this endless sea, there are many people talking about the war that affects the whole world today, talking about the key people and the key things about this war.

Have self-inferred, and guessed.

Regarding the Tianhuangding, Shi Feng saw Leng Aoyue's sacrifice for the first time. After returning from the magic fall mountain of Minshui in Tianshui, he returned to the heavenly sanctuary and entered the fissioned battlefield.

At that time, the protoss sacrificed thirty-three **** slave hexagram gates, the cold and proud Yuehuanghuang ancient nine body avatars, and sacrificed the Tianhuangding.

Although the protoss of the Protoss was severely damaged, his avatar suffered an extremely strong backlash.

At that time, Leng Aoyue really couldn't control the Tianhuangdingding, and this fierce encounter, he was in control, but this power was not comparable to that time.

Later, Shi Feng asked him that what Leng Aoyue had told him was about the same as those people.

On the day of the battle between the Protoss in the Battlefield of God Split, the participant was the clone of Leng Aoyue.

After the battle, Shi Feng was informed that he felt more and more that Wudao Xiu would be able to break through, and went to the forbidden abyss with Da Hu Fa Yin.

However, his martial arts practice did not break through in the end, but he obtained an ancient and eccentric spinner control technique left by his predecessors in the vicious forbidden gods abyss. Combining his heaven and waste, he realized that A secretory method.

However, it can only be urged to reach the transcendental artifact. If you want to transcend the transcendent, unless you have reached the peak!


"It is rumored that just a few days ago, the Supreme Fire Emperor of the Sacred Fire Palace threatened to capture the Nine Sacred Ancestors and the Sovereign Lords of the Heavenly Desolation Land, to abolish their Dantians, to enter the pigpen, to live forever, and to live with the pigs. Feed the pigs. "


"If the heavenly sacred land is really defeated, it is better to end it than to be so humiliated.

If the nine ancestors and the heavenly Lord are tortured in this way, it will be even more uncomfortable than death! "


At this time, another word came to Shi Feng's ears.

Hearing this, Shi Feng's complexion became extremely cold instantly.

Dare to say this, this fire emperor is too arrogant!

"Sacred Fire Palace!" Shi Feng said coldly, spitting out these three words.

Suddenly, his speed of breaking seemed to have improved.

"What is this? How fast?"

A warrior who broke through the air suddenly saw a figure rushing past him, and then disappeared.

"There is such a speed here!" At this moment, even the person beside him was amazed with eyes wide open.

"The person just now must be a peerless powerhouse!

Now the peerless powerhouse goes in this direction, it seems, also for the battle of Zhong Ao Shenzhou.

I don't know, is this strong man the God of Fire Temple or the Holy Land of Heaven? "

"Should ... Divine Fire Palace?"


Time passed slowly again.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, above the rolling waves, a figure was still galloping wildly.

Not long ago, Shi Feng had already heard the news from several talking warriors on the endless sea. The Lord of the Heavens, Leng Aoyue, had gathered with all the strong to gather in the endless sea outside the state of Ao.

Want to fight against the endless sea with Shenhuo Palace and all forces.

More news said that after five days, Shenhuo Palace and the powerful forces could arrive and start a world-fighting battle with it.

On the side of the heavenly wilderness, there are fewer and fewer forces going to help each other.

The Fire Emperor of the Shenhuo Palace and the great forces announced that after the Jiuyou Ning Gong can be shared, they have been gathered on the endless sea, and more and more forces have gathered.

"At this moment, it seems that the sacred place is really over."

"It should! It's impossible to fight back!"


At the endless sea, three martial arts men are also talking about the general trend of the world.

One of the soldiers frowned as if thinking of something, saying:

"If it is true that there is more and more help from the Palace of God and Fire, and the peerless forces and peerless powers in the Heavenly Sacred Land are willing to help, why are the Lords of Heaven and the Wild still in the endless sea, The battle of the gods of the fire palace? "

"You don't know anything about this," said another warrior. "Someone declared war, like you and me, and fled if they didn't fight.

But his God in Heaven is different, but how can he shrink back to their identity, status, and strength.

What's more, in this battle, all the creatures in the world looked at it, the Lord of the Famine, Leng Aoyue, could not retreat! "

When his words fell, another warrior nodded, agreeing with him:

"It is rumored that the martial arts of Leng Aoyue, the Lord of Heavenly Desolation, lies in the past ..."


On the endless sea outside Zhongao Shenzhou, the waves are rolling and surging, and the sound of the waves is roaring.

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of figures stood on top of them, all with solemn faces, ignoring the ferocious sea in front of them.

Among the hundreds of thousands of super powerful men in front, one of them was wearing a white jersey and a swashbuckler, and his hair danced wildly in the wind.

Amazingly Leng Aoyue, Lord of Heaven!

Behind Leng Aoyue, the Heavenly Sovereign Son meditates, the cause of the great protection law, the wonderful words of the second protection law, and Yuan Xiao of the third protection law ...

The five major protection methods of the Heavenly Sacred Land, except for the angered King Wang Yue, who is still unknown, are all listed.

After them, the old demon who had dug up the third head of the cracking sky and tortured the cracking sky like **** evil spirits and immature adults is also among them.

"Roar! Roar!"


The roar of fierce beasts kept violently.

Twenty-two fierce creatures left by Shi Feng in the heavenly wasteland, nine are already here!

Twenty-two fierce beasts have eight heads. Leng Aoyue ordered them to continue to guard the battlefield of God Split. If there is a change in the protoss of God split battlefield, they will send a message to him.

There are also five fierce creatures, which have fallen in succession in the war with the Protoss in recent years, and they have died!


(End of this chapter)

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