
A painful cry sounded from Shi Feng's mouth.

The two huge hands of the huge obscure shadow were destroyed, and the spear that the infernal **** stabbed again ran like lightning.

Shi Feng had no time to evade, and had no strength to resist.

The black spear pierced his heart severely, and then pierced through his back fiercely.

Shi Feng lowered his head, looked at his heart, and looked at the black lance that penetrated himself.

Now, his soul is fused with this black lotus body, his body is penetrated, and Shi Feng also feels severe pain.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!"

And just then, just listening to the sky, there was a roar of angry and painful roar, which shook the whole world.

"He, howls?"

"My lotus body is penetrated. Does he hurt?"

This thought flashed quickly from Shi Feng's mind.

I saw that the black fuzzy giant shadow that had lost his hands suddenly moved, he slammed away towards the infernal general.

An horrific force of brutality was created.

"This ... how is this possible!"

"Hit my shot in prison, even if you are not destroyed, you should lose your combat power completely! How do you ... how ..."

The infernal **** hadn't finished speaking yet, and Juying had been hit **** him.

"Ah!" A painful roar came from his mouth at this moment.

This time, the mighty hell-god was directly hit by a fly.

"He too, is crazy!" Shi Feng said, looking at the **** shadow.

Against the violent impact of the infernal **** general, he did not urge at all, and ran directly into it.

Afterwards, he looked again at the infernal **** who was hit by a wild fly, and said, "This blow from the inferno just now was really strong, and it directly destroyed the two large hands of the shadow.

However, that combat skill had already made him backwash greatly, and his combat power had greatly diminished after he had performed it. "

Shi Feng said.

When the infernal **** was about to be blown off, the black thorn spear that penetrated Shi Feng remained in Shi Feng's body.

While Shi Feng secretly said these words, his right hand had caught on the black thorn spear, and slowly pulled it out of his black lotus body.

Will pull out on the occasion of a sudden pull.

"Uh!" For a moment, a sound of painful moaning hummed from Shi Feng's mouth.


However, at that moment, the blurry giant shadow seemed to have felt the violent pain, and again sent out the sorrow of anger and pain.

I saw a large shadow, the **** of inferno towards the wild flying will be shrouded again.

At this moment, Shi Feng couldn't see clearly, what part of the shadow was shrouded at this moment.

"Ah!" A scream screamed, and saw the infernal **** was swallowed directly by the shadow.

Later, Shi Feng and the beings living in this world heard the chewing sound of "Kacha Kacha ..."

"Just now, this guy jumped straight down, and will this infernal **** eat too?

Is there a second-level existence of the King of God, just like that, was eaten? "

At this moment, even Shi Feng, who was not far away alone, was a little surprised.

This is really too fierce.

"God will!"

"God will!"


The Great Prison Army of the Infernals fighting the corpses, has now sensed bad news at this moment.

Unbelievable exclaims continued to flow from their mouths.

"Kill, destroy! Destroy all, eat!" Shi Feng yelled coldly at the shadow.

There was an extremely mysterious connection between the violent mind movement and the vague shadow.

The Blurred Giant Shadow rioted again, and went to the battlefield.






In the army of assassination, Yin Sha's bone spurs fluttered in his hands, and he was still killing wildly. He still looked crazy, with words of killing in his mouth.

At this moment, he seemed to have only killing in his heart.




"Stop him! Stop me!"

"Be sure to stop him!"

In the battlefield, there were echoes of extremely frightening roar.

The general of the inferno in the sixth heavenly realm of the Divine Realm had not been perished with a stab in the heart before.

However, at this moment, his black armor was in a state of dilapidation, and the whole "human" looked extremely embarrassed.

His body kept retreating sharply, and distanced himself from the "mad man Yinsha".

His mouth continued to yell at the infernal soldiers.

Under his order, there was indeed a constant infernal soldier appearing in front of him, trying to stop the mad and handsome lunatic.

As soon as the result appeared, the white spurs in the hands of the "mad man" violently moved, and all of them were stabbed to nothing, leaving no trace of dust in this world.

General Hell is still retreating, but Yin Sha is getting closer and closer to him.

"Don't come! You don't come!" He was still yelling at the "mad" anger.

Being forced into this way, now he no longer cares about why a creature that is only a two-level heavenly order has the power to suppress his own horror.

He just wanted to get closer and closer to that "lunatic", only to survive this war.


Then, the general of the infernal roared, and his body rushed up, but the next moment, he saw another huge spur of white bones appearing above his head.

Then he crashed down towards him again.

"Ah!" Was echoed with a terrible scream.

This was the fourth time he wanted to rush up and escape, and was bombed back.

Three more flew down, but the white bone spur appeared in front of him instantly. Three times, the bone spur penetrated his body fiercely, and then picked back into the army of the prison.

This infernal battle will have been sensed long ago. The lunatic in front of him does not want to kill himself too soon.

He thought, slowly playing himself to death?

Just because of myself, not long ago that he was a scrap?

The battle between the two armies, called swearing and malicious slander, can't be more normal.

In the end he never thought of it, but the word "waste material" actually made him so.

Even ... even his fighting power ...

"What the **** do you want?" Hell warned again.

At this moment, under the impetus of Shi Feng, the black fuzzy giant shadow also successfully entered the battlefield of the fight.

The giant shadow rioted suddenly, the screams of the carrion warriors and the infernal soldiers, and the horrible and crisp chewing sounds began to ripple again and again between the heavens and the earth.

Listening to the screams, looking at this tragic battlefield, the general of the infernal prison opposite Yinsha was even more panicked.

As for the words he drank just now, Yin Sha ignored it directly, with a white bone spur in his hand, and then stabbed forward. This strike hit the belly of the Yin prisoner, and broke the black soldier, and pierced the In the middle, and then pierced from the back.





The cruel and cold sound of drinking and spitting, and coldly spit out from Yin Sha mouth.

The shame of today looks really different from usual.

(End of this chapter)

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