Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3306: Start breaking!

Chapter 3306 begins to break the battle!

Under the stroke of his right hand, Tianyi saw the mysterious and simple runes appearing in the air.

Each rune is full of mysterious mysteries.

For a moment, however, the void in front of the elderly Tianyi was full of twisted runes, glittering and shining on the runes.

Afterwards, Tianyi turned his head and said to the Fire Emperor and the powerful men:

"On the front, there is only a nine-star abandonment array. Yier and other repairs are for understanding and perception. I sense the mystery of the broken array left by me and break this abandonment array, but it is easy.

Speaking of the elderly Tianyi, the eleven who reached the peak and made no more nonsense, immediately sensed.

Not only the eleven of them, but also the warriors behind the Shenhuo Palace, Xumi Mountain, and Xuanxian Holy Land, also released their thoughts.

All followed slowly.

Time passes slowly.

Above this sea, the night gradually receded, and the sky became bright.

The strong are still sensing the uprising left by the elderly Tianyi.

"Ah!" Tianyi stretched his arms, yawned, looking at the so-called strong men and said:

"Well ... it should take some time. The old man takes a rest, sleeps first, wakes up, and then sees these guys break the ruined array.

what! "

After making another old, lazy voice, the old man fell down on this day and lay directly in the void.

Then, seeing his figure, he gradually disappeared gradually, hiding the void and turning it into a void.


On the other side, the Jiuxing array was laid between the sky and the sea, and the people in the sky and the wild were always concentrated on the powerful enemies far away from the sea.

"Who was that old man just now? He gave me a sense of extreme divineness." Tianyuan Lord Xuanzang spoke, and his voice circulated among the Nine Stars.

"I don't know!" Leng Aoyue replied.

Followed him and said, "But it doesn't feel good to me!"

"It's him!" But at this moment, a voice not far from Leng Aoyue came.

Voice, from Jiuzi Mountain, Tian Gua Zi!

"Gossip, do you recognize the old man?" Yuan Xuan asked him immediately.

Tian Guazi's chubby baby's face had three eyes narrowed at the same time, showing a sense of uneasiness.

Seeing him like this, even Leng Aoyue frowned. It seems that the old man is indeed not simple.

"Who is he?" Leng Aoyue also asked.

Tian Guazi slowly opened his mouth and replied, "He is, Tianyi elderly!"

"Tianyi elderly!"

"What! Elder Tianyi!"

"Tianyi elderly!"


When I heard the word "Tianyi elderly", the other eight people in charge of the Nine-Star Array, whether cold or proud, or the Lord of Heaven and Earth, or the Lord of the Nine-Stars, the Master of Heaven ... Changed.

Although Tianyi has been hidden for many years, his powerful legend has been circulating on the mainland.

Tianyi is an old man, and the world will be without him.

"The old man of Tianyi is still alive! Those guys have invited the old man of Tianyi!" The source of Tianyuan Shengzhu also revealed his anxiety.

Today, the combat capabilities of the two sides are somewhat different.

Don't look at the difference between the three ascending peaks.

Three are enough to change this war situation!

Now, relying on the power of this nine-star array, to compete with them.

If the Nine Stars array is broken, and the other party is still standing with eleven who have reached the peak and made the most powerful ...


There is also the Tianyi old man, who is rumored to cultivate a mysterious power, which has long reached an unpredictable level.

If you add this Tianyi old man ...

"It is said that the elderly Tianyi has long been hidden from the world. Those guys, at what cost, invited him out!" Jiu Xing Lord also said at this time.

"Besides that, the founder has long been informed that the guys in **** want to take advantage of this battle and fight against Brother Leng and hold the last hatred!"

At this time, a middle-aged man with a somber face, wearing a black shirt, dancing with no wind and dancing, said.

He is the master of Tongtian Mountain and the master of Tongtian who came here to help!

"I know!" Leng Aoyue nodded at the words of the Master of Heaven.

The nine people in the Nine Star Formation have become extremely dignified.


Time passed slowly.

On this endless sea, the night completely receded and entered the day.

Today, the sky is very good, the sun is shining, there are seabirds freely migrating in the sky, full of the breath of life.

However, the day passed quickly, and the sun was setting in the west, and the sky was colored, and looked extremely beautiful.

And at this time, the people who sensed the uprising stopped the induction.

On each face, she was full of pride.

Looking forward, when the surging force of terror was no longer in sight, the Nine Stars array was in sight.

"With this breaking array upright, the eleven of us joined forces again and again to break the nine-star array is already easy."

At this time, Xu Mishan Xu Zun spoke to everyone.


Speaking of Xu Zun's words, everyone should answer.

"Then start to break the line! Take Leng Aoyue as soon as possible and get Jiuyou Ning Gong." At this time, the fire emperor also said.

When it comes to Jiuyou Gong Gong, a touch of different colors appeared on each face.

But, Jiuyou Gong!


With the applause of the Fire Emperor, the eleven men who climbed to the top of the mountain took the lead and moved straight away.

Immediately afterwards, all the martial arts behind them moved, and all rushed forward.

In the end, hundreds of thousands of warriors on the sea moved in unison!

Started smashing!






When flying, I only heard the strange sounds from the mouths of the eleven strongest climbers.

The eleven people's hands concluded a mysterious but different ancient handprint.

"Huh? Has it started yet?"

At this moment, the old lazy voice resounded above the sea where the fire gods Zhu Qiang had previously been.

The retired Tianyi old man appeared slowly, supported his head with his hands, and lay half-lying in this void, looking at the battlefield that was about to erupt.

He then said, "Well, yes! Being able to go to the top of the mountain, these guys' perceptions are really good.

Each palm has a trick, the forces pull each other, aiming at the nine stars and nine, and bombard together.

Then, the power of recombination against the power of Jiuxing, and then counterattack the greedy wolf, blasting the Wenqu, and then bombing the army ... Jiuxing moves in turn, keeps circulating, and this time, it will break. "

After saying this, the old man shook his head again and said, "It's boring! It's really boring! But one, Nine Stars is just a waste!"

This appearance of him seemed to be completely incapable of being lifted by the nine-star array.

(End of this chapter)

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