Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3309: Transcendental Armor Exchange


"... the old man has a way to provoke the power of your armor against Hierro."

The extraordinary old man said these words, and Shi Feng's face moved slightly.

Now what he knows about this armor is that the scum of the night can provoke part of his power.

And this old man said so, could he have a scum in his body?

Now that World War I broke out in Zhongao Shenzhou, if this old man really has a night scum, he will be able to increase his combat power!

"What can you do?" Shi Feng asked him.

The slightest expression on Shi Feng's face was under the attention of this old man.

Hearing such a question at this moment, the old man smiled meaningfully and said:

"If this method works, first take off your armor from me."

"Take it down for you?" Upon hearing this, Shi Feng sneered, and a look of disdain appeared on her face.

It is impossible to take this man off to him without knowing him.

"Why, don't believe me?" Said the old man.

"Nature!" Shi Feng bluntly asked, and then asked, "Why do you trust you?"

"Oh." Listening to Shi Feng's words, the old man shook his head and smiled, then said:

"After all these years, the world still knows the old man's name, but he doesn't know the old man's appearance.

Tell you, old man, is Tianyi old man! "

After saying this, an old man still has a smile on his face, looking at the person in front of him.

He wanted to see what kind of expression would be when the person in front of him knew his identity.

Even on his left hand, a large white seal has quietly appeared.

This seal, called Tianyijinyin, is rumored to be the strongest treasure of Tianyi elderly!

If the person in front of him does not believe it, the old man in Tianyi intends to directly show the imprint of that day to him.

Tianyi, the old man, has even seen this person see Tiantian's seal for a while, his face is extremely shocked, extremely surprised, eyes wide as if dreaming expression.

However, what the elderly Tianyi did not expect was that he had already reported his taboo, and this person even said:

"Elder Tianyi, what the hell? Is it terrible?"

He looks as if he has never heard his name.

This expression is completely different from what Tianyi old man imagined.

The smile on the old face suddenly condensed, and then gradually disappeared. The elderly Tianyi said, "You haven't even heard my name? It's so ignorant?"

This time when he was reborn, the elderly Tianyi secretly tried some martial arts.

Elderly, middle-aged, and younger people tried it secretly.

When he asked the four words "the old man in Tianyi", he almost heard his name.

As far as he knows, today's war on the continent still spreads its own legend.

One can imagine how famous he is.

But the person in front of him ...

"Hum!" Upon hearing his words, Shi Feng gave a disdainful cold hum and said:

"Instead of being ignorant, think about why your name is unknown.

Well, stop talking nonsense, either come up with what you call the solution, or let it go, I have to hurry. "

Time is running out, and spending time with the old man is no longer necessary.

Seeing him like this, listening to his words, the elderly Tianyi's brow slowly frowned.

He didn't look like he was posing.

It seems like I have never heard of myself.

"Suppress the armor of Hierro!" Then, Tianyi murmured again and again, staring at Shi Feng's dark magic armor again.

Later, I saw Tianyi's right palm spread out.

Shi Feng felt at once that an extremely strange force rose in the hands of the old man.

Secretly, there was a dark mist and mist flowing out of it.

"Putting your hands together! This palm has been laid out by him in an instant, a mysterious array! Even, I feel a magic power running in it!

This is a magic array! This is what the old man said? "Shi Feng murmured in his heart.

"How?" Tianyi asked Shi Feng.

"The way you are talking about is to use this magic array and use the magic power to motivate this piece of armor on me?" Shi Feng asked him instead.

"Well, that's right!" Tianyi nodded.

"Then you plan to pass me this magic array?" Shi Feng asked again.

"Hmm ..." When Shi Feng said this, the old man in Tianyi shook his head and said, "This, naturally not!"

"Then what do you want to do?" Shi Feng asked again.

He didn't think that this old guy would be so kind-hearted and pass himself on for a reason.

Although this magic array was in his palm, it seemed to be laid out casually by him.

However, Shi Feng was able to see that this magic array was extremely difficult!

"Now you should already know that it is only in my hands that Jayro can spur his power, in your hands, but for a piece of scrapped armor." Tianyi said.

Upon hearing what he said, a cold smile appeared on Shi Feng's face, saying:

"So, do you mean, want Ben to give you this magic armor directly to you?"

This old man really thinks!

The elderly Tianyi said, "Of course, the old man will naturally not hold Yarrow in vain! As long as you give Yello to the old man, the old man will pass you an extraordinary array and help you gather materials for the team, how?"

"An extraordinary battle?" Shi Feng murmured.

"As you cultivate now, as long as you successfully lay down the array taught by your husband and face the ordinary peak-making superpowers, you can be invincible, manipulated, and even let you fight against each other. How?

With this remark, the old face of Tianyi's old man has emerged a proud look.

Today, he encountered Shi Feng. If he meets other warriors of the gods on the mainland, I am afraid he will immediately move!

When Shi Feng heard him, he was still indifferent.

It seems that this seems to be indifferent to the elderly of Tianyi.

Then, he just heard him say a little to the old man: "No interest!"

He naturally knew in his heart that the evil spirits of the night could be compared to the peak of power!

The old man wanted to get the night warrior in this way, it was really whimsical.

Tianyi said again, "You don't believe me?"

"Let's go!" Shi Feng said coldly again, trembling with war, and rose again.

This time, he really planned to give him a punch if the old guy didn't let it go.

At this time, the elderly Tianyi frowned slowly, the frown became deeper and deeper.

However, the figure standing in front of Shi Feng was slowly backing away.

Seeing that he finally retreated, Shi Feng's figure suddenly moved, once again urging him to go forward with a violent charge.

In an instant, he flew to the end of the sky ...

(End of this chapter)

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