
Fire Emperor: "Originally, the Emperor did not want to use this power! But all this was forced by you!

You, all will be gods against the continent, sinners! "

When the Emperor of Fire said these words endlessly, his voice was even colder and colder than before.

Later, I saw a green object shaped like a key in the hands of the Fire Emperor, made of ancient bronze, exuding an extremely strange and white atmosphere, exuding the power of an extremely thick space.

As soon as this thing appeared, there were all eyes gathered in the hand of the Fire Emperor!

"What is this?" Xu Mishan frowned above his old face, and murmured.

There was an instant of uneasiness in his mind.

Just now from the words of the fire emperor, I heard that he should use a mysterious method.

However, he couldn't think of it, Xu Zun, didn't even know what means he was going to use.

Not only is Xu Zun, the powerful men on the side of Shenhuo Palace seem to have no idea what the emperor will do.

"Not good!" And at this moment, Tianhuang Zhuqiang suddenly heard, Jiuzi Mountain Gua Zi, issued a burst of shouting in surprise.

That baby's face had changed greatly.

"What is this and why is it so discoloring for you?" Leng Aoyue asked him immediately when she saw this.

It can make him like this, he naturally realized that the thing in Huo Guiyuan's hands was not simple.

And from the words of fire return, this thing will most likely bring harm to the entire Divine War continent.

"This is the key to heaven!" Tian Guazi replied with a deep voice.

"Day key?"

"Day key?"

"Day key?"


As soon as these words came out, one by one face was incomprehensible.

Obviously, they hardly know what this key is.

Facing the peerless force that trembled in the front, Tian Guazi's two small hands moved slowly, two mysterious and ancient forces appeared on his hands, and then violently pushed forward, making the space more crazy. Shock!

Afterwards, he said again: "The key to heaven is a thing of incomparable ancient times! It is rumored that the three powerful and terrifying evil creatures of ancient times are suppressed!

Their cultivation is far beyond the peak!

I know from an ancient book that one of the creatures is the Protoss! "

"What! Protoss!"

"Far more than the Protoss who climbed to the top of the mountain?"


"Evil creatures, plus that ... Protoss!"


Upon hearing Tian Guazi's remarks, all the strongholds in the Tianhuang Holy Land changed their faces.

Tian Guazi's voice was not soft just now. He intentionally let those in front of him hear it too.

He has seen that Huogui Yuan used this object, and most of them were in the drums!

Subsequently, the power of destiny was secretly unveiled again. In such a fierce battle, the hexagrams of this day even deduced the fate of this battle.

This battle, as he said, is unpredictable!

"Evil creature!"

"The suppression inside ..."


If, as Tian Guazi thought, the gods of the Fire Palace were all astonished.

At this moment, the emperor of fire had tossed the bronze key up in the air, and chanted an ancient, deep, unpleasant mantra in his mouth.

"Stop!" At this moment, the Lord resented the Lord, and immediately shouted at the Emperor of Fire:

"If we really release three of these ancient evil creatures, as Tian Guazi said, we will all die!"

"Yes! With the current situation, there is no need to release these three evil creatures at all! We are not yet in the downwind, and the three hells should return shortly afterwards. At that time, we will join forces again and we will be defeated. "

At this time, Xu Zun also shouted.

"Three hells?" Hearing Xu Zun's words, Fire Emperor's face sneered, and said:

"These three guys are already dead. You guys are still waiting for these three dead men."

"These three are dead? How come?"

"Who did it? Lonely Moon who hasn't shown up yet? Kill the three hells?"


Hearing the words of the Fire Emperor, the faces of the powerful men changed again and again.

In the previous war, this side of heaven and earth had no strength to threaten the three, except for the cold and proud Moon clone that had been hidden.

And as far as they know, the three most powerful men in **** are in control of two extraordinary artifacts.

Even if Leng Aoyue's avatar is ...

"Did you forget, the sudden strong Buddha power?" The Fire Emperor spoke to them again.

"Fo Li!"

"That ... Fouli!"

With the words of the fire emperor, they all showed their anger.

At the last critical moment of the nine-star burst, a horrifying Buddha power that really made them palpitated was indeed transmitted.

At that time, it was the most critical period, and the energy had reached the most violent. The peerless battle was changing rapidly, and they could not look at it with distraction.

After a while, the Buddha power suddenly disappeared.

The meaning in the Fire Emperor's words just now, the three extraordinary powers of **** they have been waiting for have been killed by that mysterious Buddhist power!

"Buddha, have you participated in this battle? Enemy with us!"

"Buddha, there were two priests who were delusional and silent, plus the mysterious and horrible Buddhist monk, this ..."


Thinking of these, the gods of fire and fire have changed color one after another.

If that's the case, it's really a big deal.

They will all be killed!

Afterwards, they looked up again, looking upwards, and they were spinning fiercely the bronze key of heaven!

A whirlpool of blue, looming.

Like a cyan beast, he opened his huge mouth in secret.

On the one hand, the powers of the Heavenly Sacred Lands and the Buddhism powers are united.

One side is a terrible monster, and among them there is a terrifying Protoss.

The strong gods of fire, hesitation appeared on the face.

However, at this time no one persuaded the emperor to stop.

And at this moment, they suddenly saw that Leng Aoyue and his avatar took the lead, leaving the bronze heavenly key above.

Immediately afterwards, the other seven strong men followed closely, and while they resisted the powerful forces of the Sacred Fire, they also began to charge.

"Stop them!" The Fire Emperor shouted.

Followed, he shouted again:

"The emperor has already communicated with the three fierce creatures. As long as they are born, they will help us destroy the powerful enemy!

Will never be our enemy! They have even vowed poison. If they break their vows, they will die! "

"So far, we have no choice but to stop them!"

At this moment, the heavenly Lord Ji Ji shouted colder.

He was the first to move and stormed up.

"Today, either we die or the barbarity of evil! We all have to survive." Tianyin Shengzu Yinxun also said.

His body also moves, right after Ji Yue!

Seeing these two moved, then, with the exception of Huoguiyuan, the other strong men moved one after another to stop the famines from leaving.

The Emperor of Fire slowly raised his head again, his eyes gazing up at the turbulence of blue, his mouth murmured:

"Hurry up, soon. The three venomous creatures are about to be born! Neon, your hatred, your husband will soon be able to repay you ..."

(End of this chapter)

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