Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3328: Tensei Shinseki!

Chapter 3328: Star God Stone!

The dark giant fist, like a dark hill, carrying the power of the supreme madness, contains the power of absolute world destruction, and blasts towards the brutal forces of the sky.

As the word "below" in Tian Guazi sang, Zhu Qiang immediately launched the strongest attack again to meet the giant punch.


"Boom boom!"

Violent force, bombarding it fiercely!

The power of the nine strong men suddenly let the dark giant fist stop!

Although the Dark Giant is strong, what he is facing now is, after all, the top nine!



The strength was stopped, and the Dark Giant burst into fury again.

The dark and large face instantly became more stubborn.

Just then, his dark left hand was also fisted, and blasted up.


The protoss strong is divinely forbidden, and there is still a casual smile on his face.

After telling the dark giant that you're gone, he never shot again.

At this moment, this pair looks like watching a good show.


"What a terrible power, what a terrible black giant!

The anxiety that I felt earlier was due to him, and ... "

Shi Feng murmured softly above the strong and dark giants.

His body, the light of the stars, is still extremely bright, but it has been sealed by his secret method and cannot be transmitted out.

Just now, Shi Feng has arrived in this battlefield. Seeing that the people in the wild can resist the power of the dark giant, he has not yet shot.

When he said "There is", Shi Feng's face moved again, looking at the naked body in the distance.

This person gave Shi Feng a more dangerous feeling.

And at this moment, God forbidden that face with a smirk suddenly moved, he also looked up at Shi Feng, just opposite Shi Feng's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the forbidden face moved again, showing a touch of surprise, saying: "This star power? I am familiar."

With that said, I saw his hand move quietly again, facing Shi Feng above, and then sucked!

"Uh!" Moaning out of Shi Feng's mouth.

His face changed suddenly, he already felt that an unmatched suction was forcibly sucking himself over.

"Ah!" A cold drink rang out in Shi Feng's mouth.

He immediately urged his full strength to counter that suction.

Mount Xumi was also sacrificed.

"Cut!" However, the Protoss God forbidden to see this, and made a very disdainful voice.

"Master!" Leng Aoyue, who confronted the dark giant below, heard Shi Feng's drinking from above, and suddenly looked up.

Immediately afterwards, he said to the powers in the sky: "The dark giant gives it to you!"

As soon as the words came down, Leng Aoyue rushed up with his wildness, and soon flew to Shi Feng.

"Dang!" Tianhuang Shending resounded again.

Exciting extraordinary force, to counter that supreme suction!


Seeing Leng Aoyue and Tianhuangding also came to compete with their own strength, the protoss was forbidden, and their expressions were even more disdainful.

The next moment, Leng Aoyue beside Ao Li Shifeng's body had become extremely unstable.

He and Shi Feng were both sucked by the god.

This kind of strong people, combined strength, can also compete.

But only Shi Feng and Leng Aoyue, although both of them have the power to reach the peak, but they can not compete.


"Holy Lord!"



At this time, a few people found the condition of Leng Aoyue, who was against the dark giants.

After Tian Guazi yelled, several other powerful men also shouted.

But ... the dark giant below was still violently blasting at them with his fists.

At the moment, the power of eight people can still compete!

"I'll help Aoyue's hand. I will fight against it with all my strength, and I can also counter this evil attack." Tian Guazi said to everyone.

"Huh!" The six strong men and Leng Aoyue were secretly nodding.

Subsequently, Tian Guazi rushed up, rushing towards Shi Feng and Leng Aoyue.

Before the person arrives, Tian Gua Zi has been thrown out, shining with an unusually dazzling Jin Mang, permeating the unmatched destiny.

Also help Shi Feng, to counter that forbidden suction.

When Tian Gua Zi arrived, the speed at which Shi Feng and Leng Aoyue were sucked in was greatly reduced.

However, the figure was still moving and still being sucked.

"Damn!" Leng Aoyue yelled coldly, her face full of anger.

Two fierce creatures emerged from the secret key, and they were forced to do so.

According to Tian Guazi, this key has suppressed three murderous creatures, as well as one murderous creature, which has not yet appeared.

There is even the other side of the Divine Fire Palace, and the top ten are staring at it.

"Muff, I am in the wilderness and my brothers, and the calamity is here!" Leng Aoyue sighed.

In this battle, he really didn't think about it, and there was a variable named "Sky Key".

"Tian Gua Zi, isn't it possible that this battle is not reversible?" Leng Aoyue said, asking Tian Gua Zi.

"Not necessarily!" Tian Guazi responded to Leng Aoyue.

"Not necessarily?" After hearing these three words, Leng Aoyue looked again and quickly asked: "Can you make it clear?"

"I can't say it clearly." However, Tian Guazi answered so, and then said:

"My destiny, you and me, have a chance to survive.

Possibly, will appear above your division. "

"My teacher!" Murmured the words, Leng Aoyue's eyes stared at Shi Feng again.

At this moment, Shi Feng's face was bleak, and she was still struggling with it.

Shi Feng, Leng Aoyue, and Tian Guazi, at the current speed and distance, I am afraid that after ten breaths, they can reach the Protoss god.


"Huh? What's the matter?" Suddenly, the strong against the dark giant, suddenly heard the star of the Nine Stars, and exclaimed.

"What's wrong with Xingyao?" After hearing Xingyao's cry, Yuan Yan immediately asked him.

Each face was more disturbed by the cry.

Then, I saw a seemingly ordinary stone rising from Xingyao's body.

"Sky Star God Stone!" Xing Yao just uttered these three words, and then saw the Star Star God Stone violently moved, and quickly shot up.

"Heavenly star stone, what is this?" While urging the momentum to continue to contend with the dark giant, he looked up and stared at the wild flying stone.

"This is the holy stone that has been passed down from generation to generation in my nine-star holy land, representing the supreme honorable status!" Xingyao replied.

He said that this star **** stone is like the emperor jade of the earth!

At this time, Xingyao also looked up and stared tightly.

Since many years ago, he has become the lord of the nine-star holy land, and he has been carrying this star **** stone with him all the time.

Among the ancient legends of their nine-star sacred place, the celestial **** stone contains the horrible divine power.

However, he has never seen Xingyao.

It's not just Xingyao, it's also the Jiuxing Lord before him.

After endless years, ancient legends are nothing but ancient legends, but at the moment ...

"Huh? This person's physical body?" Just then, when Xingyao's eyes were sweeping over Shi Feng, his face suddenly changed again ...

(End of this chapter)

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