Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3332: Leng Aoyue, meteorite!

Chapter 3332: Cold Aoyue, Fall!

Holy Seal of Heaven, Yinqin, Holy Fire of the Sun ...

Daodao's extraordinary equipment, extraordinary power, flocked to Tian Gua Jin Suo and Tian Huang Ding.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Soon, this space also began to burst into bursts, raging wildly and raging.

In the force of the riot, Leng Aoyue and Tian Guazi appeared, and the two were still motivating their strongest forces, scorning below.

The Emperor of Fire raised his head. Although he said that in this position, Leng Aoyue and Tian Gua Zi have been blocked by the heavenly waste, but it was already in his soul.

A fierce cold smile appeared on the emperor's face, "Leng Aoyue, my emperor has to look at it. How long can you fight with the two of you! Haha, hahahaha!"

The thought of Leng Aoyue forcibly urged Tianhuangding, but still couldn't stop them from being fierce and powerful, the Emperor of Fire was laughing and happier.

At this moment, the Emperor of Fire seemed to have seen Leng Aoyue's next despair.

At the same time, the Emperor of Fire murmured in his heart: "There is also that fierce creature, should it be born?"



In the sky, Shi Feng, facing the blast of Shen Quanquan, suddenly frowned, looking down.

It seems that seeing Leng Aoyue and Tian Guazi contending against the top ten, Shi Feng at this moment was all moved.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng yelled at the anger below: "You two, get back!"

Forcibly urged Tianhuangding and countered the ten extraordinary forces. The face of Leng Aoyue's mighty face emerged with the energy and pain.

The body trembled and became more and more violent.

"Master ... Master ..." At this moment, when I heard Shi Feng's fury from above, Leng Aoyue murmured.

But just then, a smile suddenly appeared in the painful appearance.

Tian Guazi, who was hovering beside him, was also full of struggling and flustered with the fat toot baby face.

He said to Leng Aoyue, "Okay, Aoyue! Go back.

Don't force it anymore, and support it, you will really die! "

"Huh!" At this moment, Leng Aoyue's expression on her face became abnormally solemn and serious, and she nodded slightly to Tian Guazi.

Later, I only listened to Leng Aoyue's deep voice and said, "Back!"

When this word sounded, Tian Gua's figure suddenly moved, and flew up violently.

Tian Guazi left this fierce battlefield in an instant, but then immediately saw three eyes on his face, wide open, and shouted violently below:

"Leng Aoyue, what are you doing? You really are looking for death!"

Just now, although Leng Aoyue drank the word "retreat", at this moment, the peerless figure stands proudly there, proudly standing on top of his peerlessness!

With a stout body, it looks like a spear that will never fall, with long white hair dancing violently.

Faintly, as if there were white snow dancing, but there was a hot and violent breath from Leng Aoyue's body.

His face, as well as the momentum of his body, are extremely calm to others. He has once again spurred the magic skills, magic fire, and heavenly tactics of Shenhuo Palace!

"Leng Aoyue!" Tian Guazi drank again.

Unexpectedly, the God of Heaven, known as the first destiny of the war of gods, was cheated today.

In fact, in this battle, there are too many variables, too many!

And Leng Aoyue is forcibly urging the desolate dungeon who deserves no God war, transcending his fate!

"A proud month!" At this moment, even Shi Feng, who had laughed wildly before, could not laugh anymore, yelling at the bottom.

"Damn **** it!" Shouted the words constantly in his mouth, and Shi Feng's speed and strength of forbidden punches to the gods looked at him as if he became fiercer immediately.

However, this power feels a bit scattered, not as concentrated as before.

Even the stars flew down and flew away to the wild forces.

"Your opponent, it's me!" Just then, Shi Feng heard an unusually cold voice coming from in front of him.

The Protoss strong is **** forbidden. This naked body with colorful scales is scarred and the whole body is stained with colorful blood.

Even on the chest, the large scales have disappeared or the large scales have broken, and the colorful blood is still flowing, which is simply shocking.

The Protoss is strong and forbidden. When it was just born, what kind of spirit was it, but at the moment ...

That once enchanting handsome face had become a piece of rotten meat, covered with blood, and cruel and angry.

Daodao's colorful magic swords constantly flew from him, shot from his fists, appeared from space, and were still stabbing towards Qi Qi.

Hearing God ’s forbidden words, Shi Feng suddenly looked up, glaring at God forbid to drink: "He and other ants, who are called my opponents, are they worthy?"

"Boom Boom Boom Boom!" Only this moment, Shi Feng was facing the fist that banned Boom Boom, as if it had become faster again.

"Hehe, hehehehe!"

At this time, it was his turn to laugh and laugh: "After that person is bombarded by these ten people, it is time for ten of them to join hands with me to kill you!

You are a strong human race, but you and I have teamed up to kill you. How does it feel?

Ha ha ha ha ha! "

Although there was a lot of pain under the power of Shi Feng, the **** forbidden still made happy laughter.

"Scarlet ants! They all died in pain under the power of this seat!" Shi Feng was angry again, and his countenance was extremely horrible.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Deadly!" Shi Feng, at this moment, just wanted to blast the **** forbidden to death, blast into a residue.



Tianhuangding, at this time issued the most intense roar.

The whole space shook.

But this roar suddenly stopped abruptly!

As if the entire sky, at this instant they return to silence.

"Eh!" Followed the sound of Leng Aoyue's moan.

I saw the straight body of Ao Litiantianding trembled suddenly, then, as if the whole person had lost all their strength and collapsed.

When the fire emperor saw this, he screamed at the strong and then said: "Leng Aoyue has run out of oil and lights, and we will urge the strongest force together, violently flesh, and draw his soul!"

We are powerless in the sky!

Ten extraordinary forces surged to Leng Aoyue.

"Ah!" Roared in pain.

With the strength of the ten powerful men who climbed the peak, even this heavenly Lord, his body was instantly blasted and killed!




"Holy Lord!"


On the other hand, the God of Seven who is still competing against the Dark Giant is also watching Leng Aoyue being destroyed by all forces.

Shouts, roars, and screams of sorrow!



Leng Aoyue, who felt the strength, had no breath at all, and the Emperor Huoyang laughed happily.

Immediately following the lead to fly up, five fingers rushed towards the undissipated force, saying:

"Leng Aoyue, a peerless master! The emperor will soon let you taste it, and the divine fire directly burns the soul!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! "

(End of this chapter)

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