Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3338: Seal Nine Stars!

Chapter 3338 Seal Nine Stars!

The mysterious girl in the fog also informed Shi Feng that she was born here, and a mysterious force may have sensed it.

It shouldn't be long before there is a strong arrival in this world!

And what she can call absolutely strong, that existence ...

It's really hard to imagine!

"Oh! Ha! Ha! Haha! Huh, huh!" Weird bursts of laughter, again from Shi Feng's mouth.

Shi Feng's shabby face that had just calmed down for a long time, and then a very cruel smile appeared.

Just now, he emerged from the madness of the crowd, and the stars disappeared from his body.

At this moment, the light of the stars shone from him again.

That cruel and weird voice sounded again:

"I really want to see what kind of forces are so horrible! Oh! Oh!"

Talking, he laughed again.

"So it is." Just then, in the fairy mist, the mysterious girl murmured.

Then, "Huh?" The face of Shi Feng, who was cruel, suddenly changed suddenly and became extremely vicious, like a ghost, and drank at the anger above:

"Presumptuous! What do you want to do?

In front of this seat, you dare to commit the following crimes? "

"The young master is disturbed by a force, and his reason is not constant. His subordinates will help you to seal this force and restore reason!

In the future, the owner will decide whether to break the seal. "

Said the girl.

"Uh ... uh ... uh ..." Moaning and sending out from Shi Feng's mouth.

Shi Feng's body was shaking.

His face became more and more embarrassing. At this moment, he seemed to be suffering from extreme pain.

"Roar!" Shi Feng yelled for a while, like a mad beast.

But soon, the roar came to an abrupt end!

"Huh? I ..." Just this moment, Shi Feng's shabby face became extremely calm.

The light of the stars that just flickered and the power of the rising horrific stars disappeared instantly.

"What am I?" Shi Feng frowned slightly. Seeing his appearance at this moment, he seemed to have completely calmed down, lowered his head slightly, feeling his heart.

Shi Feng already sensed that above the nine stars, there was a mysterious power of seal.

"I finally recovered." Shi Feng murmured again.

Shi Feng still remembers that she was like a madman, cruel and violent, thinking about crazy killing, and her emotions were completely out of her control.

At that time, I only felt a chaotic and violent thing that eroded my consciousness, or more closely, was to forcibly merge my consciousness.

"That thing should be ... magic!" Shi Feng said.

I did not expect that I was not affected by those things in Shaye, but was almost made a magic by the power of these nine stars.

"I can't imagine, what would happen if I stayed in that state for so long?"

Thinking of this, Shi Feng was secretly shocked.

I was even a little thankful.

If it becomes a demon, is eroded by the devil, and loses self-consciousness, what is the difference between death?

Although this nine-star power is terrifying, Shi Feng no longer wants to use it.

Now being sealed by that one, and waiting for myself to become stronger in the future, I will completely expel these nine-star power.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng raised her head again, looked at the vast fairy mist, looked at the white girl like a fairy, and said:

"thank you."

"Small master's words are heavy, this is what the criminal should do!" The girl replied.


"Master's consciousness is restored." Looking at Shi Feng at this moment, hearing Shi Feng's words, Leng Aoyue immediately said.

"Brother Leng, tell Jiuyou Shengzu that he is pregnant with Jiuxing Ancient Demon. It is best not to practice this body anymore.

The Jiuxing Ancient Demon is strong, but it will become a demon that the six relatives don't recognize! "The nine-star lord, Yao Xing, said to Leng Aoyue in a persuasive tone.

"Well, I understand!" Leng Aoyue nodded and said.


"Young Master, what else is next to command?

If not, leave this world with your subordinates. Otherwise, if they arrive, we will be too late! "

At this time, the girl had a secret autobiography of Shi Feng again.

Upon hearing her words, Shi Feng said immediately: "Wait a minute, clean up all the residues before leaving!

Also, don't destroy their souls just as before. The young master needs their souls to be useful. "

While speaking this sentence, Shi Feng pointed his hand at the gods of fire below.

Two died a while ago, and now eight remain.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the face of Shenhuo Eight changed suddenly.

This statement was tantamount to the person who sentenced to death for eight of them.

Although, when they heard that person called the young master, they had already guessed this would be the end.

"Sinner obeys!" The beautiful fairy voice of the girl resounded again.

But listening to the quarter-finals' ears seemed like the sorrow of hell.

"Ah, don't! Stop first! Jiuyou Shengzu, leave me to die, in the future, I will surrender to your heavenly sanctuary."

At this time, the proud Lord of the Holy Land, Ao Wuji, immediately said to Shi Feng.

Immediately afterwards, the Emperor of Fire also quickly spoke, saying:

"This one, I released you from the key of heaven, and finally set you free again. Can you let me go?"

When the fire emperor finished this sentence, he immediately thought of that key figure, and then opened his mouth to Shi Feng again, his face full of sincerity and respect:

"Sacred ancestors of Jiuyou, swear next time, from now on, next time you will never be with you, with the heavenly holy land, all with you.

From now on, as long as you are where you are, you will avoid retreating three thousand miles! "

"As long as I spare my life, I am willing to surrender to the heavenly Holy Land!" For the sake of life, for the hundreds of thousands of disciples in the Tianyin Holy Land, even the Tianyin Shengsheng Xun also spoke.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense." At this time, they only heard a cold voice from above.

It was Shi Feng who told them.

Then, Shi Feng said, "Today, you are destined to die! The moment you decide to conquer the sacred place of Heaven, you are destined to be the end."

After saying this, Shi Feng and the young girl in the mist said, "Okay, let's get started!"






When Shi Feng's voice came to an end, he heard the terrible roar again and again.

There were eight screams.

As soon as the roar sounded, it was silent for a moment.

The remaining eight powerful men who climbed to the top of the poles are all extremely terrifying, and they are exactly the same as the death of hatred and respect.

It's like seeing something terrifying before you die.

The eight ascendants who made the peaks and fell into the sky.

However, Shi Feng's keen soul power was sensed, these eight people, the soul power has not been destroyed.

Immediately afterwards, he started his peerless power, Jiuyou Ninggong ...

(End of this chapter)

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