Chapter 3348 Palm Face!

"Here is the realm of gods?"

Looking into this endless void, Shi Feng murmured.

Under the influence of this world at this moment, the vitality of the heavens and the earth is so full that it surpasses the Divine War continent and far exceeds Tianheng!

At the same time, the power of his soul has begun to sweep wildly in all directions, lowering his head slightly, looking down.

In the eyes, there is a continuous mountain range, and the white mist is rolling.

Secretly, the roar of beasts came from below.

"Demi-god-level monsters! There are also several demon monsters!" Shi Feng whispered, feeling the level of the monsters in the mountains.

"I don't know, at what level are the souls in this world the highest cultivation! What kind of strength am I in this world.

And now, where am I in these gods! "

Daodao thoughts flashed wildly from Shi Feng's mind.

There is too much information he wants to know now.

"Semi-gods and real demon-level monsters have long opened up their psychic powers. Go down and catch a few monsters and ask if you can ask what you want to know!"

Shi Feng said this, his body suddenly moved, rushing down, extremely fast, at this speed, it seems that without three breaths, you can fall into the male peak below.

The power of Shi Feng's soul has gathered on a white violent ape of the true **** triple sky level.

The white ape is huge and looks like a giant. At this moment, it is lying on a boulder and sleeping soundly. It has not sensed the arrival of a powerful creature!

"Well ... God King Yizhong, this is good, much better than these monsters, since it is delivered to you, it is you!"

But at this moment, Shi Feng suddenly heard a young, low voice coming from the forest below.

Hearing this voice, Shi Feng's brow suddenly moved!

Someone was hiding in this deep mountain, even the power of his soul was not felt.

"What is this?" Shi Feng muttered.

In this new world, he didn't dare to take the slightest care, and the shape of the storm slammed down suddenly.

"Huh? Do you want to escape now? It's too late!" The voice sounded again, ridiculing, with disdainful drama.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng suddenly saw the heaven and earth in which she was living, and suddenly darkened.

He suddenly looked up, and saw a huge handprint, which appeared in the sky, covering the sky and becoming the only one in this world.


"Roar roar!"



In the mountain forest, the sleeping white storm ape has also sensed the palpitations in the sky, suddenly waking up, and roaring in the sky.

Not only it, but a ferocious beast in the mountains and forests instantly became violent and disturbed.

They have all sensed that it is a power that can instantly shine it into ashes!

"The power of the three heavenly kings!" At this moment, Shi Feng once again murmured.

Obviously a triple king power of the **** king, obviously a strong king triple king realm, even escaped his own soul induction?

Is it a hidden secret device, or is it a superb figure?

Shi Feng thought to himself.

But at the next moment, he couldn't bear to think too much, the big fingerprint on the sky was moving fiercely, violently grabbing down, violently toward him.

It's super fast, and it's almost instant.

Facing this force, Shi Feng finally moved.

Make a fist with your right hand, and then punch upwards with a punch!

A seemingly tiny fist was already bombarded with that huge palm print.

"Boom!" A violent quake struck loudly, and it rang suddenly at this instant.

I saw the huge palm print, and immediately under the blow of Shi Feng, burst suddenly!

Turned into a random force, disappeared instantly!

"Why ... how ?? A king of gods is a god! My power is broken?" Then, an incredible voice came out.

"Here!" At this moment, Shi Feng bowed his head sharply and drank coldly.

Immediately, his body rushed into the forest, "Oh!" Crashed onto a giant tree.





Screams and screamed immediately.

I saw that the giant tree was destroyed. It turned out to be a mysterious fantasy. At this moment, every figure was revealed.

A total of eight young men and women fell to the ground under the violent impact of Shi Feng, "嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭!"

Lie on your stomach!

Looks messy!

Shi Feng, suspended above the eight young men and women, looked down at them.

These eight young men and women are all martial arts masters above God.

Cultivate as the highest, in the triple king of God, the lowest, also in the king of God!

These people had previously attacked themselves for no reason. If it was normal, Shi Feng would control who they were and kill them directly.

But these people still have value to him!

"Who are you? Actually posing as a king of the heavenly warrior and begging me?"

At this time, Shi Feng heard an unusually cold sound coming from below.

The man who said this was a man in a Jinyi suit with a handsome face and an extraordinary temperament. He was raising his head at the moment, scorning Shi Feng.

Those eyes, with unusually cold eyes, were staring at him like this, Shi Feng felt extremely uncomfortable.

It's like being stared at by a poisonous snake.

This person's cultivation is in the triple king of God.

It seems that he was the attacker who just launched himself.

"Retract your eyes, I don't like it!" Shi Feng said quietly, and said to him.

"If, I say no?" The young man responded coldly.

With this remark, there was even more hatred on his face.


Suddenly, everyone only heard a very crisp and crisp sound, echoing in this mountain forest.

No one saw what was going on, but I saw a red five-finger palm print on the left face of the handsome young man.

Already at that moment, he was slap faced!

The face was directly beaten, even the young man, suddenly hesitated, opened his eyes, covered his left hand on his face, and felt fiery pain.

But then, a look of incomparable anger and utter indignation appeared on his face, only to hear him roaring towards the sky:

"Dare you hit me? How dare you hit me! Ah! You! You! You will die!

You will die, there is no place to be buried! "

The roar of anger, echoed violently in the mountains and forests, echoing constantly, as if a peerless beast in the mountains and forests was angry.

But the next moment, I just listened: "Pop! Pap! Pap! Pap! Pap ..."

It's a very crisp sound!

At this time, other young men and women finally saw with their own eyes, before Yu Han's left face, a white palm print appeared ...

(End of this chapter)

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