Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3355: Scared to cry!

Chapter 3355: Scared To Cry!

The moan from the God of War and the Dragon soon disappeared.

But at this moment, I saw that his physical body was motionless and there was no breath!

The eight young men and women below looked at each other, their faces suddenly changed wildly, and their eyes widened extremely!

"Golden Dragon God of War, was ... killed!"

"He unexpectedly killed the Golden Dragon God of War! This uncle's powerful man climbed to the peak!"

"Golden Dragon God of War! He really dare to kill! Killing the Golden Dragon God of War, but with the uncle's family, the endless resentment can not be resolved!"

"Yeah! This devil ... it really is, dare to do anything! He ... since even the Golden Dragon and God of War dare to kill ... then he, I am afraid to kill us ..."


Looking at the still golden corpse above, the eight people below were horrified again and again.

At this moment, even the uncle's and his uncle's family have some incredible things happening right now!

The Golden Dragon God of War Luolong, the uncle Luolong in his mouth, the peerless strongman who climbed the peak to create the extreme state, came to save him from the cold. Now, he has lost his life here, and has always become an extremely cold body.

wrong! Not a cold body!

The next moment, the eyes of the eight of them opened wide again, revealing the incomparable horror.

They saw a stream of red blood pouring from the corpse of the God of War and being sucked into his palm by the "devil head".

Later, I saw the body of the Golden Dragon God of War, drying up quickly.

Soon, it turned into an extremely dry corpse!

Really, shocking!

"This man has exhausted the body of the Golden Dragon and God of War! He ... what magic skills does he cultivate?"

"Vampire! This man is indeed a demon!"

"Vampire cultivation is indeed a demon! Unfortunately today, when we meet this demon, it seems that we are really inevitable!"

"Ah! Yeah! It's just ... will we, like the Golden Dragon God of War, be killed by him and become such an ugly corpse?" Said the young man who had previously spoke modestly to Shi Feng.


Upon hearing his words, three of the women's faces changed again and again, and their three beautiful faces became even more ugly.

"Ah! I don't! After I don't die, it becomes so ugly! I don't, I don't!"

The soft and beautiful woman from Yihua Shengu, wearing a pink outfit, also whispered.

"This is how it should be!" The pitying woman, Lian Ye, murmured secretly.


Killing the Golden Dragon and God of War quickly consumed his soul power, soul, and blood.

Looking at this dry corpse casually, Shi Feng grabbed it with his right hand, and then threw it back at will, throwing him into the forest below.

At this moment, if anyone sees this dry corpse, if it is not for the Golden Dragon Warframe on the corpse, I am afraid that no one will associate this corpse with the prestigious Golden Dragon Warlord of the weightless realm!


"Roar! Roar!" The roar of fierce beasts roared from the forest.

However, Shi Feng had previously agreed to the Golden Dragon God of War and left him with his whole body. Just now he had laid an enchantment on top of this dry body, an ordinary creature, I am afraid it is difficult to approach!


"Golden Dragon God of War, should soon become one of those monsters!

Hey, the hero of Jinlong Ares I, after death, ended up like this. What a shame! "

A young man shook his head and sighed.

After hearing what he said, another sighed, "Oh, yeah!

The Golden Dragon God of War has always stayed behind the Yunhai Mountains to compete against the monsters and prevent them from invading our territories!

But now I did not expect that after death, these monsters will be given ... "



At this time, everyone sighed.

And just then, they suddenly felt that the invisible force covering themselves suddenly disappeared.

His completely uncontrolled body regained his freedom.

"What's going on?" Someone murmured.

But just then, "Ah!"

Suddenly they heard again, a painful roar came from beside them.

After hearing that roar, they turned their heads.

Seven young men and women saw that the young master of the family's house was chilling, his face was extremely painful, his body was motionless.

He ... has no breath!

Immediately afterwards, seven blood arrows shot out from the chilled seven holes, blasting towards higher air.

Seeing this, the hearts of the seven people trembled again.

The young man who spoke modestly to Shi Feng screamed in shock: "Well ... 泧 家 少 主 主 泧 寒, killed! 泧 寒 is dead!"

"He ... he started to kill! Han Han died, and then it is us who is going to kill!"

"Even the Golden Dragon and the God of War killed him, and he did not let us go, he did not let us go!"

"We are all going to die! We, all of us, will become this dry and ugly body!"


At this moment, they no longer spoke and yelled directly.

Under their eyes, as expected, the blood on Zhi Han has completely drained away, and it has become a dry and dry, like an ugly corpse that has been weathered for thousands of years!

"Ah!" The woman in the shifting gods of pink powder screamed, "I don't! I don't want to die! I don't want to die so ugly! Whoo! I don't!

Talking, she burst into tears.


The cold, which had been drained of blood, turned into a dead body, and then fell to the mountain forest below.

Seven young men and women just watched like this.

The young master of the family is cold, and how old he was in the past.

And now ...

"Pop!" The sound of a floor sound came from below, shaking the hearts of the seven of them, and trembling violently.

"Next, it's our turn.

I do n’t know, who will start with us?

Obviously you can kill us directly, but want to kill us one by one this way, this, the devil.

Ah! "A man who looked gentle and scholarly like a scholar, grinned and grinned.

At this moment, he became calm and indifferent.

Perhaps it was known that it was difficult to escape, and it began to accept it frankly.

Gradually, however, a bitter smile appeared quietly among the smiles.

It seems that he is not so calm.

"Woo, I don't want to die! I don't want to die! Woo!" The pink-haired woman was still crying.

Followed her again: "I'd rather kill myself than die so ugly."

"Even if you kill yourself, he will drain your blood and become like that after you die." Someone reminded her.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooah !!!" and she cried a little louder at the words of the man.

"Ah!" Someone sighed again and said nothing more ...

(End of this chapter)

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