Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3358: The top three is coming!

Chapter 3358: Three Strong Coming!

Shi Feng's hand had already grasped that boulder.

But then, suddenly there was a supreme shock, which was uploaded from this boulder.

Shi Feng's hand was shocked directly by the shock.

"Huh!" Shi Feng twisted her eyebrows sharply.

At this moment, even Shi Feng was surprised.

"Boom!" A thunderous roar suddenly burst from him.

The raging demon thunder suddenly burst out from him, rushing to his right hand.

Shi Feng condensed the strength of her whole body and blasted out with a punch in front of this huge stone!

There is such a huge stone blocking here. After the huge stone, there must be something famous!

"Boom!" A thunderous roar of thunder sounded.

The whole mountain in front of Shi Feng was violently violent under his fist.

However, the boulder that was subjected to his full bombardment is still intact!

Not even a gap was seen.

"Xumi Mountain!" Shi Feng said coldly.

Simply sacrifice the extraordinary vessel Sumiyama.

Xu Mishan appeared immediately under the control of Shi Feng, and crashed down towards the boulder.

"Boom!" There was a louder, fierce roar than before.

However, as before, the mountain peaks form a large array, but this boulder is not even moving!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Shi Feng maneuvered Mount Xu Mi and began to violently bombard.

His brow was still tightly twisted, the figure fluttered backwards, and looked up and down the giant peak in front of him, and the position of this giant stone in this giant peak.

"This stone is inlaid on the rock wall, so obvious ... I am afraid that many creatures have paid attention to this stone, but, like me, they can't cause any damage to this stone at all!

Looking at a common stone, there is such a mystery! What is it for here? "

Shi Feng thought secretly in her head.

"Ah! No!" But then, his complexion suddenly changed.

Immediately, the power of his keen soul captured the breath of the three powerful men that he had previously sensed, which had already appeared not far away from him, and he was heading towards this side, rushing wildly.

I ’m here, but I did n’t miss half a column of incense. So the three of them caught up here so quickly?

"I flew wildly in the Yunhai Mountains, and they just happened to fly in this direction of the Yunhai Mountains?"

Thinking of these in my head, a sudden movement of his right palm, Xu Mishan, who was violently boulder, flew back immediately.

But at this moment, Shi Feng immediately sensed that three extraordinary forces fell from the sky and slammed towards him.

"Block!" Shi Feng immediately drank.

Xu Mishanton, who flew down to him, ascended up, and went away.

Immediately after, the misty Xianshan collided with the three powerful forces.

"Boom! Boom boom!"

The roar rang again and again in this world.

Xu Mishan was shaken violently by the three extraordinary forces.

This fairy mountain seems to be about to collapse.

On Shi Feng's face, there was a tinge of effort.


Above the sky, between the clouds and billows, there are three peerless figures standing proudly.

These three people are the Yu family strong Yu Yu, the poor family strong hate, and the person wearing the soil yellow armor.

The three extraordinary forces were naturally launched by the three of them.

"It turns out that this person is in control of an extraordinary device, no wonder he can kill the dragon!" Yu Yan said coldly.

"Huh!" Pity nodded secretly.

"Even if he controls the extraordinary device, but by his own power, we can suppress it by killing and kill it!"

Said the strong man in the yellow armor.

Immediately afterwards, they saw these three peerless figures moving in unison and storming down at the same time.

Yu Yu, on both palms, two horrible green giant swirls emerge, as if they can devour everything in the world.

Resentment, with ten thousand swords in one movement, it seems to be another martial art practitioner.

A strong man wearing a yellow armor, a large earth-colored seal appeared on his right hand. Although it is only the size of a clenched fist, it contains the gravity that can crush the world!

At this moment, the green giant vortex, the million swords, and the earth-colored big seal all exploded on the Mount Xumi!

"Boom boom boom boom!" Xu Mishan suddenly shook even more.

Below Mount Xu Mi, Shi Feng's face became more and more ugly. On the face of Leng Jun, the color of exertion became more and more severe.

At this time, Shi Feng spread his right hand, "Boom", a golden flame, burning from his palm.

Shi Feng slowly lowered his head, looking at the burning golden flame, and whispered:

"Hurrying all the way, don't want to stop halfway through the robbery. At this moment, it's almost."

This golden flame is precisely the fire emperor of the divine fire palace, the divine fire of the sun!

After the endless battle at the endless sea, after the death of the ten strong men on the side of Shenhuo Palace, Shi Feng threw their bodies and their treasures to Leng Aoyue.

However, Shi Feng left the Emperor's divine fire with fire!

In addition to delaying the journey, Shi Feng didn't want to leave any traces in that area.

It's almost time now!



Suppressed by the power of the three strong men, Shi Feng's body shuddered suddenly, and a groan hummed from his mouth.

His extraordinary vessel, Xu Mishan, was being pressed down and down, and it seemed to be pressed on Shi Feng himself.

"Swallow!" Shi Feng's face was cold, and she suddenly drank in a cold voice at the divine fire in her hand.

Under his shout, Shengyang's divine fire suddenly trembled violently.

There is spirit in the fire, but it is scared!

"Don't devour me, you can't devour me!" Daodao thoughts kept coming into Shi Feng's mind.

"I sense the fire in your body. It is far worse than mine! If you let me devour him, it will definitely make me stronger.

And if it devours me, if it cannot digest, it will only perish! "

Daodao thoughts were constantly introduced into Shi Feng's mind.

But Shi Feng, naturally does not listen to those words.

At that time, under his own crazy attempt, the torch and his broken fusion finally became his own Dantian and became a part of his body.

How could I let this fire consume my own Dantian.

"Oh, stupid!" At this moment, a laugh came out from Shi Feng's body, and it passed to the Holy Fire.

Shi Feng could feel the scarlet blood flame in her body, and now began to tremble.

And it trembled, it was inspiring!

In previous lives, it never thought about it, and could devour such a terrible flame.

This is an honor for it!

Shi Feng is still urging all strength to fight against the strength of the three strong men with Sumiyama.

At the same time, the flames of blood rushed out of him suddenly ...

[I'm so tired today, just write this, I can't move it, good night everyone! 】

(End of this chapter)

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