Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3367: anger! Dangerous!

Chapter 3367: Anger! Dangerous!

In the end, the six decided to retreat from the underground road.

So, he started to return to the same way!

However, when the Wenjia Wenrong went to Zhejin's sparse corpse, he took out a space jade bottle and filled Zhejin's body into the bottle.

To be honest, Wen Rong and Zhe Jin have known each other since childhood.

But the relationship between the two has actually been very bad.

Especially Zhejin, I do n’t know why, I like to target him everywhere.

However, despite this, Fang and Zhejia have always been allies!

"Ah!" Wen Rong deeply sighed when he filled the shattered corpse into the bottle, all kinds of things that constantly appeared in his mind.

Because of the relationship between the Wen family and the family, Wen Rong has always wanted to make friends with this family.

It's just that he never gave himself a good look.

"You will all die ... you, all will die ..."

Zhe Jin's brutal voice with a weird laughter kept echoing in their ears.

After the jade bottle was put away, Wen Rong and the others hurried on the road again, returning to the same road together.

The body shape urged, this time, the six of them directly operated the body style, rushing at their fastest speed.

At this moment, they just want to leave here quickly and return to that bright world.

At this moment, they also discovered that among them, there was no warrior who cultivated the earth's way.

This land in the Yunhai Mountains is extremely hard.

And the underground passage they are in at the moment is extremely deep.

From where you are now, if you go straight up from here and break through the ground, I am afraid that the distance will be almost the same as the original road.


In the gloomy darkness, six people are still moving fast.

However, they are now far and far away from the place where they changed, but the sound of creases echoing in their ears has not disappeared.

Really want to describe the ghost!

"No!" At this moment, Lianjia Lianye suddenly exclaimed.

Suddenly his complexion suddenly changed, and his flying figure suddenly stopped.

After Lian Ye stopped, everyone else was in shape.

Wen Rong looked at the left and right, and looked forward and backward, and said with all his heart, "It stands to reason that at the speed we have just spent, we should have rushed out of this underground road!

However, we are still wandering here! "

"That is to say, we are ... trapped in this ghost place!" Said a young man.

Wen Rong nodded, his face was gloomy, and Shen said, "It should be so! It should be the evil thing that is making trouble, change the space!"

"How should that be?" The cold Tsing Yi woman began.

"No one knows what to do," the young man who just spoke grinned and sighed.

And that sentence, "You all die, you all die ..." is still ringing.

"Perhaps, we will all die!" Said the youth.

"Yunji, don't talk anymore." Hualuo told the young man.

"Do not let me talk? You, but to deceive yourself." Yun Ji, but still said.

"We have no last resort! We will be killed by the evil sooner or later."

"Do you remember Zhejin's words? Like us, seven people with similar martial arts and similar identities entered this cave, and in the end, all died here.

Zhe Jin, who is dead, will slowly turn to us afterwards. We will all die!

We will all die! Haha, hahahaha! "

This Yunji was talking and suddenly laughed.

"Yunji is strange, stay away from him!" At this moment, Wen Rong shouted as if he suddenly felt something.

The other four people also responded immediately at this time, and the five bodies retreated one by one and left the disease.

At this moment, the five of them did not gather together, but surrounded the disease in five directions.

"Haha, it's useless! It's useless! I, and you, we all will die here!

We, together with Zhe Jin, should be here, we should die here with him, haha, hahahaha! "

Yunji talked and laughed.

"Look at his eyes!" Hua Luo, who was facing Yunji, was immediately seen, and Yunji's eyes also shone with a faint green light.

This look is exactly the same as the previous folding Jin!

"Come on, come on, let's die together."

"That way, we can be together forever! Haha, hahahaha!"

With this burst of laughter, Yunji's neck began to turn slowly.

The speed of rotation was extremely slow and stiff, and the sound of "clicking" continued to sound.

In the end, the five of them were shocked to see that Yunji's head turned from the front to the back, and the entire neck looked extremely distorted.

"Yunji!" The young man behind him saw Yunji turn his head and looked away, exclaiming in surprise.

"Haha, hahahaha!" Yunji smiled at him, and said, "Well away, haven't we said that we will always be good brothers?"

Come, come, if you really are brothers, come and join me. "

After hearing Yunji's words, he slammed sharply: "Yunji, wake up!"

"Well, it's you who should wake up.

You have always regarded me as your brother, but you know, haha, hahahaha, that night, you and I were drunk, and you stayed with me at your house, in fact, I was pretending to be drunk.

Haha, hahahaha! Your younger sister Luaner, that night, I was actually unknowingly deceived by the gods, and lost my virginity with the fragrance of incense!

Your uncle does not know, not even her own.

Haha, hahahaha! In the end, this Yunji laughed extremely arrogantly, arrogantly, and very happy.

"Yunji, you! You! You! You!"

Upon hearing these words, Yunji's complexion suddenly changed, his eyes opened in anger, and a touch of anger and incomparable anger.

His body was also shaking violently.

Livestock! This beast!

This is simply a beast!

He, only this younger sister! A sister who watched her grow up and treat her like a treasure, for her, she can abandon everything!


"Ah! I want to kill you!" A violent roar roared from his open mouth.

An extremely violent breath swept out of him.

"Not good!" At this moment, Wen Rong immediately saw something, and then shouted, "Come away, don't get excited, don't believe this guy's gossip."

Keep your mind steady, hurry up! "

When shouting these words, a mighty spirit, swept out of Wen Rong's body, shrouded away toward the rush.

"Stop it, don't!" Even Lian Ye drank loudly.

However, the genius of the uncle's family seemed to be completely inaudible.

His face was distorted, followed closely, and the other four saw it violently, and it was these wide eyes that flickered with a dim green light.

"Break him off, so is it!" Yihua Shengu Hualuo was shocked again!

(End of this chapter)

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