
Wen Rong and Lian Ye rushed to run.

But they soon discovered that not only was the space they were in just now collapsing.

This underground road is all falling down!

You can see that there are more and more cracks in the space, and they are spreading very fast!

"How to do!"

"Be careful!"


Shouting and shouting, sang from their mouths.

At this time, the space they were in was their bodies, and it looked like they were covered with cracks.

"Oh!" There was a resounding crisp sound.

The dark space collapsed completely!

But at this moment, the women of Wen Rong, Lian Ye, Hua Luo, and Tsing Yi followed suit.

They did not enter the endless dark space as imagined, but entered a colorful and misty world.

There is a faint multicolored light, filled with a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

"Here is ... Qianyuan Cave!" Looking at the scene in front of him, the woman in a blue dress called again.

The picture in front of him looks exactly like Qianyuan Cave described in the legend!

It's just that the mysterious array entered by others and others is really different from what I heard and recorded in the book!

I have never heard anyone say that eventually, out of the mystery, it was because of space collapse!

At the beginning, the three friends who had seen him from a young age lived to death, but died in that mystery.

So when the mystery collapsed, they naturally thought that it was dangerous.

The result is ...

Immediately, they saw again that black figure, looming in the colorful mist ahead.

"You are so good. Thanks to you again, we can come out of that mystery. Thank you!"

Hua Luo looked in front of him and thanked him.

When I heard Hualuo thank you, everyone else said, "Thank you!"

Lian Ye: "Thank you for your help!"

Tsing Yi Woman: "Thank you!"

Hearing the thanks of those people, Shi Feng said, "Okay, Qianyuan Cave has arrived, let's explore each other."

After saying this, Shi Feng no longer cares about those people, moves his feet, penetrates into the deeper Qianyuan cave, and slowly disappears into the colorful mist.

"Let's check it out, too." Hua Luo said immediately, to the other three.

After saying this, she seemed a little panicked, and before the other three responded, she walked in the direction that person disappeared.

Seeing Hualuo doing this, the Tsing Yi woman's brow froze suddenly and said, "This little girl, wouldn't you like that person?"

Lian Ye's eyes stared at the pink figure in the colorful mist, and when she heard the words of the woman in Tsing Yi, she nodded gently, saying:

"It looks a lot!

This little Nizi loves the beginning of her sinus. The one who has been cultivated against the sky has extraordinary combat power, and she is in the midst of a mystery and saved her life!

Heroes save beauty, beauty, love heroes! "

"Is this ... would it be a good thing?" After hearing the words of the two women, Wen Rong said:

"This man offended the uncle's family, but killed Fu Han and the Golden Dragon God of War. He may not be able to survive in the weightless **** realm in the future.

I think we should still persuade Hualuo to stay away from him. It is best to ... never let Hualuo be emotional about him. "

Wen Rong said these words with a very serious look.

At this time, the Tsing Yi woman seemed to hear something from Wen Rong's words and said:

"Wen Rong, before, everyone said that you secretly love Hualuo, is this true?"

"Lastly love Hualuo?" Wen Rong whispered these four words that the woman in Tsing Yi said suddenly, and quickly said:

"Chen, don't make fun of this kind of thing! How can I ...

We have known each other since childhood. Yihua Shengu and my writer have always been good friends. It is natural to care about it! "

"Actually, Hualuo is really cute." At this moment, Lian Ye also said.

Wen Rong naturally heard what Lian Ye was expressing, and then said, "Ling Ye, even you ..."

"Okay, okay! Don't say it anymore, your Hualuo really has to run away with others." The woman in Tsing Yi said with a smile.

A meaningful smile ...

"Let's go!" Even Lian Ye smiled and moved forward.

"Let's go!"

Watching the two women walking forward, Wen Rong whispered, "These two guys ..."

With that said, his gaze was looking forward again, the pink figure had long gone, disappearing in the colorful mist in his sight.

Wen Rong's footsteps finally came forward ...


Shi Feng was walking in the colorful mist and felt a warm current flowing in the air.

This feeling made him feel incomprehensible.

As if the haste and fatigue for many days are swept away at this moment.

The whole person wants to be deeply integrated into this comfortable and mysterious world.

"I feel so comfortable!" At this moment, a woman whispered from behind Shi Feng.

The woman Hualuo, who displaced Huashengu, has chased Shi Feng behind her.

Followed, actually accelerated his pace, came to Shi Feng, and said:

"I heard that the warriors who entered Qianyuan for the first time will get great benefits in Qianyuan Cave. Since you are here, is this the first time you have come to this Qianyuan Cave?"

She was talking and asked Shi Feng directly.

"Yes," Shi Feng said lightly, and answered her.

"I said." Hualuo said.

Followed by, she said, "According to your martial arts talent, it should have been known forever!

But we all seem to have never heard of you, aren't you the person in our domain of weightlessness? "

"Well, it's not!" Shi Feng replied in response to the young woman's words while sensing the Qianyuan Cave.

I asked him so much, and he even sent himself in these few words ...

Seeing that this person was a little indifferent to himself, Hua Luo beaked his mouth, and seemed to be a little unhappy.

However, she asked, "Since you are not from the domain of weightlessness, where are you from?

A gifted genius like you must be in your land and fame.

You talk about it, I may have heard your name, and I have heard a lot about some geniuses outside the weightless world. "

"You will never hear me," Shi Feng said.

"That's not necessarily true!" Hua Luo said again:

"Tell me what your name is. I may not have heard it."

"My name is Nether." Shi Feng answered.


"Um ... nether ..."

Hualuo murmured these two words, thinking about Wuzhong Shenyu, and the names of the geniuses outside Wuzhong Shenyu.

However, naturally there is no name, but it can coincide with these two words.

Hualuo secretly sighed and said to Shi Feng, "It seems that I have never really heard your name."

With that said, she looked a little disappointed and lost ...

(End of this chapter)

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