Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3384: The situation has changed!

Chapter 3384: The Situation Has Changed!

Shi Feng and Jian Tong launched the full force against the Six Greatest Climbing Champions, and combined their efforts to suppress these six people more and more. The situation has become more and more severe.

If you continue to do this, these six people may really lose!

In the battle for the ascension of the mighty, the other warriors who followed them, although there were many, numbered hundreds.

However, they can only levitate above the battlefield and use power to assist.

However, before reaching the peak, they could not even reach the bodies of Shi Feng and Jian Tong.


"This person is not only powerful, but his physical body is also extremely perverted. He has repeatedly resisted me and other attacks, and seems to be indifferent!"

At this time, the uncle's owner, Ling Ling, shouted involuntarily.

However, it is not necessary to say that Ling Ling, everyone else has found it.

That metamorphosis repeatedly blocked their strength with the flesh, and then, with his power, combined with the power of Xumishan and Jiantong, they bombarded them.

His Holiness Xiaoyan, Yunjia Tianzun, Yunji, and the Gods of the Earth's Family, one person was hit by that person's punches, and one was shocked by the power of Sumiyama. thorn.

However, what they don't know is that in their eyes, the metamorphosis guy constantly provokes the mysterious existence in the colorful rock wall in Qianyuan Cave. Today, the internal injuries are still quite serious.

The wounded battle was so fierce.

However, the more fighting, Shi Feng's face became more dignified.

Want to get up, now it is possible to fight like this, thanks to the thunderbolt.

However, the thunder and fire tactics are extremely huge. Although Shi Feng has secretly swallowed the **** Wang Dan who recovered the power several times, the consumed Devil Black Thunder has no way to recover.

If the power of Thunder is exhausted, I am afraid that they will be suppressed by these people!

At this moment, Shi Feng's face moved greatly, his eyes opened wildly.

He shouted, "Not good!"

Above the night sky, an old figure came down, and it was the elder who broke the house.

At the same time, a turquoise stove tripod came down from the sky!

It is the extraordinary tool of folding home, Jiubi God furnace!

Jiubi God Furnace, crashed down!

It was very timely.

The shadow of the silver snake sword that contends with the six strong men is constantly declining under the Jiubi God furnace.

Jian Tong, who was standing beside the stone maple of Xu Mishan, also changed her charming and charming face.

"The elder Folded up in time to help, OK, OK! Haha!"

Seeing Peering's peerless appearance, the night messenger of the uncle's family laughed.

The night **** in his hands shook even more violently.

Dao Dao's greater night force shook again.

"Drink!" Ling Jia Ling Ling also drank in a deep voice.

The white disc, which had been continuously blasted upwards, suddenly fell down again.

Pressed again towards Mount Xumi, towards Shi Feng and Jian Tong on Mount Xumi.

Three extraordinary devices, the seven ascents make the extreme powers, and the extermination black thunder in the body is about to be exhausted ...

Shi Feng really felt great pressure.

At this moment, he and Jian Tong have fallen behind.

"Run your magical power, and enter Qianyuan Cave again!" Shi Feng immediately spoke to Jian Tong.

Now that you are out of reach, then ... run away!

"Received!" Jian Tong immediately returned.

An extremely mysterious handprint was concluded with both hands in an instant.

Over the sky, the seven powerful forces falling down, and the hundreds of forces under the combined force of the martial arts, immediately like a meteor shower, are about to fall on the bodies of Shi Feng and Jian Tong.

"No! Not good!" In the night sky, the woman Hualuo who displaced Huashengu suddenly changed suddenly.

Involuntarily yelled.

At this moment, it was not only Hualuo, who had fully realized the literacy of Zhinen Tubao, but also showed extreme worry.

"Ah! Two fists are hard to beat with four hands!" Even the poem Saint Wenlan shook his head secretly.

In their eyes, the outcome has already been divided, and the end has been set.

"Kill my child's evil barrier, finally, **** it!" The Yunjia Tianzun Yunci showed a cruel smile and gritted his teeth.

In addition to Shi Feng and Jian Tong, the warriors in this world have already believed that the victory and defeat have been divided!

"The enemy of my uncle's family will die after all!" Said the night messenger holding the night god.

The long hair fluttered wildly with the night breeze, and at this moment the messenger of the night was in full spirit.

"This man has many evil acts, killing my uncle's family, and killing my uncle's family. They will rise to the top and create extreme powers. Wait for your attention and take your life. But don't destroy the soul together. Meet the owner and wait for the owner to set off. "

The unguarded Tianyang protector suddenly said to everyone.

Upon hearing the words of Tianyang Hufa, one by one hesitated.

At that time, if you really let his family take away the soul of the person like that, it is tantamount to take away all his secrets.

"Hmm! My family wants to swallow all the secrets of this son, how can there be such a good thing!"

Yunci hummed coldly in his heart.

He knew that even if he didn't say anything, the other guys would not let his uncle take away the soul directly.

Although, at that moment, Yang Hufa said that, no one had responded for a while.



"what happened?"

"What about people?"



But at this moment, the strong men, the strong men, all the people in this world, their faces changed suddenly and violently.

The two men, and the extraordinary mountain beneath them, suddenly disappeared.

The power of the crowds, and the power of the hundreds of powerful violent fall, blew up, and continued to fall to the ground below.

"Boom boom! Boom boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

Under the madness of the various roads, the earth trembled, and the giant mountain above this land also violently trembled.

Above the earth, there was a rage.

And the powerful ones have no time to care.

"He caught the breath of this person, and he entered Qianyuan Cave again." At this time, the head of the family, Ling Ling, called out immediately.

"Huh!" Zhu Qiang nodded secretly when he heard what Ling Ling said.

At that moment, not only did Ling Ling catch the breath of that madman.

Daodao's figure fell constantly, and only a moment later, he fell in front of Qianyuan Cave and looked into the cave.

"Enter it, get into the mystery first! At this moment, the kid should be in that mystery." At this moment, the night messenger yelled.

"This son is so fierce that he is so treacherous. He actually entered Qianyuan Cave again!" Yunci said coldly.

"The Qianyuan Cave is bewildered, weird and abnormal, let's not take it lightly."

The family's Tianyang protects the law.

"Huh!" Zhu Qiang naturally understood the words of Tianyang Hufa.

For Qianyuan Cave, they naturally have more or less understanding.

Step into it and enter the mystery, although they enter at the same time, they do not necessarily gather together.

If you are not together, if you meet that brutal guy ...

(End of this chapter)

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