Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3389: Talking about magic!

Chapter 3389: Talking About Demon!

"So it is!"

In Qianyuan Cave, Shi Feng said coldly, clutching a trace of his black hair.

It is this hair, which was previously attached with the soul and blood of that golden dragon and dragon.

Shi Feng also knows that after the battle with the Golden Dragon God of War, his family Yu Yu brought two strong men. After Qianyuan Cave, the strong men were "guarding the rabbits and waiting for the rabbits", I am afraid they are all related to that drop of soul blood.

Fortunately, I found this drop of soul blood, otherwise, let alone get rid of those people.

"Thank you!" Shi Feng thanked the colorful rock wall in front of her.

Help him find this drop of soul blood is the horrible existence in the rock wall.

However, he did not respond to Shi Feng's thanks.

As soon as my heart moved, a scarlet blood flame burned, and the hair was burned to ashes.

Shi Feng's hand moved again, and once again pressed on the colorful rock wall, saying out loud:

"For, last time I blasted you with Mount Sume, you seem to recognize this mountain.

Tell me where did this mountain come from. "

Shi Feng said, a white light flashed over his head, and Xu Mishan was sacrificed by him.

"What you get is just a remnant mountain. It can't be compared at all. There is nothing better to say!

If it is really that thing, you can break the seal and save me without having to cultivate to surpass the God King Nine Heavens!

It's okay if you bombard me with this. "

"So abnormal?" Shi Feng felt a little alarmed at what he said.

After Shi Feng slowly raised his head, the target stared at Xumi Mountain, secretly lightly: "Residual ... Mountain ..."

Mt. Sumi, the first sky mountain in Tianheng mainland to break the old man, is also famous in Tianheng mainland.

After that, the fierce land, incorporating Xu Xun, has a stronger power, and is stronger than the ordinary and extraordinary devices he has seen!

However, it was not expected that such a Sumi mountain is still a residual mountain in the eyes of this mysterious existence.

And the mountain of terror he said is also ... too scary!

After a while, Shi Feng slowly shifted her eyes from Mount Xumi, and then looked at the colorful rock wall, asking:

"Do you know the Lord of the Night?"

Since there is a statue of Shaye in this mountain, there must be any connection with Shaye.

And the evil night, Tianheng continent, Mang continent, God war continent, all left his traces.

Shi Feng feels that the gods may also!

"Sha! Night! Da Mo Sha Ye!" When listening to Sha Ye's name, the sound of mysterious existence changed accordingly.

"Sure enough, these gods seem to be the same!" Shi Feng secretly said.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of that gurgling echoed in Shi Feng's mind:

"According to legend, it was an extremely old age, a great terror!

It existed before the heavens and earth were completed.

This is the father of the world!

But in an era long ago, horrible creatures have joined forces to suppress and kill!

But it is said that the evil demon body is an immortal body, as long as the demon body is still there, the great devil night will be resurrected and return!

Zhongqiang once again joined forces to completely destroy the night demon body, but under the influence of Shenyan, Shenlei, etc., they still could not be completely destroyed.

In the end, the Emperor Tianming Sword appeared, and he will join the satanic corpse, and the strong will join forces again. It is said that the sciatic demon has been sealed in the realm! "

"Wanjie ... among ..."

Hearing the words "Wanjie", Shi Feng was also shocked.

Wanjie, as its name implies, is a million worlds.

But soon, Shi Feng felt exaggerated. What a manpower and how to cultivate, can travel 10,000 worlds, how is it possible!

And myself, but in the land of Tianheng, but in his nether purgatory, he collected the demon bodies of the Tao. In addition to himself, Li Ru, the butcher daughter of the same village in this life, also collected several.

So legend is nothing but a legend.

What the truth is, it has long gone.

The body of the demon I saw was not as exaggerated as being divided into thousands.

And if you think about it, if you kill the evil night, if you have the strength, those people want to break the evil night!

But ...

In other words, they can divide the night into corpses, but the demon body can only be divided to that extent!


"I used to be alone, and by chance, I got a wicked look ... Oh! Boy, I know!"

At this moment, the one in this colorful rock wall suddenly felt startled if he suddenly realized something:

"The breath of magic in you, how I say so familiar!

Those dark bodies that you manifested before were almost the same as the eyes of the night I got from my disciples, but ... "

"That's right! It's the evil night!" Shi Feng said without hiding.

Also, there is nothing to hide.

He even pointed his finger at the dark armor on the body and said to the existence, "The armor on my body is said to be the armor that Shaye once wore.

"No wonder you are both human and magical. It turns out that you are collecting evil nights!

Nonsense! You are just making a fool of yourself!

Just now I told you, as long as the evil spirit is still alive, the great evil spirit will be resurrected and returned. You, actually helped the great evil spirit to collect the evil spirit body, what is your intention?

You, do you want the evil night to come to the world again, and to make the world's souls fall into endless panic, endless darkness, and death again?

You ... really, **** it! "

In the end, the voice became extremely angry and cold again!

Shi Feng once again felt that a violent force was surging on the colorful rock wall!

"The evil devil, of course, I will not let him return to the world, I just want to use his power, I need more power!

Maybe without these evil night monsters, and without this evil night armor to protect my body, I may have died. "Shi Feng said earnestly.

"Stupid!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the existence snarled again:

"Even if you don't have that mind at the moment, but you gather the things of the night to set yourself on fire!

The power of the night is not at your disposal, and sooner or later it will affect your mind and make you completely become a demon that loses your reason.

Under the control of the demon, you will continue to search for the night demon body. If you do not abandon the seal of these demon bodies, you are trapping the injustice of all beings in the world! "

"give up?"

Now it is really impossible for Shi Feng to abandon the demon body and the armament!

He wants to live. His current strength is not enough to let him sweep everything. He needs the extraordinary defense of the night demon armor.

The surging force of rage, although not yet launched against itself, showed no sign of receding.

After a while, Shi Feng slowly began to say again: "Calm down, you and I have already become so familiar with each other, and the conversation is considered a fate, so don't be so excited."

(End of this chapter)

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