Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3403: Celestial Spirit Wine

Chapter 3403: Ancient Divine Wine

The warrior in black above the proud tower, his own martial arts practice is a resurrection in the King of God.

In the eyes of this young man, it is that he cannot see through.

Therefore, he believes that the origin of this person must not be simple.

And these days, not all the time ...

Thinking of this, the warrior in black grinned suddenly for his thoughts, secretly in his heart:

"How is it possible! If it was that rumored madman, how could it be before the gate of the city, so calm!

Even before I heard him say something, please wait. "

Therefore, the black warrior's heart determined that this man could not be the mad monster that has been madly passed on these days.


Subsequently, the warrior in black said to Shi Feng, and his tone was quite polite: "It is also ordered to act below, it is getting late, it is just when the monsters are about to move, you are about to enter the city."

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded slightly when he heard him, and then walked towards Yunhai City.

The moment I walked through the gate of the city and stepped into the sea of ​​clouds, the two gates stopped moving slowly, making a roar of noise.

Immediately afterwards, "Oh!" A violent bang came from behind Shi Feng, and the gate was finally closed!

At the same time, Shi Feng felt that a strange atmosphere rose from the city.

This is an extraordinary array, it should be the moat of Yunhai City!

And those who are in this array are also extraordinary. If this array is running, I am afraid it will reach its peak!

The city is magnificent, but in the area where Shi Feng is now, the figure is Xiao Suo, looking a little too deserted.

As he walked forward, the power of the soul swept away.

When he enters the city, he likes to find places for taverns and inns. This kind of place is often mixed with fish and dragons.

The Tianheng continent, the Mang continent, and the Divine War continent that he used to do are almost the same.

Images in Yunhai City kept flashing from his mind.

At this moment, five restaurants and three inns have been found.

In the end, Shi Feng locked up a "Tiangu Tavern"!

Because in his induction, the tavern was the busiest and most lively.

Immediately after, I saw this moving figure flicker, disappearing in place.


When Shi Feng appeared again, it was before the ancient tavern that day.

Before entering, there are noises coming out of it.

The door of the tavern opened, and people came and went, and Shi Feng entered it.

"Does this guest have an appointment?" The welcomer to Xiang Feng was a smiling woman with a beautiful appearance and a youth of about thirty.

After hearing what he said, Shi Feng frowned, and said, "No!"

"If not, you may have to wait for a while." The woman reached out and pointed forward, then said to Shi Feng:

"These guests are waiting."

At a glance, there were about a hundred people in that crowd!

And more people are sitting in the pub lobby!

It's really hard to imagine what exactly this pub has attracted so many people.

"It's all right!" Shi Feng responded to her.

He came here not to drink or eat meat, but to inquire about something.

Also listen more and know more about these gods.

"Then, please take this guest," the woman said again, and handed a small red card to Shi Feng.

On the small card, a few twisted stone maples quickly recognized: Xuan, 183!

Shi Feng nodded slightly, reached out to take over, followed, and walked towards the waiting crowd.

"I didn't expect that it would be so difficult to take a bite of Tiangu liquor!"

"That is of course! Tiangu Shenjiu, it is said that the one who once entered the Yunhai City has praised him!

As long as you can drink a pot of Tiangu Shenjiu, wait a little longer, what else? "



Words of arguing and talking continued to be heard in Shi Feng's ears.

"Tiangu Shenjiu?" Shi Feng murmured.

Obviously, there are so many people here, mostly for the ancient **** wine in this tavern.

But then, Shi Feng heard.

"Some people say that killing the top ten is a teenager who is less than 20 years old. Do you say that this rumor is true?"

"How could it be true! Anyway, as far as I know, there are no such characters in our Wuzhong Divine Realm and the several large domains near it.

"Or is it from a farther place?"

"From farther away, what is he for?"

"It's hard to say! Some people say that this matter may be a big secret!"


Shi Feng soon heard that what these people are talking about now must be their own business!

However, he was not surprised at all.

After all, he killed ten powerful men who climbed to the top of the pole.

No, together with the previously killed puppet family, a total of twelve people!

However, what a shocking secret, Shi Feng only felt a little funny.

They were the ones who killed them by themselves, and they came to seek revenge on themselves.

"Zhejia, Yunjia, and those who climbed to the top of the mountain are dead, and the extraordinary artifact is said to have been captured by that mad monster!

From now on, I am afraid these two forces will plummet! "

"I heard that there are many forces who have threatened to apply for permission to allow the family!

Yun Family, it seems that it was really overbearing to do things! "

"Ah, it can be said that the tiger fell into Pingyang, and it will be bullied by dogs! It is very common!"


At this moment, Shi Feng heard these people, in addition to discussing the ancient ancient **** wine, most of them were discussing the killing of the top ten.

The same goes for those drinking in the lobby.

"You talk, that person is really going to be a young man under twenty?"

At this moment, someone beside Shi Feng gently patted his shoulder and said to him.

Hearing this, Shi Feng turned his head and looked at him.

This man, who looks like him, is also in his twenties.

His martial arts practice, like himself, in the triple king of God.

Although this man's martial arts repair is not simple, he also wears almost the same as Shi Feng and is very casual.

Wearing a dark purple dress.

"Maybe." Shi Feng replied to him.

Hearing Shi Feng's answer, the young man grinned suddenly, smiled at him, and said, "Do you really believe it?

A person less than 20 years old, about the same age as us, but with his own strength, killed ten peaks? "

"Why not believe it?" Shi Feng asked back.

Hearing Shi Feng asking this, he smiled, and then said, "It's really ridiculous, isn't it?"

"Maybe!" Shi Feng nodded slightly to him.

If you let him know, the person who he said to do this ridiculous thing will stand in front of him and discuss it with him at this moment, I don't know what kind of wonderful expression will be!

(End of this chapter)

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