
Wei, after all, in the weightless realm of strength is not low, the network is vast.

So Weixin wouldn't think at all that if one day something happened to his family, he would find this one himself.

His martial arts practice is no more than himself, the same as the King of Gods triple heaven.

In Weijia, there are three strong men who have reached the peak and created extreme conditions.

It is even more rumored that the family history is an extremely ancient artifact.

It ’s just that the artifact, except for the Wei family, has seen it all now!

People are sure that this device must be in the rank of God King Wu Zhongtian, but there are also rumors that this device is a supreme device in the rank of God King Liu Zhong Tian!

As for the level, Wei family members have never responded, and only their family members know.

Not only did he not believe, but together with the table and some neighboring people, he saw Shi Feng's actions and Shi Feng's words, but just smiled and said nothing.

They don't even think that if Wei's family really needs help, he can still rely on it?

"Come here! Come! Brother Nether, do!"


"Come! Have another drink!"

"Good wine!"




Shi Feng and this unbelief also thrived.

To say that this person's personality is also bold, quite good.


Soon after, Weixin picked up the white jade flagon.

But by this time, the jug had become extremely light, fluttering like a feather.

Weixin shook the jug slightly and said to Shi Feng: "Haha, unconsciously, the wine has been drunk by the two of us. It seems that we have to wait for a while.

"It should be almost the same," Shi Feng said.

"Well, should. Weixin nodded:" I'll ask! "

"Beauty!" At this moment, Weixin whispered softly towards a maid who had just come.

Hearing the unbelieving cry, the maid came softly, smiled politely at Weixin, and asked:

"Guest, what do you tell me?"

At this time, Shi Feng took out his little red card and handed it to the maid. Weixin said:

"Let me check, how long will it take for this pot of Tiangu Shenjiu."

"Good guest, please wait!" The maid took Shi Feng's red card and followed, slowly retreating.

"Right." Weixin looked back at Shi Feng, as if remembering something, and then said:

"Ghost Brothers, you only told me your name, but haven't told you yet, where are you from?"

For him, since it is not a person in the domain of weightless gods, it should be from another domain.

And to find the way to cultivate destiny in the weightless **** realm, it should be the adjacent realms.

"I come from a distant land." Shi Feng said so.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Wei Xin's face moved and his face became curious.

She also asked Shi Feng: "A distant land? Isn't it the place where our sky is full? Yes, which land?"

"No, if there is another land, there should be someone who has achieved the cultivation of fate?

Brother Umbra, why do you travel thousands of miles to our weightless **** realm? "

"Um ..." Shi Feng didn't know how to talk to him for a while.

As for him from Tianheng mainland, there is nothing to hide.

"Guest!" But at this moment, I saw that the maid who had left a short time ago had returned.

At this moment, she was holding a tray above her hands.

In the tray, the white jug was placed.

Celestial Spirit Wine!

"When the little girl just went to make an inquiry, it was your turn! It ’s your turn, please!"

Speaking softly, his face still had a sweet smile on his face.

Later, she picked up the white jade jug in the tray and slowly placed it in front of Shi Feng and Wei Xin.

The empty white jade flagon was gently put away by her.

"The little girl retired!" She fainted slightly and left.

"Haha, some drinks again!"

"If there is this ancient **** wine every day, what a wonderful life!"

Wei Xin grinned suddenly as he said the words.

You can only drink this ancient wine once a year, it's ... not enough!

"Oh, this ancient wine of God, who doesn't want to drink it every day! We are the same as Wei Shao thought!"

Hearing this, a man sitting at the same table said opposite.

"Ha ha, yeah! Those who have come here to drink this wine, I'm afraid, all think so."

"Ha! Okay, okay, we can drink it and it's already good! Once a year, give me such a good wine! There is no better wine in the world!"



"Haha, come, Brother Ghost, come! Drink!"

"Well, drink!"

"Haha, come on! Dry! Drink this cup!"



The two started drinking again. After drinking several glasses, half of the ancient **** wine had already entered his belly.

And just then, Weixin suddenly heard a familiar call coming from not far away: "Young Master!"

Weixin turned slightly and looked at the person.

The visitor was an old man, dressed plainly but neatly.

"Old twilight!" Weixin cried.

The old man named Lao Mu quickly came to Wei Xin and Shi Feng, bowed slightly, and handed a storage ring to Wei Xin, saying:

"Young Master, your subordinates are still doing what you just ordered!

And here is the map of the dead **** realm that has already been obtained, and the maps of the other seven places. "

"Well, everyone has worked hard!" Weixin nodded, put the storage ring in his hand, and swept away his thoughts.

He nodded in satisfaction, and then handed it to Shi Feng: "Ghost Brothers!"

"Thank you!" Shi Feng thanked him.

Unexpectedly, this young homeowner, this young home, the efficiency of work is so fast.

Someone is convenient!

"It seems that if I want to find her in the crowd, I must have more staff!

I plan to cultivate my power in these gods! "

Shi Feng said secretly in her heart.

At the same time, his thoughts of the soul had glanced at the eight maps in the storage ring.

Efforts quickly gathered on one of the maps engraved with the words "Going to God".

Then he put away the storage ring.

"The old slave retired first!" The old slave named Lao Mu said respectfully to Weixin again.

"Go." Weixin nodded.

Later, Lao Mu slowly retreated.

"Brother Ghost, come, let's continue drinking! You need more maps, and they will be found for you one after another!"

"Well! Tired! Drink!"

"Haha, you are polite with me again, why do you and me ..."


The two started drinking again.

Unconsciously, this pot of ancient ancient **** wine has almost been drunk by them.

"Haha, hahaha! Happy, really happy!

But this ancient **** wine, we can only wait here for a year to drink again ... "

(End of this chapter)

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