Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3417: Instructor!


"Well ... in this sense, it is indeed the evildoer who dare not fight against the one of the uncle's family!

But having said that, rumors say that when the family of the family entered Yunhai City, there were three peaks around them!

Maybe the evildoer already knew that what he was facing was not just shocking Brahma.

The powerful men he killed at that time did not just kill his family! "

"That's ... that's what it is! Some people say that although you saw the startled Brahma and the top three at that time, it was really difficult to say how many powerful ones there were!"

"By the way, which of the three strong men who appeared in Yunhai City that night?"

"My family's owner, You Heng! The other two are unclear. One of them may be the other of my family!

The owner, Ling Ling, fell, and Ruan's family also had a strong man who climbed to the top of the pole, Ruan Ling was difficult! "


"Oh, right!"

On an endless expanse of the sky, Shi Feng slaps his head as if suddenly thinking of something.

The swift and furious figure suddenly gave a violent meal at this moment.

When I was thinking, four white lights flashed around me.

After the fall of white light, four extraordinary breaths suddenly rose, like four violent hurricanes!

Shi Feng's hands moved immediately, four runes blasted out and flew over the four extraordinary artifacts.

These four extraordinary devices are exactly the night gods, heaven and earth discs, Jiubi **** furnace, and the mirror of destruction that were obtained in the previous world war before Qianyuan Cave, which killed the top ten ascendants.

After turning himself into a demon, he killed all those people, and everything went into the Sumeru Mountain.

Then, the nature and the demon began to contend, flying in the clouds and mountains, and met the demon old man.

After returning to rationality, he entered Yunhai City, and then kept thinking about avoiding the man in the family, and urged him to keep driving at full speed.

Until more than a month passed, Shi Feng suddenly remembered that it turned out that he still had the means!

When Shi Feng moved, four white lights shone.

Ling Yefeng, Xiao Tianyi, Yun Yimeng, Ning Cheng appeared.

Big disciple Ling Yefeng, Budo Xiu is still a **** King!

During this time, after Qianyuan Cave, Xiao Tian also selected a few special gods Wang Dan himself. It is said that more than a month ago, it was said that the last time in Tiangu Tavern, Xiao Tian also tasted Tiangu Shen after drinking. , The power of the soul has been sublimated.

Now, the way of his soul has reached, and the true God has four heavens.

Yun Yimeng, under the **** Wang Dan, Qianyuan Cave, and all kinds of natural treasures given by Shi Feng without any hesitation, today's martial arts cultivation has also entered the dual world of true God!

Ning Cheng, when he was in the fierce land of the Confrontation of the Divine Wars that day, Wudao Xiu entered the real God's realm simultaneously with Ling Yefeng.

However, he was not as fortunate as the master Ling Yefeng, and he swallowed a ghost Yin sunflower seed under the blessing of disaster.

However, these days, I also took the **** Wang Dan, also selected by his uncle Xiao Tian, ​​and the wonderful treasures of heaven and earth, and the benefits of entering Qianyuan Cave. Now, his martial art practice has reached The true God Wutian!


Shi Feng looked at his three disciples, an apprentice, and felt that their cultivation had changed. He didn't feel strange at all.

These are the talents who are against the sky, not to mention that there are a lot of cultivation resources provided to them.

Last time, the top ten peaks were killed outside the Qianyuan Cave, and hundreds of warriors, in addition to getting these four extraordinary artifacts, also have storage rings, and they have also been demonized. Following these four extraordinary The device was thrown into the Sumi Mountain together.

At that time, Chengmo did n’t go to see it, but he did n’t need to know it, and the resources were bound to be abundant!




Suddenly summoned from Sumi Mountain, looking at Shi Feng, the three disciples and apprentice Sun Ningcheng shouted respectfully and hurriedly fists.

"No courtesy!" Shi Feng said.

Followed the words: "These four are four extraordinary devices, each of you choose one!"

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the four faces moved at the same time.

"Extraordinary device! Master, this ..." Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Xiao Tianyi, a maniac madman, immediately became extremely excited.

Today, Shi Feng's stone maple has no shortage of mysterious artifacts in the three kings and four heavens. Xiao Tian has also studied it and sensed it.

Only this extraordinary device has been lacking.

Xiao Tianyi has yet to touch his hand.

But it was not expected that at this moment, the master began to distribute this extraordinary tool.

His eyes stared at the four things immediately!

"Master, I have the death scythe of my ancestors, so I don't have to give me other fighters." Ling Yefeng said with a serious voice in her face, and said to Shi Feng.

In the battle of Qianyuan Cave, Ling Yefeng sacrificed the evolving dark death scythe. Its power is self-evident and has surpassed this extraordinary device.

At that time, if he could maintain the power of the Dark Death Scythe to cut off, the Six Greatest Climbing Extremes would be killed by him!

"My teacher knows that your sickle is powerful, but sickle is special. Now you can't control the true power of sickle!

Pick an extraordinary device to refine it and try how powerful you can motivate it!

Next, I need a lot of help from you as a teacher! "Shi Feng said.

Hearing Shi Feng's remarks, Ling Yefeng already understood and nodded.

Subsequently, his eyes also looked towards the four extraordinary devices.

"Hey, my Ghost Crying Tomahawk, every time I sacrifice, it will only emit Ghost Cry, which is totally inconsistent with my identity and strength. Now it's better, hey, thank you Shizu, what ?!"

At this time, Ning Cheng smiled strangely at Shi Feng.

And just as Ning Cheng's voice fell, a serious voice came immediately: "Don't talk nonsense, your ancestor let you choose, you will choose quickly!"

The person who made this sound was naturally the abnormal master Ling Yefeng.

"Yes, Master!"


"Eh! Heh! Heh!" Suddenly at this moment, the demon sword behind the back of Shi Feng, the sword of Gu Ao, made a trembling sound.

"Now!" Yun Yimeng immediately drank in a deep voice, a sword light rushed up, and immediately turned into a sword demon with long silver hair.

"Gu Ao, meet Master Shao!" As soon as the sword demon appeared, he immediately paid homage to Yun Yimeng below.

Yun Yimeng also looked at him at this time, and slowly said, "I, I have felt your emotions."

"It is Gu Ao's talent that is dull, Xiu Wei has not been able to make inroads, and now, he is no longer worthy of a master." Yao Jian Guao said.

When Shi Feng saw this ancient proud sword in previous years, he was a god-level demon sword.

But now many years have passed, his rank is still at the **** level!

It is said that this sword has entered the god-level realm for many years, but has not been able to advance.

Sword repair is a monster, which is extremely difficult.

It's even more difficult to practice!

Except for Shi Feng's stalk, he is still asleep and a bloodthirsty sword that can devour the blood of souls!

"Ah!" Yun Yimeng deeply sighed at the words of Gu Ao's Excalibur ...

(End of this chapter)

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