Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3427: Thunderfire Resonance [2 in 1

Chapter 3427 Thunder Resonance [Chapter Two]

Shi Feng said to Xiao Tianyi: "If you are interested, just go and see."

It seems that Shi Feng also heard the voices of those people just now.

Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Xiao Tian also quickly said, "Thank you, Master!"

Known as the most powerful divine master of the deities of death, Xiao Tianyi really didn't want to miss the teaching of such a divine master.

So they inquired about the location of Shenlian Mansion, and went in the direction of that Shenlian Mansion.

Regarding the God Religion Mansion of the Ascension God Realm, it is similar to the ancestral and refining guilds of the Tianheng continent. They are all organizations of the God Religions of the Ascension.

These divine masters come from various places and from various forces.

To explore and study the ways of God refining together, share the spirit of refining God, and unite the power of God Refiner!

This is the original intention, but it is also extremely complicated.

After all, the divine masters here are from different forces and hearts, and they are not too uniform!

"Unexpectedly, Master Chongxin actually came to teach at our Shenlian Mansion in Juelin City. This is a rare opportunity!"

On the way, a warrior said with great interest that he had prepared sufficient materials and generous remuneration, and wanted to enter the Shenlian Mansion, and asked the Master Chongxin to make the **** soldier he dreamed of.

But as soon as he spoke, the other man beside him smiled slightly and said:

"You, don't be happy so early.

Although Master Chongxin can draw two people to make divine soldiers or gods for him, on this premise, it is necessary to take out the thing that touches Master Chongxin.

But the remuneration you have prepared may not be worth seeing! "

However, when he heard the words of his companion, the face of that man was very confident, saying:

"Just rest assured, Master Chongxin will be able to see what I prepare! I am very confident about this!"


"Master Chongxin, the method of divine refining, but has reached the summit to make the poles. If you can see the master Chongxin's divine refining method in this life, it is old, and there is no regret in this life!"

An old man who looked extremely old, said his face was extremely excited, said.

Although this man was very old, Shi Feng saw that the power of his soul was nothing but a **** in the realm of the gods.

It shows that his practice is no more than one-level god.

The master of divine refining who climbed to the top of the pole, for him, really is, there is a high hope of existence.

The ability to practice and cultivate the soul really requires extremely high talents.

Martial arts, flesh and soul are the most difficult to cultivate, and that is the soul!

"I heard that Master Chongxin only accepted nine disciples in this life.

His ninth disciple is extremely talented. At the age of only 20, the way of God's refining has reached the level of God King!

It is said that the one who followed Master Chongxin also came to our Jewel City. "

"I know, what you're talking about is what is now called Wang Yuanyuan, who is the younger generation of our deities and the first way of refining!

This is the real daughter of heaven! "

"Today's young man, the practice of cultivating refining is so successful, and there is the wholehearted teaching of Master Chongxin. The future achievements are truly unlimited!

I heard that the supreme powers of several major powers have personally visited Master Chongxin, for Wang Yuanyuan! "

"If any force can marry Wang Yuanyuan, it is tantamount to obtaining a future master of refining.

Even Master Chongxin once said that Wang Yuanyuan's practice is far beyond his youth.

It is even more sure to say that in the future, the practice of practice will reach its peak sooner or later, and even higher, in the future!

Imagine a future master who climbed the pole to create the extreme environment. "


"Shenlian Mansion!"

The three of Shi Feng had stood before an ancient building at this moment.

Compared with other buildings in Jue Lin City, this building has no particularity. It looks a bit old and even worn out.

However, before the gate at this moment, all the figures were densely seen at a glance, and they were entering one after another, highlighting that this place is not easy.

The people here will almost always come here for the First Master's cultivation.

In particular, Chongxin will select ten people to refine peerless soldiers!

"Dengfeng builds the polar realm master, that is, who can make the summit realm!" Ling Yefeng said in a deep voice, and said to Shi Feng and Xiao Tian.

The magic soldiers who climbed the peak to create the extremes have now experienced it.

Really, too powerful, too mysterious!

"Refining is naturally refinable!" Xiao Tian replied when he heard Ling Yefeng's words.

But then, he also said, "But it will be extremely difficult to make such magic soldiers!

Even if that one is the master of divine refining, the success rate will be extremely low!

Brother I once calculated that a master refining at that level, even if you want to make extraordinary tools that reach the highest level, I am afraid that it will fail thousands of times! "

"Failed thousands of times?" Upon hearing Xiao Tianyi's words, Ling Yefeng's face was immediately shocked.

This is not just a matter of frequency!

You should know that if the method of refining fails, the refining materials placed in it will be directly scrapped and become waste materials.

If you fail thousands of times, thousands of batches of materials will be destroyed!

Refining each piece of summit pole generator will require a lot of materials, and each piece of material will be an invaluable treasure.

If you think about it, thousands of times ... it is really terrifying!

The birth of every extraordinary device in this world is really extremely difficult!

Xiao Tian also spoke again, saying: "Every extraordinary tool that the master has obtained today is an endless thing. It was born in a different era and has passed through the endless years.

A **** refiner who climbed to the top of the pole, in his lifetime, I am afraid that he can make an extraordinary tool, it is already very good!

Those with insufficient luck may reach these realms, but they are missed in life! "

Hearing this, Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng nodded secretly.

Extraordinary devices are really too difficult.


Along with the flow of people, the three of Shi Feng had already passed through the gate at this time and walked into the Shenlian Mansion.

Walking here, it was like a mansion, passing through the promenade, and they followed the crowd into a vast courtyard.

The courtyard is cast with a high platform, a white-haired and white beard, with an extraordinary temperament and a ruddy complexion. The old man in a white loose robe sits high on it.

"The way of cultivating, condensing and inducting, melts the mind into the heavens and the earth, and realizes itself as heaven and earth. When you practice, it is like condensing wonders with your own heaven and earth ...

Words uttered in the old man's mouth.

It can be seen that he is teaching his Tao!

There is no need to guess, this person is the master of the first **** refining in the realm of the living gods, Chongxin!


The words of Dao Dao were heard in Xiao Tianyi's ears, and Xiao Tianyi's face suddenly changed.

Immediately afterwards, it was a full-fledged look, listening carefully to this Chong sermon.

Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng did not involve the practice of practice, and the reaction was completely different from Xiao Tian.

Hearing Chongxin's words, Xiao Tianyi's hands seemed to move slowly and rhythmically, as if they were flowing.

It seems that he has become obsessed with that kind of preaching.

"I heard that this Chongxin master will talk about sunset!

Seeing what your fifth-class brother looks like, I'm afraid I can't move. "Shi Feng said to Ling Yefeng.

"The master is not collecting the materials of the Heavenly Demon Demon Array. When I came in earlier, I heard people say that there is a place in the God Lian Mansion called the Replacement Hall.

There, anyone can mark what they need, or they can directly display what they own. If they have their own needs, they can directly replace it! "

Ling Yefeng said to Shi Feng.

"Oh, there is such a place here? I didn't notice it for the teacher." Shi Feng said.

Since Xiao Tian will also stay here to listen to that Chongxin preaching, Shi Feng is interested in the replacement hall.

So he retired from the compound and headed for the replacement temple.


Compared with the courtyard where the Master of the First God Refining is located, those who are here to replace the hall now seem a lot more deserted.

It is said that the original replacement of the hall, the traffic was not bad, but today the Master Chongxin arrived, many people went to see the Master Chongxin.

I also heard that during this preaching, we can also see Master Chongxin show his refined style.

The most tempting thing is to extract two of them and make divine soldiers or gods for them.


The light in the replacement hall was magnificent.

"Two people, if you don't understand or need anything, please tell the little girl!"

At this time, a woman in a blue pigment coat walked towards him with a smile.

She has long been here in the replacement hall. From the appearance of these two people entering the gaze and two completely strange faces, she concludes that the two people entered the replacement hall for the first time.

"I have included the required materials in this jade bamboo slip. If someone replaces it, he can propose what he needs. God Wang Dan is one to four days, and the artifact is one to four times. I have them all!

I even have a lot of heaven and earth treasures of this level! "

Shi Feng said when she handed a piece of forest white jade to the woman.

And in this forest white jade, the information recorded is naturally the nine main materials required by the Tian Yao Yao Mo Zhen, and 981 rare treasures of heaven and earth!

"Oh!" The woman's pretty face moved slightly when she heard Shi Feng's words.

Look up and down at the two of them.

"It seems that the origin of these two people is extremely simple!" She said secretly in her heart.

Following that, he carefully stretched out his hands and took the jade handed over, respectfully said:

"The two wait for a while, or visit the hall for the time being, the little woman will go to the steward for this jade, and the corresponding remuneration will be judged by the steward!"

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded to her.

This replacement hall is naturally not free and convenient for others!

In this world, there is no free lunch!

The people of Shenlian Mansion will pay the corresponding compensation to the replacement parties according to the preciousness of the replacement!

For example, at the moment Shi Feng gave the woman the nine main materials and the list of eighty-one heavenly materials and treasures. The person at Shenlian Mansion will judge the value of these materials, and then he will be charged regardless of whether Shi Feng is replaced or not. Compensation!

And if there is a replacement with him, the change of master will also pay to the God Lian Mansion!

That's it!


After the woman in Tsing Yi retreated, Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng also walked in the replacement hall.

At the same time, Shi Feng's soul power began to shroud in all directions, searching for things he might be interested in.

In the hall, there are golden counters.

Many people place their treasures on the counter in transparent aquarium devices for selection.

"The realms of the gods are worthy of the realms of the gods, heaven and earth treasures, far from our Tianheng can compare." Looking at a treasure, feeling the breath, Ling Yefeng heart felt.

Tianheng continent, for the material of the imperial class, I am afraid that all the powerful will come out and fight desperately.

And here, the emperor level, the demigod level, can't see it.

I'm afraid it's a waste in their eyes!

The master and apprentice walked slowly and looked slowly, but along the way, everything they saw was also something that Shi Feng was not interested in.

What natural treasures, what artifacts, gods, and now he has such spoils.

Originally, he wanted to search and see the materials needed in the replacement hall.

However, this way, according to the quality, properties, and appearance of those materials, similar things have not been seen.

Sure enough, they are extremely rare materials!

"Huh?" But at this moment, a strange feeling suddenly came.

Shi Feng's complexion frowned.

"Master, what did you find?" Ling Yefeng asked Shi Feng when she saw Shi Feng's complexion.

"Come with me!" Shi Feng said to him, walking quickly forward.

"Oh?" Ling Yefeng said softly "Oh", without hesitation, keeping up with the master.

The two walked about fifty steps in the replacement hall, and Shi Feng's footsteps suddenly stopped at a counter in front of a counter.

Standing in front of this golden counter is a simple-dressed teenager who looks about fifteen or sixty years old.

"This is a mortal, not a warrior?" Shi Feng secretly said.

Slightly bowed his head, eyes, staring at a stone object on the counter.

This stone object is round, like a Tai Chi figure!

However, it is a little different from Tai Chi!

The Taiji picture is composed of two black and white yin and yang fishes, but this picture is made up of two powers: one purple and one red, one thunder and one fire.

What Shi Feng had just sensed was precisely the power of Thunder and Fire, which suddenly had some mysterious resonance with himself.

And this resonance comes from the Thunder God of War, the God of Fire, and the God of War!

"One thunder, one fire, two forces, echoing those two magic tricks, what does this thing have to do with it?"

Shi Feng said in her heart.

But it is related to these two magic tricks, this thing, Shi Feng wants to get it anyway!

"Two of you, are you interested in this thing?" At this moment, the boy standing opposite finally spoke and asked Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng.

"Well, I'm still watching, I'm interested." Shi Feng's eyes were still gazing at the thunderbolt and returning to the young man.

Then he slowly raised his head and looked at the young man and asked, "What is this thing about you?"

(End of this chapter)

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