Chapter 3430 Coming To Hand

Although Wang Yuanyuan couldn't believe it, she really had to believe it and had to accept the fact before her!

The young man in front of him, without knowing it, broke the peak of the young man's body and made great efforts.

"It's so light, I'm afraid ... even the master can't do it!" Wang Yuanyuan said secretly in his heart.

"Ah!" The boy opened his mouth wide, and his face was even more shocked.

This happened very suddenly.

In other words, myself, in this way, can successfully cultivate the physical way?

"I ... you ... he ..." The boy looked at Wang Yuanyuan, then turned to Shi Feng again.

At this moment, he had no idea what to say.

"This! This! This! Seems like it really is!"

"This! How can he break the power of climbing to the extreme!"

"Hey, who is this? If he really broke the power of climbing the peak, wouldn't he say that he has reached the peak of climbing at this age?

But how is that possible! "


In all directions, the sound of shock continued.

"This day's fire and thunder, can I take it?" At this moment, Shi Feng said again, and asked the young man.

Upon hearing Shi Feng's remarks, the teenager hurriedly replied: "Self! Natural! Naturally!"

As he said this, the boy loosened his hand while holding "Sky Thunder and Earth Fire".

At this moment, only Shi Feng's hand was left, which was caught on the thunder and ground fire. He was still slowly sensing the object.

From the moment I personally touched the thunder and ground fire just now, the mysterious feeling I felt was even worse.

The power of thunder and flames raged during it.

They collided violently with each other, but fused together mysteriously.

This feeling really resembles the Thunder and Fire double tactics you repaired!

Followed by, Shi Feng's hand slowly grasping the object.

At this moment, all eyes of this area gathered together on him.

Previously, Wang Yuanyuan was the main character here, and at this moment, the main character has changed.

After ridicule, shock, and surprise, at this moment, slowly calmed down.

"He, what's the origin?" From the beginning, Wang Yuanyuan's eyes have been looking at him all the time, secretly again in his heart.

The previous pictures kept flashing in her mind, remembering the words she had said to him before, the beautiful and beautiful face, the appearance of shame.

At that time, Wang Yuanyuan also thought that the man in front of him was incapable of self-righteousness.

Now thinking about it, Wang Yuanyuan felt that his tone at that time was a little yin and yang.

"I, make fun of those words, I'm afraid he was making fun of me at the time.

The true self-righteous person, in fact, it is me! "


There is a man and a woman standing in front of the escalator on the second floor of the replacement hall.

The woman was the woman in Tsing Yi who met Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng when they entered the replacement hall.

The man next to her is an ordinary middle-aged man with a Chinese character face, and his face looks like he is more generous.

"I didn't expect such a character to come to the replacement hall!" At this time, only the middle-aged man slowly spoke and said to the Tsing Yi woman beside him.

He is the main lord of the temple, Shenlun!

The woman in Tsing Yi, holding the list that Shi Feng gave her, went to look for a manager. It so happened that Shen Lun was also there.

After taking over the list, the steward thought about it, and found that most of the materials in it were used by the monster race!

Moreover, it is all extremely precious and rare materials!

To the realm of the living gods, the human race and the demon race have been at odds with each other for a long time.

At that time, Shen Lun and they were wondering if the demons had become human beings, and they had mixed in the unique city to collect these rare materials.

The matter was important, so Shen Lun asked the woman in Tsing Yi to take a look.

But they did not expect that the scene that had just happened fell into their eyes.

"Actually for the summit! There is nothing wrong with it, he is really only twenty!

Is he really a monster? "Shen Lun murmured secretly.

If the demons are transformed into human beings, and the cultivation is so high, Shen Lun thinks that if he cultivates himself, he really cannot see it.

Later, Shen Lun secretly said, "It seems that this matter needs to invite Master Chongxin!"

"You go back and reply to him ..." Followed by, Shen Lun thought to himself, secretly speaking to the woman in Tsing Yi.

The woman in Tsing Yi nodded, signalling to understand.

However, when Shen Lun planned to turn around and left, suddenly, he saw the young man on the first floor, and raised his head stunned, just like this, looking straight at him.

Two eyes stared at each other immediately!

And that unusually sharp look suddenly made Shen Lun feel as if he had a sharp sword, stabbing towards his eyes.

It's like if everything in his body is seen by that person, this feeling really makes him extremely uncomfortable, and even his body is a little hairy.

Shen Lunxuan was about to take his eyes back, looking at the woman next to him, and then transmitting a message to him:

"I'm a bit uncomfortable. Go back and rest for a while, just follow my instructions!"

"Yes, the lord of the palace!" The woman yelled back at him slightly.


"Master, what's wrong with you?" Ling Yefeng felt that the master was a little different and asked.

"Nothing." Shi Feng slowly shook his head and responded to him.

"Oh!" Ling Yefeng said "Oh".

However, according to my understanding of the master, Shi Feng does not look like nothing at this moment.

"That man, is this man from the God Refining Mansion? The way of soul, the King of God, is the **** refiner of this God Refining Mansion. It should be the steward this woman said earlier.

Shi Feng murmured secretly.

At this moment, the eyes are still staring at the figure of Erdao.

I don't know why, this person gives him a feeling of being uncomfortable.

It stands to reason that the way of the soul is nothing but a divine master of the heavenly realm of the King of God. In front of himself, it should not be able to turn around.

Moreover, there is no resentment.

"Yes, why is this so?" Shi Feng said again.

"Dare to ask your Excellency's identity, why has the little girl never heard of your age to reach the peak of genius?"

Wang Yuanyuan rushed to Shi Feng again, and at this time, she had a pretty face and looked very respectful.

Hearing Wang Yuanyuan's words, Shi Feng looked back at her, and said, "I'm not a man who is going to the realm of the living god."

"That's the case!" Wang Yuanyuan looked stunned.

The others in this area did not leave for a while.

After hearing the conversation between Shi Feng and Wang Yuanyuan, they secretly said:

"It turned out that it wasn't us who went to the realm of the living god!"

"But at this age, I have done so. I haven't heard of other domains. Are there such geniuses?"

"Perhaps from a farther and wider world!

Anyway, the origin of this person is definitely not easy! "

"Hey, we're all gone."



Wang Yuanyuan asked Shi Feng what she was and where she came from, and the answer she got was whether she was going to the realm of the gods.

Therefore, she also believed that it should be this person, and she did not want to tell her more about her identity, so she did not ask any more.

In Shi Feng's hands, a white light flashed.

After Bai Guang fell, the "Sky Thunder and Ground Fire" had disappeared and he had been placed in the space of Mount Xumi.

After this, he intends to study slowly after leaving here.

This thing even resonated with the Thunder and Shenhuo tactics, but Shi Feng had some expectations in her heart.

"I ... I ... I really feel that my body is a little different, and I ... never felt that way!


At this moment, only a cry of excitement and excitement was heard.

That young man once practiced the practice of tempering the flesh, so he knew that his flesh was also a waste.

Just now, according to the exercises, his body shook slightly. For a moment, the whole body had a mysterious feeling. It was as if the whole person was lighter instantly.

The body is changing, so it means that I can really cultivate the physical way!

Looking forward to all these years ... finally ... finally ...

Thinking of this, tears flickered in his eyes.

The teenager hurriedly looked at Shi Feng and said, "Thank you, Gong! Thank you!"

Seeing his appearance, he seemed to kneel to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng immediately said to him, "Don't have to be so exaggerated. The reason why I helped you was entirely for the sake of your mother, and it was just a deal between us."

"Even so, but ... for me, I have been reborn!" Said the young man, earnestly.

"This boy!" Suddenly, a familiar woman's voice came.

Shi Feng turned around and looked at the woman in the blue pigment coat. She had come down from the second floor. At this moment, she was walking towards her own side.

Seeing Shi Feng coming, the woman smiled lightly and said to Shi Feng:

"The little girl just asked the steward just now, all the materials the son wanted to replace were extremely rare!

In particular, the nine materials are almost extinct in the world!

Therefore, the steward has decided that if the son wants to present this list in the replacement temple, he must pay three **** king dan or three **** king tools!

If someone agrees to replace one of them in the replacement hall, they need to pay one **** king dan or one **** king.

I do n’t know what my son is thinking? "

"Just put out the list, there will be a finished product!

What the **** is this list? "

Upon hearing the words of the Tsing Yi woman, someone cried out in a panic.

Then ... but God King Dan!

"In his capacity, since it is what he needs, it must be extraordinary.

So, it is normal! "

"I really want to see what he would need, if he was of any kind."


Not only them, but even Wang Yuanyuan was curious.


Unexpectedly, Shi Feng nodded, and nodded to the woman in Tsing Yi.

Although the **** Wang Dan is precious and unusual, it is nothing to Shi Feng today.

It is better than anything if it can improve the combat power!

As Shi Feng became stronger now, he had a deeper understanding of the enchanting magic array that day.

If this array is really laid down with real materials and real means, the power is absolutely extraordinary and will not disappoint yourself.

Just this material ...

Shi Feng originally thought that it might be better for these gods to obtain these materials.

But I learned from this woman's mouth that in the realms of gods, it is also a rare material!

Those nine main materials are even said to be almost extinct!

Shi Feng moved his right hand, and three medicine bottles showed his hand!

Faintly, there is a pure fragrance of medicine.

"This is three **** king dans." Shi Feng said again.

With his words ringing, three medicine bottles flew towards the Tsing Yi woman.

Bai Xisu gently swiped forward, and all three medicine bottles were caught by the woman in Tsing Yi.

She said: "Since the son agrees, the replacement hall will put out that list after a while.

However, there is one thing the little girl needs to report to her son again.

In the list that the son gave to the little woman, the supervisor personally saw the names of many materials and never heard them.

However, according to the properties, characteristics, and forms described in the list for the materials, after discussing with the owner, the steward thinks that it should be a son. You have different names than we know.

Therefore, we have revised those names, and when the son sees the list at that time, if there is any objection, he can raise it to the little girl. "

"It's up to you." Shi Feng nodded to her.

This is the realms of the gods. It is normal to call these things different.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the Tsing Yi woman nodded again and said, "If there is any problem, the son can raise it!"

"I will read it before I say it." Shi Feng nodded to her.

Then, he suddenly remembered something again, and asked his finger to the young man and said to the young woman in Tsing Yi:

"His thunderbolt that day has been replaced for me. I need to pay you what kind of things."

"That thing, you can't judge the level of God King beforehand.

However, the little boy did not pay any money!

According to the rules, the replacement items placed in our replacement temple can only be paid after paying a remuneration.

The son, who couldn't pay at that time, dealt with us hard.

Therefore, the steward entered into a contract with him, and his replacement remuneration could be paid by the replacement.

Therefore, the son needs to pay for two gods or artifacts of the triple heavenly order!

Of course, if the son is not willing, he can end the replacement and both sides will return everything! "The woman replied.

"Engong, if you fall into the next family path, you really can't provide remuneration. So ..." The young man quickly explained to Shi Feng.

"It's all right," Shi Feng said to him.

The thing that resonated with the double tactics, let alone the two things of the God Realm Triple Sky, was the King of God Triple Air, and he took it without hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, two more jade bottles appeared, and his hand flew towards the Tsing Yi woman.

After accepting the two goddess, she said, "Wait a minute, the list, the little girl will arrange it!"

"Go." Shi Feng replied.

The woman in Tsing Yi owed a bit to Shi Feng, turned slowly, and retreated lightly.

Seeing her leaving, Shi Feng looked at Ling Yefeng and said, "Let's accompany the teacher to the party again."

"Um." Ling Yefeng answered.

Then, glanced at them, and looked at these people who were still looking at this side, and said with a deep voice:

"It's all gone ..."

(End of this chapter)

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