Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3435: Disaster [2 in 1

Chapter 3435 Disaster [Two chapters in one big chapter]

Shi Feng and his three apprentices successfully left the city.

After that, it is convenient for each city to teleport the altar one after another and hurry.

The great event that happened in the city of Lin Lin quickly swept away like a storm in the realm of the living gods.

The Master of the First God Refining in the Realm of the Living God, the way of the soul has been cultivated to reach the highest level, even in the city of Jue Lin, a young man who has lost a dozen or twenty!

And Master Chongxin said personally that the martial power of this person reached the supreme state of the Sixth Heavenly King of God.

In just a few days, countless people were shocked to the gods of life.

"Twenty-year-old Supreme Man, is there such a fierce man in this world?"

"Speaking of combat power, not cultivation! It should be his extraordinary mystery and extraordinary exercises, which enabled him to achieve such power!"

"But this is already very fierce! We go to the realm of living gods, those strong men who have reached the peak for many years, and several others can reach such an extraordinary level!"

"It's also possible, but he was lucky and obtained a supreme treasure, which directly gave him supreme power."

"Even so, luck is strength, and that is indeed his power to destroy powerful enemies."


To Sheng Shen Yu, Yunzhou, Qi Yancheng!

"Master, you are also famous here in the realm of living gods!" Xiao Tian also said when he heard the words coming from beside him.

"No way!" Ling Yefeng said these three words lightly.

Shi Feng smiled indifferently, and said, "There is really no way."

He always wanted to keep a low profile, but he couldn't keep up.

After Shi Feng said, "The next city is the city of blood and tears."

After going through the cities, Shi Feng and his apprentices finally got close to that goal.

Reach the Blood Tears City and fly to the Blood Tears Fairy Land, the place where the strong destiny is on command!

"The destiny repairer is always so weird, this time, can I successfully meet this random order?" Followed, Shi Feng said secretly in his heart.

Followed by, he didn't want so much, and went to the **** tears first.


Soon after, the three masters and apprentices of Shi Feng set foot on the teleportation altar of Qiyan City.

Target the next city, the City of Blood Tears!

A sky-high purple beam of light burst out from the altar, devouring all the figures on the altar, and led them into the sky and into the space!


Blood Tears City, a small city full of fairy spirit.

After arriving in this city, the three masters and students of Shi Feng obviously felt that the vitality of the city was obviously stronger.

The faint fairy mist drifted gently in the city, as if people were entering a fairy city.

However, Shi Feng had no time to feel this fairy city. At this moment, he just wanted to go to the blood and tears fairy land.

"Go!" With a sigh of relief, Shi Feng flickered in the shape of Blood Tears City, and displayed a rapid flow like a flowing water and a ghost-like figure, flowing rapidly in the city.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Yefeng also moved, followed closely by Shi Feng.

"Brother, I can't do anything." When Ling Yefeng moved, Xiao Tianyi's voice came from behind him.

If he cultivates the Tao of the Soul, if the soul comes out, he may be able to catch up with Ling Yefeng, but now, relying only on body skills, I am afraid that even a warrior in the emperor's realm cannot catch up.

"Let's be happy!" Ling Yefeng passed the voice.

Hearing what he said, Xiao Tian immediately followed suit.

Immediately afterwards, a black light shone and swallowed Xiao Tian.

He has been sucked into his space mystery by Ling Yefeng.

The speed of Shi Feng and Ling Ye Feng soon came out of this small town.

The two bodies slammed again, flying straight to the sky, heading north, flying all the way.

But at this moment, Shi Feng suddenly felt something, her eyebrows suddenly moved.

At this moment, I only heard a tender voice, and came from the void in front of me: "Please stay away!"

After hearing that voice, Shi Feng was in a stature, and Ling Yefeng was in a stature the next moment.

The two looked forward and saw a small figure slowly appearing there.

It was a little girl about six or seven years old, wearing a small white taiji gown and a chubby little face.

Like a fairy child in the sky!

"Who's coming?" Ling Yefeng asked, looking at the little girl.

Such a little girl who flew from the direction of Blood Tears Fairy, the visitor, may be related to that Blood Tears Fairy.

"The master asked me to come and tell us something." The little girl was still flying to this side, and the fat little face replied earnestly.

"Your teacher is on demand?" Ling Yefeng asked her.

"Well, people call me Master like this." The little girl said.

After listening to her, Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng flashed at the same time, and flashed to the little girl in an instant.


The little girl had been flying forward, but did not expect the two men to suddenly appear in front of them, their faces changed, and they hurriedly exclaimed.

His hands moved, seemingly awkward, forcibly stopped the broken figure.

Then, she patted her own small breast and said, "It's okay, okay, I almost ran into it."

This pair looks really cute.

At this time, Shi Feng frowned, and asked the little girl, "Your teacher called you, what's the matter?"

She suddenly appeared here, and Shi Feng had a bad hunch.

And, as he thought, the one who cultivates the way of fate is weird, and he has long known that he will find him in the future.

"Ah! Wait." Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the little girl was shocked again.

"I was anxious just now, and I forgot what the master wanted me to say. Don't worry, let me think about it first."

Ling Yefeng: "..."

"Don't worry, think hard." Shi Feng said.

Looking at this cute little girl reminded Shi Feng of her sister Shi Ling's previous age.

So cute.

"Well ... what did the master let me say?"

"The master said ... say ... the master told me not to be picky this morning ... well, no, no, not this."

The little girl whispered softly to herself, while holding her small head with her little hand unconsciously.

"Oh, I remember." And just then, her small face immediately moved and exclaimed.

Then he looked up and looked at Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng again, and said, "The master told me to tell you, two, please come back."



Upon hearing her words, Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng suddenly changed their looks.

Shi Feng said: "What if we don't?"

"Well ... Master, I do n’t want to leak the secrets, and I asked you to tell me not to be attached, um ... and also ... if you insist, disaster might come.

What a pity!

Hmm ... the master just let me tell you so much, all the small words have told you all. "

"A disaster is coming? Let's do it for ourselves? Could it be said that if I and the two have been going to the Blood Tears Fairy Land, then I want to do anything to my two opponents?"

After listening to the little girl, Ling Yefeng sneered.


"Ah! You are so fierce! You scared Xiaoyan." At the first sight of Ling Yefeng's indifferent, vaguely murderous look, the little girl named Xiaoyan spoke again.

"Well, don't scare the child." Shi Feng said to Ling Yefeng.

The little girl was just here to preach.

"Let's go," Shi Feng said to Ling Yefeng again.

What he called "going" naturally goes all the way forward. Since they have already come here, how can they step back.

"Yes, Master!" Ling Yefeng responded.

The two figures flashed at the same time, flashed past the girl in front of them, and then flew north.

"Ah!" Xiao Yan said in a panic again, "Ah", then turned around quickly, shouting at Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng:

"You two are wrong, wrong! I just told you clearly, the master told you to go back, so don't go to the **** tears.

You are wrong! "

Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng heard, and behind them, the voice of the cute little girl kept coming.

Shi Feng grinned suddenly and didn't bother.

"This little girl." Ling Yefeng was also spoiled by the little girl, whispered slightly.

Immediately afterwards, she said to Shen Feng Shen: "Master, what do you mean by that order?"

"I don't know, the teacher has been thinking about this problem." Shi Feng said.

Then he said, "If this guy doesn't want to see me, then just call me back, or leave this place of blood and tears."

Why, say disaster, think of yourself. "

"Yes, Tuer has been thinking about this," Ling Yefeng also said, "I don't know what this guy wants to do."

"Ah, hey, did you hear me? Can you hear the little words telling you?

You wait for me, you are too fast, wait for the small words, you are going in the wrong direction. "

In the rear, the girl Xiaoyan is still urging the fastest speed to chase, and her face has become red and red.

However, when she saw the two people in front of her, she didn't have to stop and wait for her, instead she became faster and faster.


The blood and tears fairy land was actually covered by a **** mist, and the blood mist twitched lightly. Here, it looked abnormal.

At the very center of the Blood Tears Fairy Land, there is a **** big stone, a figure, sitting on the blood stone at this moment.

Daodao's ancient scarlet runes hovered around him, appearing suddenly and mysteriously.

And just at this moment, I saw the **** runes, suddenly mad, suddenly, it is convenient for him to form a twisted "life" in front of him, slowly moving up and down.

The man looked at the "fate" and said lightly: "It should be said, I let the little girl say, is it a blessing or a curse, it's all on his own, that's it."

"Um ..." The man said softly after talking to himself.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the word "life" in front of him, and suddenly spun up, turning faster and faster, and soon, a **** whirlwind formed.

"Ah!" Suddenly, I saw the man in the blood mist, his eyes widening suddenly, his face showing a terrible horror, and a cry of utter shock.

"Spit!" Then, a mouthful of bright red blood spewed directly from his mouth.

Not only that, but I saw blood in his eyes, ears, and nostrils, and blood scars on his face constantly appeared.

"What's going on! What's going on!" The man's mouth kept whispering these four words, more and more terrified.

The scarlet word "Life" has stopped spinning, and the man stared at the word "Life", and then murmured again:

"Shi Feng, You Ning, Jiu You Emperor, Jiu You Demon Lord, Jiu You Sage, who is he?"


"The land covered by blood mist, that is the land of blood tears!"

In the endless void, Shi Feng opened his eyes as he looked down at the **** misty front and bottom.

It's finally here!

They were both in shape and dived down.

The next moment, it fell before the **** mist.

After all, he came to ask for help. Shi Feng didn't break in directly. He looked at the blood mist in front and said with a respectful fist:

"Under the Nether, come and see, and see you!"

The sound suddenly echoed in this world.

However, after a while, there was no response in the mist.

Shi Feng said again: "Under the Nether, come to see me and see you!"

The sound of billowing billows again.

"I can see you!" But at this moment, Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng suddenly saw, a sound of old and thick, immediately sounded.

Before the words fell, they saw a white dading carved in Kowloon in the sky above them.

Seeing this great tripod, Shi Feng and Ling Ye Feng, their complexions changed immediately!

This tripod is the Kowloon God tripod that they were in the vicious swamp before, and the family owner was shocked by Brahma.

The spirit of Jiulong appeared in Jiulong, and the white light flashed. I saw the Dao figure constantly appearing in this world.

Every figure exudes an unparalleled sense of terror!

A total of eight figures!

In addition to stunned Brahma, there is a breath of two people who is not weaker than him!

These are two old men.

An old man, gloomy and cold.

Another old man, dressed neatly and with very tight hair, was wearing a golden brocade.

The most terrifying thing to Shi Feng is him!

This man's martial arts practice, I am afraid ... has reached the level of the Dark Giant.

Shi Feng's attention at this moment has gathered in the two old men and asked:

"Who is your second elder? Did I have a holiday with you? Or did you take advantage of this shocking Brahma to help him kill me?"

As he said these words, Shi Feng gradually realized the meaning of the words that the little girl wanted to bring.

Disaster comes!

It turned out to be these people!

"I am from the Valley of the Gods of Flowers!" The old man in a golden brocade opened his mouth.

The thick voice seemed to be the one who had spoken before.

Hearing this, Shi Feng quickly understood.

The man who was still suppressed by himself in Sumeyama now claims to be a disciple of a strong man who moved the valley of flowers.

It seems that the strong man is the old man!

After hearing the old man's identity, he turned around and looked at the other old man with a gloomy face and said:

"If I'm not mistaken, then you should be the person in the Nine Netherworld?"

"That's right! This seat is the master of Jiuyin Realm, Jiuhe!" The old man with a somber face replied coldly.

Followed by saying: "Since we know our identity, we don't need to talk nonsense anymore, we kneel down and talk back."

The voice cannot be rejected.

(End of this chapter)

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