Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3438: Mountain swing


Eventually, Xu Mishan and Jiulong Shending completely overlapped together.

And just at the moment of overlap, I saw that Jiulong Shending had disappeared, and there was still a Xumexian Mountain suspended there!

Immediately after, "Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The sound of roaring sounded again, and Xu Mishan trembled again and again.

In the eyes of everyone, the mountain seemed to be about to fall.

"Ah! Not good!" Xiao Tian also saw this, his face suddenly changed again, then exclaimed.

Even Shi Feng's face changed, and at this moment Xu Mishan felt that he was extremely unstable.

Seems like ... it's about to collapse!

"A big game?" Shi Feng said.

Suddenly, as soon as the thoughts moved, white light flashed from his side.

Ziya, six-headed serpent, red demon pupil girl, and Heisha, Kongsha and other corpses appeared.

If this Xumi Mountain collapses today, they must be extremely dangerous when they are in it, so Shi Feng first let them leave the mountain.

"Brother Shifeng!" Ziya shouted at the sight of Shi Feng.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" Liuli Shen snake roared at the Sumi Mountain that was violent above.

"See Master!"

"See Master!"


Heisha, Kongsha and other corpses also shook Shi Feng on one knee.

The red demon pupil girl was bland and cold, and there was no wave in the ancient well. After looking at Shi Feng, she raised her head and looked up at the Sumi Mountain above.

"Ah! Save me! Save me! Save me!" In the middle of Xu Mishan, there was still a sound of panic and shouting, entering Shi Feng's thoughts.

"Oh, I forgot those guys!" Shi Feng murmured.

Those who made those voices were the old weasel who persecuted Yun Yimeng in the imprisoned heaven and earth, and the blood stone monument, the thoughts generated by those evil night corpses, and Shi Feng met in Cangyue City, Tianheng mainland The old man who sells sweets.

This old man, who was just an ordinary old man at first, was unthinkable and was entangled by a strange monster.

Later Shi Feng learned from this evil thing that it was the treasure of the old man's previous life, called evil evil, and said that this old man's previous life was a very powerful existence, what is the spirit evil **** respect!

Immediately afterwards, the old weasel soul and blood stele also emerged from the Sume Mountain.

Immediately afterwards, the blood of the demon soul flashed into the blood stone monument.

The next moment, the Scarlet Stone Tablet crashed down, Shi Feng looked up with his left hand, and the Stone Tablet instantly turned into a Scarlet Stone Pattern in his hand.


"Boom Boom! Boom Boom! Boom Boom ..."

The Xu Mishan concussion continued, and the more violent it became.

Falling into the eyes of everyone, it is really about to self-destruct.

"Ah!" Xiao Tian also sighed deeply, his heart full of distress.

After all, what was destroyed was the Seventh Heavenly King of God!

But this is the choice of the master, and he no longer says anything.

Everyone just watched quietly, waiting for the final result.

However, at this moment, only Shi Feng suddenly said, "It should be!"

Just when the word of Shi Feng had just sounded, the huge mountain Sumei above their heads suddenly stopped.

not moving at all!

"Really, it's done?" Xiao Tian was surprised again.

Today, he is slightly familiar with the mysterious equipment that reaches the peak of the summit, and at this moment he feels it again. The momentum revealed by Xu Mishan is already above the summit of the summit!

Xiao Tian also turned his head and asked Shi Feng: "Master, this mountain has reached the seventh heaven of God?"

"No, it's a loss!" Shi Feng answered.

"Lost?" Xiao Tian also murmured.

Shi Feng said: "I thought that Xu Mishan devoured this seven-day heaven's Kowloon Divine. At least, it can reach the seventh heaven.

The result is nothing but supremacy. "

"This mountain is indeed too weird, it can swallow other mysteries and evolve." Xiao Tian also said.

It is indeed a pity to sacrifice a King of Seventh Heavenly God to turn a fifth of heaven into a sixth of Heaven.

"This is very similar to your previous blood sword, which can devour the blood of other creatures."

The blood sword that Xiao Tian also said was naturally Shi Feng's bloodthirsty sword.

Stomach swallows, bloodthirsty swallows blood.

It's just that the Bloodthirsty Sword has fallen asleep since the last evolution, and has never recovered.

"Well, indeed." Shi Feng nodded.

His eyes were still gazing at Sumiyama.

Immediately afterwards, he saw his body move, and flew towards Sumi Mountain above.

Right hand up!

The next moment, his hand grabbed the Sumeru mountain, and then, "Boom!"

The thunder screamed and rang again.

Thunder and fire double tactics move again, Shi Feng once again fully urged this mountain!

"Boom boom ..." The still-moving Xu Mishan swayed again, shaking out an incomparable force.

Ling Yefeng, Yun Yimeng, Ning Cheng, and Jian Tong all felt a more horrible power than the Kowloon Tribe just now.

Shi Feng's face also followed suit, saying: "Although the Kowloon God Ding is the Seventh Heavenly God of the King, but with my power, it can only motivate the Supreme Middle Ages, and this evolution of Xumi Mountain can let me start Supreme Power! "

Although one of the seven kings of heavenly gods was lost, at present, this Sumi mountain is more practical.

Although there is a word difference between the middle and late stages, but in a real battle, the collision between the two forces is extremely different.

The real battle, after one in one, is equal to one death and one life!

Feeling this supreme power all the time, Shi Feng said, "This way, it's better!"

As he said this, when the strength was regained, the world finally calmed down.

Following Shi Feng's head bowed slightly, looking at the dark giant, he said, "You did a good job this time, I took note!

Go back to the God War continent, and continue to keep close contact with me. "

"Observe, master."

Before Shi Feng gave the floor to speak, the dark giant kept silent. When he heard Shi Feng's words, he immediately responded.

Immediately afterwards, she saw the dark body suddenly move, and straight into the purple flame vortex.

Instantly turned into a huge black shadow, disappeared in a flash.

Then, the purple flame swirled suddenly and disappeared.


The white giant light flashed on the top of Shi Feng, and Xu Mishan was taken back by Shi Feng and turned into a mountain pattern on his left hand.

Shi Feng thought of it, brought a corpse back to Xu Mishan, followed the opening, and said to the people below, "Go, follow me to the Blood Tears Fairy Land!"

In a place covered by blood mist, it looked quite strange, and Shi Feng planned to take them into shopping.

Like Ziya, all these years have been practicing in his own mysterious space ...


Afterwards, under the leadership of Shi Feng, the group flew in the direction of Blood Tears.

Soon after, the area covered by blood mist appeared again in Shi Feng's sight.

"Nether, come in." And just then, just listening to a low voice, suddenly echoing between heaven and earth ...

[I have something today, I will update this chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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