Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3458: Power of one finger

Chapter 3458 The Power of One Finger

At the top of the final cloud mountain, the magic mist is soaring, and at the foot of the troll, there are hundreds of densely packed corpses.

And several of them were particularly conspicuous and miserable corpses.

The pity of the second grandfather, the literary master Wen Kong, the literary poet Shengwen Lan, the Supreme Gambling Taoist Pavilion, and the purple **** Meng Wuxi, these are all powerful men who have reached the peak of the extreme!

Unexpectedly, these once existed at the peak of Wuliang God Realm, and they died here!

Except for the pity of the family, the owner was full of anger and coldness after looking at the corpse of the second grandfather's hatred. Even the Huajue who shifted the flower God Valley wins, the flesh on the old face is already startled.

The body was trembling slightly, and the old man looked excited.

Purple Playboy Meng Wuxi, but his close disciple!

It can also be said that it is the most outstanding person in this life who has encountered practicing his own transference to God Valley.

After accepting Meng Wuxi as a disciple, Meng Wuxi has never let him down, even before he was 30 years old, and successfully reached the peak.

With Meng Wuxi's talent, Hua Jueying feels that one day, his martial arts practice may reach his own point, and even more likely, surpass himself.

If that day comes, moving the valley of flowers will become the most extraordinary existence of the entire immeasurable **** realm.

Now ... Now it is unexpected!

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!" One by one, the cold kill words spit out constantly from Hua Jueying's mouth.

"Sure enough!" Looking at all this, Shi Feng spit out these four words.

He felt that what he saw today was indeed as he had previously thought.

The reason why the pitying strongman was not dead just now is the demon, who deliberately stayed in his half-life and shouted to lead everyone up.

With everyone waiting, everyone died!

All killed by this demon!

"Magic! How strong is this?" Shi Feng said secretly in his heart again.

"For the sake of life in the world, I'll wait to gather all my strength, demon!"

At this time, I could only hear the pity of the poor homeowner, and the sound of the sky rang.





As the words of mercy rang out, they drove up and down, and they rang.

A lot of power rose up, and a lot of dazzling and magnificent soldiers appeared.

The pity of the pity family is to be in control of a piece of cold ice.

Move the flowers to the Valley of Gods to feel the win, holding a seemingly ordinary red flower, but it contains endless power!

This flower, known as Yihua, is the strongest treasure of Yihua God Valley!

In addition to moving flowers to the Valley of God and the home of the pity family, other strong men have also sacrificed their strongest tools.

For example, the homeowner Weixiong, the sacrifice, is also passed down to the treasure from generation to generation.

There are Ling Yefeng, Xiao Tianyi, Yun Yimeng, and Ning Cheng, who use extraordinary powers to launch extraordinary powers ...

However, he Ling Yefeng, Yun Yimeng, and Ning Cheng, the sacrifice of the night gods, discs of heaven and earth, and divine magic dice, were quickly recognized, many people have cast strange look.

Especially the divine destiny, his former master is supreme, and he is still lying at the foot of that troll ...


Daodao is extremely powerful, blasting up!

"Kill!" Even Shi Feng issued this cold drink!

"Boom!" Prompted by the double tactics of thunder and fire, the sky blood magic sword in Shi Feng's hands has gathered the strongest strength.

Immediately after that, it was violently chopped, and a **** sword force flew up.


Other warriors ...

At this moment, the warriors kept coming to this void, and now looking at it, I am afraid that almost a thousand people have gathered.

Thousands of warriors also shot, and they all burst out the strongest force they could.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Seeing a thousand people struck together, the troll not only did not see any slight fear, but ... still made a burst of funny laughter.

It was a weird laughter that was extremely uncomfortable.

At this moment, under one look, when everyone saw the demon, they protruded a black finger, and then pointed at the bottom casually.

It's a counterattack.

In a horrified glance, I saw only one finger ... all the forces, the attacks launched by the thousand strongest soldiers gathering the strongest forces, even ... collapsed.

Even the flowers that moved the valley of flowers, the cold ice of the home, the heavenly abacus of the family, and the night **** of Ling Yefeng, the heavenly heart of Xiao Tianyi, and the destiny mastery of Yun Yimeng. , And Ning Cheng's heaven and earth disc ...

All the extraordinary devices flew under that finger, and they continued to blast under the extraordinary!

And the unique sword that Shi Feng cut out with the blood sword of the heavenly demon has disappeared ...

This magic, Shi Feng had previously guessed very strong!

But ... seeing now, the power of this demon is still beyond his expectations!

It is too strong! too strong!

Mighty and boundless!

That's the power of a thousand people, including so many ascendants to create extreme powers!

Break it, only one finger was used!

"What level of murder is this ... in the end? God Bai Yatian? Or ... Jiu Zhongtian? Even higher?" Shi Feng exclaimed in her heart.

How else can I fight?

Not only Shi Feng, but even Huajue Winner and the strong men beside him, his complexion has also changed greatly.

My family, what a terrible monster was sealed in the extremely old age!

This kind of monsters ... shocked Brahma, shocked Brahma, did not follow the ancestor's legacy and regarded it as the first thing in this life ...

"What to do ... what to do!"

"So scary ... he just used that finger!"

"So many of us, and so many strong ones, with our combined power, all of them ..."

"This is too strong!"

"This ... we will all die! We, I am afraid, will die like those on the mountain!"

Exclaimed again and again.


"Hmm! Hmm!" And bursts of laughter came from above.

"This place, I like to see you ants, showing such despair!

Huh! "The troll started laughing again.

Then, everyone saw that the giant demon's huge demon body began to move again.

Seeing his right hand in his palm, he then headed towards them, covering it extremely violently.

It's like a black giant mountain, crashing down!

"Flick off!" Move flowers God Valley flowers feel win, take the lead in a deep drink.

His body moved suddenly and flew backwards.

Other warriors also began to rush.

Even Shi Feng immediately flashed in shape.

As his body flickered, he quickly spread the voice of Ling Yefeng, Xiao Tianyi, Yun Yimeng, and Ning Cheng.

This drop of power is not the power they can stop!

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The black magic hand is still smashing.

Troll, still laughing!

Looking at the flashes of Dao Dao, he seemed to laugh extremely happily.

He likes the weak things, so under his own terrifying power!



Daodao flashed wildly.

The black giant hand is also slowly changing direction.

Like a black giant mountain, and like a black giant cloud falling from the sky.

Immediately after, "Boom!"

Just listening to a very violent tremor, then suddenly sounded.

At the same time, "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" The screams of horror continued to echo.

Although just now, the figures continued to spread.

But there are still more than fifty people, shrouded in the black palm, instantly broken by the huge black palm.

After sending out screams, the flesh flew wildly, and the picture suddenly became extremely brutal and bloody.

Between heaven and earth, there was already a strong **** smell.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" The troll smiled more and more happily.

"No! We are bound by a force and cannot escape from here!"

At this time, another shocked exclaimed voice in this world.

In fact, after seeing the terror of this troll just now, countless people have already resigned in their hearts.

Gathering all the people, even more on the strength of the peak powers, has been broken by this demon head. This is simply a battle of impossible victory.

However, many people have just discovered that this world has been blocked by an extremely fearful force.

But, only at this moment, someone shouted.

After hearing his voice, countless people's faces changed immediately.

An individual suddenly became more desperate and flustered.

This demon, this is to kill everyone who comes here!

"Hmm! Hmm!"

"Under that power, we can only enter, we cannot go out!"

As the battle with the trolls began, there were still many figures outside, rushing into this void.

"Damn! What to do!" Shi Feng, who flew back, was quite far away from the magic hand at that moment, and his body suddenly stunned.

Looking at the dark demon hand is still rioting and constantly destroying a body.

Ling Yefeng, Xiao Tianyi, Yun Yimeng, and Ning Cheng also stopped behind him at this time, and each one of them had become extremely dignified. With Shi Feng, looking at the troll, With that powerful magic hand.

"I rely, Shizu, there is no way to fight!

Going on, we are all hanging here. "Ning Cheng said.

Ling Yefeng also said at this time: "Master, what should I do? This is really too strong."

"I don't know for the division! This battle is not a level battle at all. Hey!"

Hearing their words, Shi Feng sighed softly.

Immediately afterwards, he secretly conveyed Jian Tong: "Girl, see if you can pass me out of here! Induction first, don't teleport!"

After a while, in Shi Feng's mind, a clear and charming voice sounded: "Received!"

Since he couldn't fight, Shi Feng planned to let Jian Tong show his magic power and help himself and others to leave here first.

The reason she was first induced was that if she really could, she let Ling Yefeng enter them and then leave together.

Shi Feng also plans to take a look at it at that time. Those who enter the world with themselves can take away a few people, so try to take a few people.

But soon, he heard: "No! There is a force I can't shake in your place! I can't help you leave."

"This time, I'm afraid it's really bad!" Shi Feng said when he heard Jian Tong's answer.

"Dear, let me go out," Jian Tong in Xu Mishan said to Shi Feng again.

When she heard her words, Shi Feng immediately thought, and beside him, a white light flashed.

Then, Jian Tong also appeared here.

Jian Tong is closely related to her destiny. If she really died here, she in the Sumeru Mountains would be killed by the demon.

So Jian Tong wanted to come out, and Shi Feng let her out.

Soon, Jian Tong's eyes also stared at the tall and terrifying troll, looking at the people who constantly fled under the power of the demon, a body that was constantly destroyed.

Also, bursts of oozing laughter, "Oh! Uh!"

"Okay ... so terrible ... something ..." Looking at the demon, even Jiantong exclaimed.

She knew immediately that he was in great trouble.

"This guy should be playing." At this time, Yun Yimeng also said loudly.

After hearing Yun Yimeng's words, Shi Feng nodded.

The troll, obviously, has not yet erupted his strongest power. He intentionally used only the devil to slowly destroy the warriors in this world.

In the eyes of this demon, I am afraid that these people, including himself, are just his playthings.

"This magic!" Ling Yefeng spit out the cold word coldly.

"It looks like today is dead!" Ning Cheng said.

He couldn't think of a chance to survive.

"Little friend!" At this time, Shi Feng heard an old shout from behind him.

Immediately after that, a figure flashed beside him, and that move flower God Valley Huajue appeared!

Earlier, when I saw this flower feel win again in this immeasurable divine realm, the old man was invisible, with a peerless majesty.

At this time, he fell into Shi Feng's eyes, and had become a little bit embarrassed, his clothes were broken and his hair was messy.

But it is also normal. In the eyes of the troll, the old man's cultivation should be the highest, so naturally, he intentionally or unintentionally pursues him.

"Come again!" Immediately afterwards, the Shi Feng people screamed at this flower feel win.

Then they saw that the huge dark magic hand was clearly coming towards these storms!

"Look down!" Ning Cheng exclaimed, exclaiming immediately.

"Hide!" Hua Jueying drank them immediately.

Immediately afterwards, he saw his body flash again.

"Old thing, come here to harm us!" Ning Cheng cursed as he fluttered.

Shi Feng is also speechless!

Daodao body, constantly flashing.

"Ah! Ahh! Ah!"

While the warriors were still flying, the dark giants passed by, and they smashed countless bodies into a slump.

Blood, minced meat, still flying.

"My dear, I always feel that this world is a bit unusual."

Shi Feng flew, and Jian Tong followed him closely.

At this moment, he suddenly heard that Jian Tong said to him.

"Different, what do you mean? What do you feel?" Shi Feng asked her quickly.

"I can't say clearly! Anyway, some are different! Whoops, how do you say ..."

(End of this chapter)

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