Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3467: The Last Son

Chapter 3467: The Third Son Of The Last Family

The guard quickly reported to Shi Fengyu:

"Sir, the cold sand city has returned to a small size, the cold sand city teleportation altar has been successfully opened, and the cold sand city master is now waiting for your visit in the cold sand city teleportation temple.

"Yeah!" Shi Feng nodded and said, "Go to Hansha City now."

"Yes, the little obey, the little will arrange it. You wait for a while," said the guard.

Then, immediately turned around and walked into this teleportation temple of Yunhai City, and yelled loudly:

"Everyone put everything down!"

"Stop first!"

"Teleport the altar, stop first. Well, everyone on the altar, let's all come down and wait for it to be rescheduled."

His voice echoed immediately in the teleportation temple.


"what happened?"

"what happened?"


After hearing the echoing sounds, doubtful sounds followed.

"Qingyang, what are you doing?" Just then, a cold voice came.

I saw a man in a black armor and a large body walking towards this side, not far away.

His face was magnificent, showing endless coldness.

This person is the great commander of this temple, Yuan Shun!

"Big command!" When the big commander came dissatisfied, the face of the dome changed suddenly, he bowed quickly, and shouted respectfully.

He just wanted to explain to the big commander, and the big commander Yuan Shun turned out again. The voice of Hong Liang overwhelmed everything:

"Qionyang, tell me, what are you going to do?

Answer me, are you the big leader here, or am I? "

"Of course you!" Qiongyang quickly bowed back.

"Can ..." But when he just said "可", Yuan Shun said, "What did you mean by ordering here?"

Just now, you are really full of spirits and have a great commanding style! "

"Grand Commander, you misunderstood." Qiongyang quickly explained: "Subordinates, there is no intention to overstep power, because ..."

"Huh!" Yuan Shun groaned heavily. "No intention to overstep power? Who was here just now to give us orders?"

"Master, please listen to me." Qiongyang said anxiously: "Why am I ..."

"Okay, you say it quickly, I'm going to see what you want to say to me." Yuan Shun said this sentence, but in the end, he interrupted the dome and wanted to continue.

At this moment, Qiongyang really wished to run over and blocked Yuan Shun's mouth.

If his cultivation, his status is above that of Yuan Shun.

"The great commander is the one who will use the teleportation altar." Qiongyang said.

"Which one? Which one?" After hearing Qiongyang's words, Yuan Shun's brow froze suddenly.

It seems that he finally realized what.

Is there a big shot?

"Yes, what kind of big man?"

"What the **** is going on? Couldn't even the son-in-law have to go down to this altar?" And at this moment, Yuan Shun and Qiongyang immediately heard a young, cold voice, transmitted from the far away place The altar was uploaded.

At this moment, there are not many people on the teleportation altar, only less than twenty are left.

An imposing and handsome young boy wearing a brocade is particularly noticeable.

Hearing that voice, Yuan Shun's face changed suddenly, and he quickly turned around and replied with a smile on the altar:

"Because of some accidents, you don't need to worry about the third son. The younger will deal with it immediately, immediately!"

"Hmm!" After the young man heard Yuan Shun's answer, a smile of satisfaction appeared on his cold face, and he nodded slowly to Yuan Shun.

The big commander Yuan Shun turned back and said to Qiongyang, "Can't tell you who it is!

You let everyone go down to the altar, do you know who was the one just now? He, but the third son in the family!

End of life! do you know? "

"End of the family!" Hearing the word end of the family, Qiongyang's face also changed suddenly.

For these two words, they really exist like heaven.

But ... the family is strong, but ... if you neglect that one.

"Great commander ..." However, just as Qiongyang shouted the commander, and when he was about to speak to him, his voice was interrupted again by other voices.

"What's going on? Okay?"

Suddenly, a young, impatient voice came from outside the teleportation temple.

Then, Yuan Shun, and the people in the teleportation temple, saw a young, black figure, and walked into it.

Hearing the impatient voice, and the one who walked in, Qiongyang shuddered physically and mentally, it was too late to explain anything to Grand Commander Yuan Shun, and he turned around and said to that one:

"Just right away! Right now! You can wait a little longer."

"This is it?" Seeing the one who walked in, Grand Commander Yuan Shun frowned suddenly.

Looking at him, Yuan Shun always felt familiar.

"This one is ... um ... yes ..."

After Shi Feng walked into the teleportation shrine, he ignored the dome and Yuan Shun, and stared at the teleportation altar, looking at the person on the altar.

"Who is this?"

"The guard just let the man on the altar down, as if because of him?"

"What is his identity? I can recognize the one who spoke just now on the altar, but he is the third son in the family."

"This one, how do you feel you've seen it anywhere."

The sound of horror began to echo in this teleportation altar.

"Ah! It's him! ~"



Today, there are many people waiting for the teleportation altar in the teleportation temple. Many people have changed their faces and recognized the one.

"Huh? He? Who is this?" On the teleport altar, the third son of the last family murmured.

To that person, the high-ranking three sons did not know it at all.

"Ah! I remember!" But soon, the big commander Yuan Shun was shocked.

He finally recognized who that person was.

No wonder no wonder! No wonder this sky is so bold!

"It's him, it turned out to be him! I'm relying on this guy, Qiongyang, didn't you just tell me on purpose?"

Yuan Shun was surprised.

Where does he know that Qiongyang wanted to tell him long ago, but ... where is this opportunity.


The moment he saw Shi Feng's appearance, the third son of the last family naturally knew that the guard just dared to let himself go down to the altar, completely because of this person.

"A triple-kingdom of a king of gods, hum, my son wants to see what this person is.

Could it be that my third son in the family could not stand up? "

When the third son of the last family said these words, he saw that the figure on the altar stood proudly, and flew directly towards Yuan Shun, Qiongyang, and Shi Feng.


"Ah! Three sons!" Yuan Shun immediately sensed the flying man, turned his head slightly, and opened his eyes widened immediately, exclaiming.


With a soft whistle, the third son of the last family had already landed beside Yuan Shun, opposite to Shi Feng.

A smile filled with playfulness appeared on the young and handsome face.

"Three sons ..." Yuan Shun, the chief commander, uttered these three words to the third son of the family. When he wanted to say something, the third son was completely ignored, and he smiled and said to Shi Feng:

"I am the third son of the last homeowner. I don't know you, what's the origin?"

When talking about "the third son of the last homeowner", I saw the young smiley face, with a touch of pride invisible.

"My name is You Ning, just an unknown junior." Shi Feng responded to him like this.

"Nether." End whispered.

He really hasn't heard the name.

It seems that it is indeed an unknown junior.

But at a young age, his talent is quite good, even reaching the triple king of God, even higher than himself.

Although Zhongxinshuo is a warrior in the dual world of God King, but he has the method, we can see that he is a higher person.

And for Xin Xinshuo, even if this person has good talent, what good is that?

If you want his life, you can just order it.

Thinking of these in my head, a disdainful smile appeared on the end of Xinxinshuo's face.

The pride revealed is even greater.

But at this moment, in his mind, he suddenly remembered the words:

"Three sons, Nether! Nether, it was the man who killed the owner of the uncle, that person."

The big commander Yuan Shun has seen from the smiling face of Zhongxinshuo that this guy didn't recognize him at all.

Actually, in his presence, he dared to do so.

This guy, really, doesn't want to live!

"What!" Yuan Shun's words immediately stirred up the terrible waves in this heart.

Kill the one who stunned Brahma!

that! that! that……

With that young face, the eyes widened and widened.

Both eyes seemed to be about to pop out of their eyes.

Recalling that I was in front of him ...

At this moment, the body of the final heart shivered slightly involuntarily.

However, even the youngest master of the family, and eventually even the youngest owner, dare to say that there is a kill and kill!

And myself, my last family, is nothing compared to the old family.

Zhong Xinshuo also clearly remembers that he used to feel that he was half a head shorter than that in front of the uncle Xiaohan.

At this moment, all the pride in the face of Xin Xinshuo, all disdain disappeared immediately.

In its place, it was extremely respectful. In front of Shi Feng, they all bent down slightly.

Congratulations said: "It turns out that you are the Ghost, but I have no eyes, I did not recognize you, I was rude to you just now, and I hope that the Lord can forgive me!"

"Stay back." Shi Feng said these four words briefly to him, his tone was still a little impatient.

"Yes! Yes, yes! The younger one backs down." The third son of the family nodded to him again and again.

However, when he let himself back down, he felt like he was about to amnesty.

Bowing, slowly backwards.

"Who the **** is this person? Even the third son in the family is like him?"

In the hall of teleportation, there were people who did not recognize Shi Feng, and said doubtfully.

After all, the night stunned to show images in the night sky. Although many people saw it, not everyone saw it.

For example, the third son of the last family had a great heart. That night, he still practiced secretly in the last family, so he never saw Shi Feng.

"You haven't recognized it, this one! Now, we have no weight in the Lord of the Realm."

"Ah! The Lord of Zero Weight God Realm? Could it be, he is!" When he heard the Lord of Zero Weight God Realm, he immediately connected with the young man in the legend.

Even other unidentified people, when they heard the words, immediately understood that who is now entering this teleportation temple!


Those who were still standing on the teleportation altar, after exclaiming, rushed into shape, flying or flashing, and immediately fled the teleportation altar at their fastest speed.

This teleportation altar is now a demon altar to them!

But in an instant, it was empty above the altar.

Looking at the side of the altar, Yuan Shun looked at Shi Feng again and said, "Master, please!"

Speaking of this sentence, he has made a "please" gesture to Shi Feng.

"Yeah." Shi Feng responded softly, and then said nothing, flashing.

The next moment, he appeared on the teleportation altar.

"Fast speed! Good mysterious posture! Just now, I couldn't capture his speed at all."

"That's natural! This is who! If his speed lets you catch it, is it okay?"

"I didn't expect to see this deity come here with my own eyes today!"

"Having anticombat power, and being so young, looking ... still so handsome.

If these men can marry them, there is no regret in this life. "

A young woman standing in the crowd looked at the peerless figure above the altar and said secretly in her heart.

But then, a bitterness appeared in the beautiful face, and then secretly said, "How can such a peerless figure ... see me?"

I am simply delusional. "


"Adjust the coordinates, Hansha City!" As soon as Shi Feng saw Shi Feng on the altar, he immediately shouted to the guards standing in all directions of the altar.

Regarding Qiongyang's overstepping power this time, Yuan Shun naturally stopped saying anything, but instead said, "Hurry up! Follow Qiongyang's words and send this adult to Hansha City."

In fact, they don't need to say more about Yuan Shun, they all know what to do.

The coordinates are adjusted immediately.

Shi Feng stood at the altar and waited secretly, his eyes were silently looking forward, and there was no wave in his face.

After the third son of the last family stepped down, he still stood quietly and looked at that one.

Just now, he was the third son of the last family, which attracted attention.

Now, in front of that one, he has nothing.

"I treated him just now, but he didn't care about me. Maybe in his eyes, it's no different from a ant ..."

(End of this chapter)

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