Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3478: Sleeping Coffin [Two in One]

Chapter 3478 The Person Sleeping In The Coffin [Two In One]

After hearing the young man's whisper, the leading middle-aged man in the cultivation hall went out of the sea, his face suddenly moved suddenly, and he screamed in surprise:


He was shocked when Shi Feng entered the training hall, and he was going to be shocked by a God King seventh-class training room!

"If you want the God King Seventh Heaven level training room, does that mean, is it possible that he has the God King Seventh Heaven level combat power?


Immediately afterwards, the man overwhelmed by the sea suddenly realized something, his complexion moved again, and then he whispered in his heart:

"Is there a secret treasure in him?"

At such a young age, Deng Hai certainly wouldn't think that this person really has the Seventh Heavenly Power of the King of God by himself.

Moreover, I said to myself just now that he has passed the martial arts celestial ball test at the martial arts inspection platform, and his martial arts practice is indeed in the King of Gods triple heaven!

The strong person can hide the real practice in front of other martial arts, but no one can hide under the martial arts sky crystal ball.


"The cultivation of the King of Gods' triple heavens has destroyed this secret room! This secret room is actually different from other secret rooms.

But few people know the secret!

The owner told me last time that this secret room was actually opened out countless years ago. The one who opened this secret room is an extremely vast space.

This secret room, at what level at the time, and how powerful it can withstand, even the museum owner can not tell, many, many years ago, a peerless battle broke out in this secret room!

Under that war, although this closet was extremely damaged by the powerful men of that era, it still has not collapsed. Later, it was renovated to define it to the greatest extent and can withstand the power of climbing to the extreme peak!

In fact, the owner said that although this is a broken and repaired space back room, it is not comparable to other back rooms at all, and the strength it can withstand must be above the peak! "


These thoughts kept flashing in the sea of ​​mind.

Then, he said to the young uncle beside him:

"I already know this, and I will handle it next, and I will report to the museum owner!

Also, we can know this, and you must not talk to anyone. "

"I understand, Lord Chenghai!" He nodded.

In his opinion, this matter must not be told to anyone, Master Chenghai should be worried that the training room will be destroyed by others, which will damage the reputation of the training center.

This aunt, who has always been a savvy man, nodded with satisfaction after seeing him respond so.

Followed by, he turned around immediately, shouting to Shi Feng toward the layman:

"This little brother, the reason for the incident, I have already heard it from now on. This matter has nothing to do with you. It is because our people are negligent in handling things. We should not doubt the needs of our guests. We should be self-righteous and arrange this secret room for you !!

We must not let you bear this loss! "

When Duan Hai said this sentence, his face was serious and solemn.

"Oh?" Shi Feng turned slowly and looked at him.

Followed by, he said: "Actually it was an accident. At the time, I didn't think it would be like this ..."

"It's okay! This matter has nothing to do with the little brother, it's our negligence, and you can leave with peace of mind!"

"If the little brother deserves our practice, don't mind it anymore."

After hearing his words, Shi Feng looked at him, nodded to him after a while, and said, "All right."

I want to pay for this loss, but the person ’s words are ... if they pay them their losses, they look down on them, so ... if they do n’t want to lose, they wo n’t bother to pay.

"Farewell!" After saying these two words to them, Shi Feng turned around and went out again.

Ten people across the sea, still quietly watching the distant figure, saw him, and slowly disappeared into the sight of their own people.

And just then, they suddenly heard the drowning voice:

"You all have heard clearly from me that the secret room of Mingyue was destroyed. You must not tell anyone. I'm saying it, anyone, including, the owner!"

Hearing these words, the faces of these people moved in unison.

How could ... not tell the owner?

This secret room, everything here is owned by the owner, and he actually gave such an order.

At this moment, even that puppet suddenly moved.

Hearing this, he felt that it was not the same as he had previously thought.

Just now Denghai refused to tell others that he thought it would affect the reputation of the cultivation hall.

But now he ordered that the museum owners ...

"Why is this?" He didn't want to understand yet, but at this moment, he and the others heard the whole thing again:

"Did you all understand?"

This voice seemed a bit cold and faint. They even felt that there was a sense of killing!



"Understand, Lord Chenghai!"


Everyone immediately responded, even if they hadn't figured it out yet, they should understand it quickly.

Hearing these responses, Duhai's eyes slowly hesitated, still staring at the direction in which he left, and afterwards, he only heard him speak again:

"Li Yan, go and inform the seniors, saying that I have something to see him."

"Yes!" A man in his early thirties responded, followed by a movement ...


Soon after, Shi Feng left the practice hall.

It's still late at night, and the sky is still not bright!

Since the sky is not yet bright, the gate of the Temple of Heaven is naturally closed.

Shi Feng looked up at the sky, and today it was dark and gloomy.

Shi Feng said, "Well ... it won't be long before the sky is bright."

As he said this, he went in the direction of the temple that day.

At this moment he saw that there were already dozens of figures outside the gate of the temple that day.

They are all people who want to enter the heavenly path.

For some warriors, Shi Feng didn't pay much attention. What really caught his attention was a redwood coffin!

Yes, the coffin!

Quietly suspended, it was lifted by eight handsome men in red clothes. Although it was a coffin, it looked a little festive!

The most important thing is that Shi Feng has sensed that a breath of life has emerged from this coffin.

This means that in this coffin, there is not a dead person but a living person!

And these people, can actually carry the coffin, suspended in the sky of the city, it already means that the origin of these people is absolutely extraordinary!

While others looked at their faces, they were all jealous.

At this moment, one of the handsome men in red carrying the coffin said coldly:

"My son is here. Can the door of the Temple of Heaven be opened?"


This cold voice echoed for a long time in this dark night.


The cold voice echoed, but after a long echo, the gate of the Temple of Heaven was still not moving.

The man in red shouting suddenly became colder and colder.

Immediately afterwards, he saw his right hand in the palm of his hand, facing the Tiantong Temple below.

Then, the right palm trembled!

Shi Feng immediately sensed that a force of Yin had rushed out of the man's palm, and slammed onto the two closed Tiantong Temple doors.

"Boom!" A fierce sound boom echoed!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The entire Temple of Heaven, shivered violently.

"Who dares to stalk the Tiantong Temple!" But at this moment, only a very hoarse old voice heard from Duntian Temple.

The sound seemed to be unreal, a little unreal.

And this voice immediately echoed in this world.

After hearing that voice, Shi Feng's brow moved immediately, and the voice gave him a very strange feeling.

Not like ... the voice of a living person.

Moreover, a breath of strangeness was revealed.

Not only Shi Feng, but the eight men in red carrying the coffin in the night sky, all looked together.

Immediately afterwards, a huge phantom was seen, and Ton rose from the teleportation temple.

Xingying, looking extremely vague, looking extremely unreal, looks like an old man with white husks.

"This is, a residual soul!" Shi Feng said immediately.

Although he said that what he saw at the moment was a remnant soul, but this remnant soul felt to him, extremely powerful!

He has surpassed him now, this feeling is very clear!

"This is a peerless powerhouse, the remnant soul left here! This remnant soul alone feels so horrible. If this strong person has the deity, what kind of power does it have?"

Shi Feng said in his heart.

"Predecessor Wu Lin!" At this time, I heard the sound of a man who was extremely nice and respectful.

Shi Feng heard it immediately, the sound came from the mahogany coffin.

Then, the coffin lid of the coffin rose, and an unusually glamorous red figure slowly floated out of it.

It was a man who looked extremely strange, beautiful, and more beautiful than a woman!

Wearing red clothes and a green silk, he fluttered gently with Ye Feng.

At this moment, the man raised his fist respectfully at the temple, saying:

"The younger generation is a copy of Tianyin Mountain. I do not know that Wulin's predecessor is here. It is offensive. I also hope that the seniors forgive me!"

"Huh! Tianyin Mountain!" Hearing the man's words, I saw the old man's virtual shadow making a cold hum, saying:

"Tiantong Shenlu, has its own rules, and no one can mess around!"

"The juniors understand, thank the senior Wulin for teaching!" The charming man named Yin Li said again respectfully.

When his voice fell, then, he saw the rising puppet shadow, slowly falling back towards the Tiantong Temple below, slowly disappearing into the eyes of everyone.

After the phantom disappeared, the Tianyinshan Seal opened again:

"Wu Lin's seniors are thinking here, so you can't be rude anymore!"

"Yes, son!" The eight men carrying the coffin immediately responded to Yin Li's words.

Immediately afterwards, she saw that Yin Li moved and fell back into the mahogany coffin. There was a dull sound, and the coffin cover was covered back!

"This Tianyin Mountain doesn't seem easy!" Shi Feng's eyes were still staring at the night sky, and then said secretly.

That horrible phantom, when he heard of Tianyin Mountain, stopped it, enough to see that this force was extraordinary.

There is the Yin Li sleeping in the coffin, so young, judging from the root bones, he is only two or three years older than Shi Feng. His martial art practice has already entered the sixth heaven of the king Supreme Peak!

And the eight men who carried the coffin for him, their martial arts practices, are all at the peak!

Eight climb to the top, give people, carry coffins!

If this kind of thing spreads to the God War Continent, I don't know how those powerful men in the God War Continent would feel!


The sky is still not bright, everyone in this world still needs to wait quietly.

And in the practice hall not far from the Temple of Heaven, there is an elegant and quiet room, and the endless sea is reconciling with an old man.

The old man, with a white tablet-inch head, was erect, with a majestic face, wearing a white robe.

He should be the old one invited by Duhai.

At this moment, he heard Duan Hai's account of himself just now, his frowns frowned, and he seemed to be in deep thought.

Then, he said to Deng Hai: "The person you are talking about has some soldiers who broke out and surpassed the power of climbing to the peak. You and I found his idea. If you don't get it right, you will find your own way!"

"Hmm!" He heard the old words, nodded his head, followed him and said, "The danger must be there!

But what do these fierce risks compare to the innocent lands we broke into in the past few years? "

"No ferocious land!" Hearing the words "no ferocious land", even this ancient man who climbed to the top of the mountain to change his face changed his look, and a look of horror appeared.

It seems that the land without evil is necessarily a land of good luck!

Later, Duanhai spoke again: "In the year, in order to find the extraordinary device in the rumor, we ventured into the innocent land, not only did we not get that thing, we almost died there!

Now, what we are going to grab, but it is very likely to surpass the superior quality of the device, not to mention, we may be extremely successful! "

"Hmm ..." He nodded when he said that, indeed!

Compared with that fierce land, this kind of danger is nothing!

"Where is this person now?" Asked the ancient Shen Sheng.

"Outside Tiantong Temple, waiting to enter Tiantong Shenlu!" Said Duanhai.

"Tiantong Shenlu!" Ancient nodded, "It's not too late, let's go!"

"Mo Ji!" Zhan Hai smiled ...


The sky gradually became gray!

The night receded, and the day was coming.

The gate of the Temple of Heaven opened immediately. At this moment, there are more and more people gathering outside the temple. There should be a hundred people!

However, the suspended man was still the eight people in Tianyin Mountain carrying the coffin, separated from the seal in the coffin.


Waiting, the sun finally rose slowly from the horizon, and the rising sun began to slowly sweep across this world, under the shroud, bringing a little warmth.

"Tiantong Temple, open!" But at this moment, everyone outside the transmitting temple heard it, and a shout rang out ...

(End of this chapter)

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