Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3482: Sky Magnetic Beast [2 in 1]

Chapter 3482 Celestial God Beast [2 in 1]

The three of Shi Feng had already fallen on that land.

Rather, he stood in a rubble.

"My lord, do you already feel that the power of your body is constantly being lost? In fact, the loss of power is not much in this magnetic field. What will really make you run down is You will find that in this magnetic field, all your mysteries will be ... unusable!

Haha, hahahaha! "

As these words were spoken, Zhanhai laughed more and more and laughed more and more.

To be able to deceive this person into the magnetic field of the sky, the sea is really very happy.

From the beginning, they thought that the triple king of God could destroy the cultivation room, naturally because this man had an extraordinary device in his possession.

And this magnetic field will restrain all the extraordinary devices!

Although the endless sea and the ancient strength in the ancient body are also constantly lost, but they believe that their cultivation is higher than this person, and the internal body strength is naturally much thicker than him, especially the ancient times when the summit was created, even if it is ancient If you lose, you can kill the person before the loss.

"Oh!" Shi Feng said "Oh" when he heard the words of Dianhai.

In particular, the last sentence emphasized by "Dan Hai", "All your mysteries will not be used", so that Shi Feng gradually understood.

That fellow's training room in the training hall was destroyed, and this guy was eyeing it.

And his martial arts cultivation is nothing but the triple king of the gods, so these two guys think that the destruction of the cultivation secret room was caused by his own mystery.

"Well, all nonsense, the old man no longer wants to say more, hand over the mystery on your body, the old man will give you a happy way to die."

At this time, the ancients spoke out and said to Shi Feng that his words could not be refused.

The ancient age and erect figure at this moment have fully revealed his peerless style of climbing to the top of the extremely powerful man.

Now that everything is under control, there is no need to pretend to be friendly.

"Well ... I think we should first let our protagonist kneel down and give the thing down." At this time, Naohai suggested.

"I don't care, you feel free." Gu Duanhai replied.

"Huh?" However, just as the ancient voice fell, the sea frowned, his eyes narrowed, staring at Shi Feng in front of him, saying:

"Why? Didn't you hear what the two of us said? This seat lets you, kneel!"

Speaking of these last two words, when the sea was overwhelmed, a horrible coercion of the King of Gods Quadruple Heaven Realm immediately pressed towards Shi Feng.

I don't know when it will start, this sea full of hands pinned behind him, and also showed a strong posture.

But then, his narrowed eyes opened suddenly, he already felt that the coercion that he had pressed against this man suddenly disappeared without a trace when he approached him.

"Hell!" Danhai whispered.

"Eh!" Even the ancient, but also his face followed, Shen said, "It seems that there is still a secret treasure in this boy who is not affected by the magnetic field of this day and can break your mighty power!"

As he spoke these words, the old heart was a little disturbed.

After hearing what Hai said, the piece of mystery on this person was beyond that of climbing to the top.

If the secret treasure that is not affected by this magnetic land is still that thing ...

At this moment, it's not just ancient, but even the sea is full, and the complexion has become extremely dignified.

Since the endless years, countless warriors have entered the magnetic field of this day and tested it, and the conclusion is that not only what level of soldiers, but also the magnetic field will not be affected.

It is rumored that once there was a mighty power who brought a god-king eight-level fighter into this place, but the result was still the same, and affected by it, there was no difference with the waste.

After bringing out the magnetic field of the sky, it returned to the normal form of the Godly Eighth Heavenly Artifact!


"When I saw this boy, I felt that he was weird. He had long dreams at night and let him die."

At this moment, he could not afford to let him kneel to himself.

"Huh!" Gu nodded.

All scruples, as long as the kid in front of him is killed, it will collapse.

"The sky is gone!"

"Supreme Fall!"

At this time, just listening to the ancient and the end of the sea, at the same time burst out a sudden drink.

With the hands in the palms of the sea, the space above their heads began to boil.

In the ancient fist, in the boiling void, a huge shadow of fist appeared.

In order to make a difference, the two of them were desperate, and when they shot, their strongest power broke out.

Soon, all the boiling power condensed into two palms, slamming down towards the bottom.

The huge fist shadow fell fiercely, as if a meteor fell to the ground, and also fell to the three of them.

"Boom!" And at this moment, a thunderous sound of thunder burst out loudly on Shi Feng's body.

An immensely powerful momentum suddenly rose from Shi Feng's body.



Two bursts of noise, both hands have fallen with huge fist shadows, these three figures were completely swallowed up.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"


This celestial magnetic field suddenly trembled violently, as if a major earthquake was coming.


The road to magical powers, the heavens and the earth are in all directions.

"Tianci, how did such a riot occur, and what happened there?"

"Muff, is the legendary Tian magnetic beast awake?"

"Sky magnetic beast? Such a riot is also possible!"

"Fast! Hurry away from this magnetic field and pass by!"

"Previously, I heard that three people entered this magnetic field. Could it be that they disturbed the sleeping magnetic field beast and made it angry?"

Exclamation continued.


Tianci, a place of riots and chaos.

"How could it be!" An old exclaiming voice resounded.

This sound originates from the ancient man who climbed to the top of the mountain.

He already sensed that under the fierce power of himself and the sea, the boy actually blocked it.

Moreover, he has been sensing from now until now, and until now, he has not sensed the breath of mystery.

This means ... this boy, very young, with the cultivation of the three kings of God, can actually block the power of climbing to the extreme ...

Although in the magnetic field of this day, one's own strength was lost a lot, but the punch just now can reach its peak.

Immediately afterwards, I heard this ancient one scream again and again: "Evacuate here quickly, don't stay, such a riot will inevitably lead the magnetic beast to come that day."

Tian magnetic **** beast, the legend is that it is a beast that climbs to the top and makes it to the top. Although it is in other places, perhaps this ancient one can also fight with it.

However, this day's magnetic beast was born in this day's magnetic field. After other creatures entered this day's magnetic field, the power continued to flow away. Only this day's magnetic beast was not affected at all.

Just now he and Dianhai planned to kill the kid with all his strength and then take the kid's body directly to escape.

I just didn't feel the breath of the magnetic beast that day. It should not be nearby. It should be possible to escape at the speed of the two of them.

But ... Unexpectedly, with their full strength, they ...

After ancient drinking that sentence, no matter what, the body suddenly became a riot and flew up.


"Eh!" A painful moan sounded suddenly.

In the riotous land, the sea was full of pain and horror, looking down at his heart.

There was a fist that pierced his own heart and pierced his own back.

Yes, it's just a fist!

Bright red blood flowed continuously.

The youth of the King of Gods triplet, without using any soldiers, used his punch to block himself and the strongest attack of the ancient times.

After that, he punched himself with a punch, destroying all his protective powers, and finally, pierced his own body!

After turning over the sea, he slowly looked up and looked at Shi Feng in the energy of the riot. He constantly spit out the words "you ... you ... you ...".

"What the **** are you doing?" At this moment, he doesn't believe this person anymore, and martial arts is true only in the triple king of God.

Leapfrog challenge, God King Triple Sky Battle God King Triple Sky, this is possible!

But Mie Tian, ​​in any case, can't fight the ascendant who made the peak!

This is the iron law, no one can break it!

Under the peak, all are ants!

Naturally, Shi Feng would not answer this exhausted sea. There is no need for him to explain to a dead person.

Instead, he slowly raised his head, looked up at the sky, and looked at the flying figure.



The ancients in the wild flying quickly left the riotous land, but he never saw the end of the sea.

Brow frowning, archaic and then bowing down, the energy of the place where it was just now gradually began to dissipate, and gradually, two figures appeared in his eyes.

Shi Feng and Que Hai!

Seeing that one's fist has penetrated the heart of the sea.

End of the sea, has been killed!

In fact, since flying out of the sea just now, ancient has realized that something bad happened to him.

However, there is not much touch on his death, as long as he is alive!

Subsequently, his eyes narrowed and he and Shi Feng looked at each other.

At this moment, ancient has felt endless coldness and killing intention from the person's eyes.

"Huh!" He groaned, humming from the ancient mouth.

"Oh!" Suddenly, just listening to a violent roar, came out of this magnetic field.

"Tianci God Beast!" After hearing the roar, the old face suddenly changed suddenly.

Tian magnetic **** beast now, he is no longer afraid to stay in this magnetic field, his body immediately violently flew again, flying outside this magnetic field area, said fiercely in his mouth:

"Staying in Magnetic Field for so long on this day, his Yuanli has lost a lot like me!

As long as the Tian Magnetic God Beast arrives in time, this kid is sure to die! At that time, when the movement passes, I will take a closer look! "


"Sky Magnetic Beast!"

"The roar of the Tianci Earth, it seems that it is indeed the Tianci God Beast!"


After hearing the roar from Tianci's place, the squares outside the Tianci's place were empty, and exclaimed again.


Below, under the running of Jiuyou Gong, the power and soul of the dead sea was swallowed up by Shi Feng instantly.

The corpse was drying up quickly.

But then Shi Feng felt that an extremely dangerous breath was approaching her side.

His right hand was shaken, and the dry body that had run out of the sea was immediately shaken into nothingness, and Shi Feng immediately moved in shape and moved up.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw that an extremely huge black palm suddenly straddled the void, as if made of an extremely huge black black iron, containing immense power of terror, and violently pressed against himself!

"What kind of monster is this!" Shi Feng shouted suddenly, but it was too late for him to think about it, and the **** palm that had been pressed had arrived.

"Boom!" The Thunder burst again.

Magic fire double tactics work again!

In this magnetic field, the blood demon of the demon, the mountain of Xu Mi, and Shi Feng have tried to summon just now, but as a result of the end of the sea, it can no longer be used and can not be sacrificed.

However, the thunderbolt in his body was not affected by the magnetic field of the sky. Under the operation of the thunderbolt, the thunderbolt continued to rotate in his body, constantly generating the land of thunderfire for him to use the thunderbolt.

"Boom!" With a punch, an extremely violent blast sounded.

Shi Feng's face suddenly moved suddenly, then he shivered, and was immediately slammed on the ground by the black iron giant.

The Thunderfire Mystery supplements the power of Thunderfire, allowing him to use Thunderfire.

But the nine ghostly powers lost in his body could not be supplemented by him. Previously, Shi Feng took out a handful of God Dan from the storage ring and stuffed it into his mouth, but in this day's magnetic field, it was elixir. It is completely useless.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After the black iron big hand shot Shi Feng into the earth, the magnetic beast still felt that Shi Feng was not dead that day. The big hand suddenly shot at the earth. If he didn't shoot him, he would swear!

"Damn insidious barrier!" Shi Feng's body was abnormal, and it was not so easy to shoot him.

Faced with violent bombardment, his face was extremely angry, and said ruthlessly.

"I'm here to help you!" At this moment, Shi Feng suddenly heard the voice of a woman in her right hand.

The sound comes from Jiantong.

After hearing that voice, Shi Feng hurriedly replied: "Don't make a fool of this strange place, all mysterious devices can't be used, you come out, but just die.

What you have to do now, pass me away from here first. "

Since this giant iron beast cannot be beaten here, Shi Feng plans to leave here first.

"Oh, right! Wait a minute!" And at this moment, Shi Feng suddenly remembered something, and quickly said to Jian Tong again.

"Huh?" A voice of doubt came out again.


"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the sky of the sky magnetic field, there is a black black iron giant levitating, showing an immense terror, exuding a black cold luster.

Its **** iron hand is still banging on the ruins below, "Roar! Roar!"

The roar continued.

Under his fierce strength, the tiny body has not been destroyed yet. It seems that this black iron fierce beast is also angry!


"Try your magical powers and see if you can teleport the six-headed snake in my Xumi Mountain!" In the ruined land, Shi Feng spoke again to Jian Tong ...

(End of this chapter)

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